Chapter 105
After finishing the zombie king, Wen Xiaoxiao felt that he was very hungry, and gave the zombie king a hard look.

After cleaning up the mess, the Zombie King was obedient, sitting in the corner of the kitchen, so obedient, Wen Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Ignore the Zombie King, go wash the pot and boil water, and cook some to deal with it tomorrow.

Fu Jiang Ci didn't stop the children, they just sneaked into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm so hungry." The babies stroked their poor bellies and looked up at their mother with aggrieved eyes.

Wen Xiaoxiao patted herself on the head, she was really confused, and the children were hungry.

Bo Yiliang walked over, knelt down and said, "Go to the living room and wait for your mother to go, it will be fine in a while."

He touched their small heads and said with a smile.

The children went back to the living room and waited while Bo Yiliang washed the vegetables in the kitchen.

Wen Xiaoxiao fried poached eggs in another pan, because she had just cooked some noodles and was not cooking, and she was not in the mood to cook again.

After the noodles are cooked, put them in a bowl one by one, and together with Bo Yiliang, put the noodles on the table in the living room.

A small group of people no longer disliked the noodles, and started to eat them wholeheartedly.

They were really hungry, and even felt that the noodles in their mouths were much more delicious than the ones they ate before.

I ate lunch much later than before, and I had lunch around 01:30.

A few children heard three uncles say that the delicious food made by mother was eaten by man-eating monsters.

The children were particularly disgusted with the monster that ate the delicious food made by their mother.

Not long after eating, the babies started to feel sleepy.

Several babies have already formed the habit. After eating at noon every day and taking a short rest, they start to feel sleepy.

Wen Xiaoxiao didn't accompany the children to bed, and let them go to bed obediently by themselves. Anyway, with their uncles accompanying them, they didn't make much noise.

Wen Runhan also likes those lively and cute babies very much.

Back in the room, the children obediently took off the shoes on their little feet.

I took off my coat and pants again, because it was really uncomfortable to sleep on my body, so all the babies took off.

Five chubby milk dolls were lying on the white bedding, in stark contrast, the dolls looked much whiter and more lovely.

Wen Runhan watched the five babies lie down obediently, and covered them with quilts. The quilts were tightly covered, only the little furry heads were exposed, while he himself was lying on one and could only sleep on the next person. Fold the bed and set it aside.

Then he lay down on the bed obediently and fell asleep.

Wen Xiaoxiao and Bo Yiliang went to the kitchen, called the zombie to the living room, and sat on the sofa.

"Since you can understand people's words, be honest, and you will not lack your delicious food in the future, and you are not allowed to attack anyone, do you hear me?"

Wen Xiaoxiao looked at it fiercely and said, it was written in his eyes, if you are disobedient, not only will you not be given delicious food, but you will also be killed.

Seeing this, the stupid zombie king nodded obediently.

In Zombie King's heart, "The sky is big and the earth is big, but food can't be let down."

Food is its life!Without delicious food, it feels like it has no energy.

And it ate the food made by the woman in front of it, and felt very energetic in itself.

As long as it listens to this woman, it will eat delicious food and feel that it is not a loss.

Thinking about it, Liezui smiled with two pointed fangs.

"You look ugly when you smile, you better stop laughing!" Wen Xiaoxiao looked at the Zombie King's smile, rolled her big eyes, and said to it in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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