Chapter 107 Reaching City B (2)

After Bo Yiliang hugged her on his bed, he lay beside her with his clothes on.

Seeing her sleeping soundly, he didn't bother her.

In the recent period of time, she basically didn't take much rest, worried that the zombie king would hurt people, when she slept, she was very shallow, and woke up whenever there was any movement.

Holding the fruit in his hands, the Zombie King went to the kitchen, sat on the ground in the corner of the kitchen, and gnawed the sweet and delicious fruit, eating it very sweetly.

A pair of gray and white eyes, looking at the fruit while eating.

I thought to myself: "If I really follow that woman, it will have a lot of delicious food, even the fruits that it doesn't eat very much are so delicious, it is really a happy and happy zombie!"

After thinking about it, he gnawed on the fruit again.

There was a constant "click click" sound coming from the kitchen, even if someone heard it, they would not pay attention to it, because after a few days of getting along, they already knew who was inside, besides the zombie king, who else could it be?
In another place, Qin Ye has brought a group of people to City B.

There was a cool breeze outside, and they were shivering from the cold. Everyone standing outside the base had smiles on their faces.

"Great, they're back."

Qin Ye didn't pay much attention to them, stood in the front row and walked over.

The guards outside the base gate stopped them.

"Stop, who are you?" the guard asked seriously.

The guards didn't know Qin Ye, so they stopped him in a business-like manner.

"Qin Ye." He opened his eyelids and looked directly at the guards.

Then he added, "Bo Yiliang's subordinate."

As soon as the guard heard it, he glanced at him and said, "I'll go in and ask if it's true. Mr. Qin is not surprised."

As he spoke, he looked at another guard beside him and said, "Look carefully, I'll go in."

Then he quickly left and ran inside. There was a little distance between the gate of the base and the place where the team leader lived, and it took about ten minutes to run there.

But he ran very fast, and he ran to the place in a short while.

"Team leader, Ye Zhong wants to see you, saying that Qin Ye is back." Father Bo's loyal subordinate said to him.

Qin Ye.

Father Bo frowned, isn't that the subordinate of his eldest son?

After thinking for a while, he said, "Let him in!"


After a while, Ye Zhong walked in and said respectfully, "Leader."

"He has already said that you have someone check him, and let him in!"

Afterwards, Ye Zhong ran out again, inspected Qin Ye and his group, and let them in after finding out that they were all right.

And Bo Yiliang and the others are still on their way?

Bo Yiliang lay on the bed and looked at Wen Xiaoxiao, and fell asleep as he watched.

After Wen Xiaoxiao woke up, she felt comfortable all over.Wen Xiaoxiao looked at Bo Yiliang who was sleeping next to him, but didn't wake him up, and got off the bed lightly.

Putting on his shoes, he went to the next room, looked at the babies, rubbed his big eyes, looked at her mistyly, and softly called out to her mother.

Wen Xiaoxiao walked over and rubbed their heads, "Honey, wake up, are you hungry?"

"Mom, I'm not hungry." The children shook their little heads.

"Sister, I'm not hungry either." Wen Runhan also said aloud.

They are not like that zombie king, they are particularly edible, and they have to eat several meals a day.

At first, when they saw the Zombie King, they were so scared that they almost cried.

Although he looked similar to a human, with his gray eyes and two pointed fangs, he still scared them a lot. Compared with other zombies, he was much better.

(End of this chapter)

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