Chapter 117 Rejection
But every day or every few days, a few people will come here.

So, Wu Xiaoyi arranged what they were going to do, and walked outside the gate.

The vegetables and rice that were planted before have all matured, which is incredible.

"Brother Chi, see if that is the base in front." The woman put her arms around Baichi's arm, her voice was sweet, and she used her body to rub against each other.

Baichi looked up and saw the magnificent building in front of him, the city wall was hundreds of high.

"Let's go and have a look! It's really tiring to be wandering outside every day, beating zombies." How long after the scar face has been tempered, he feels physically and mentally exhausted, and he doesn't have a stable place to live. Just wandering in the wandering place, and then looked at the crowd and said.

The boss of the berserk team also nodded, and said, "Then let's go in! Wandering outside every day is not an option."

Thus, all the members of the berserk team walked forward one after another.

Wu Xiaoyi led Cheng Yao and Pei Xi out of the base.

Cheng Yao and Pei Xi, one is responsible for giving the loyalty pill, and the other is responsible for giving the identity card.

And Wu Xiaoyi is responsible for recording the names, ages, etc. of the people who came in...

After getting along for a period of time, Pei Xi and Cheng Yao got along better and better. After all, the ages of the two were the same, and there were really not many people as old as them in the base. indivual.

Either very small, or bigger than the two of them.

The three of them walked outside the base in a short while.

Not long after, a group of people from the berserk team came over.

"Are you on the same team? What team." Wu Xiaoyi said with a straight face.

Scar took a step forward on his face, his body trembled a few times, and he replied roughly: "We are members of the berserk team, what's wrong."

Wu Xiaoyi paused his hands when he heard the person who came. When Wen Xiaoxiao left, he had explained to him that the violent team, Baichi and Bai Xiaolian would not accept them.

As for why they weren't accepted, Wu Xiaoyi didn't know. If he didn't guess wrong, something bad happened with them.

Pei Xi has been with Wen Xiaoxiao for a long time, and she knows a little bit about her character. She looks ruthless and cold-blooded, but in fact she is kind-hearted.

Besides, Yiwen has a small temper, if you don't provoke her, she won't do anything to you.

"Sorry, we won't let you in, please leave!" Wu Xiaoyi didn't have a good impression of them, and when he spoke to them, he was only polite.

At this time, another couple came not far away, and their children walked over.

They were dirty and all looked malnourished.

Wu Xiaoyi ignored the members of the violent team, but looked at the couple and asked, "Do you want to come to the base?"

"Yes, yes, I wonder if you still accept it here?" The man looked at Wu Xiaoyi nervously, for fear that he would refuse.

"It's accepted." So, Wu Xiaoyi briefly explained the rules for coming in.

After the couple entered the base, the berserk team members, with gloomy faces and killing intent, said angrily, "Why can't we go in, why can they go in."

"Then why did you come here? It's because you guys don't like it, and you don't want to let me in like that. Why, I have an opinion." Wu Xiaoyi raised her eyebrows and said.

Then he said: "Even if you have an opinion, you have to hold it back for me."

I didn't have a good impression of them at first, but now it's even worse.

Pei Xi knew something, and he didn't have a good impression of them, so he had a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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