Chapter 127 I said
It looked much worse than what Wen Xiao painted.

Wen Bei painted the bearded man's mouth and eyebrows pink, having a great time.

Sitting on the sofa, Bo's father and mother, Wen Xiaoxiao and Bo Yiliang, Bo Yibing and Cheng Yi, all had smiles on their faces.

Mother Bo thought to herself: "My grandchildren are so cute."

Bo's father thought to himself: "It's no wonder they are descendants of their Bo family."

Bo Yibing thought to himself: "These five cubs are too bad, if he provokes five of them in the future, will his handsome face become like theirs too."

Cheng Yi thought to himself: "It's so bearish, so cute."

Bo Yiliang: "..."

Wen Xiaoxiao: "My son and daughter are really excellent."

A few people complained in their hearts, and I don't blame them for what they think. After all, they are really not good people, so they deserve to be smeared.

Cheng Li looked at Xiongzi's chubby hand, and was about to reach it again, looked at Bo Yiliang and said, "I say, I say."

He doesn't want to eat the taste of painting brushes anymore.

Seeing this, Bo Yiliang walked up to Cheng Li, squatted down, asked Wen Xiao and the children to go to their mother, and asked, "Tell me! Let's listen."

Cheng Li swallowed in fear, and then said falteringly: "I, our team leader, want to let some of us steal some of your children, so I threaten you."

Hearing this, Bo Yiliang's expression turned cold, and he sneered and said, "It's really courageous for you to steal my children just because of you!"

In the living room, upon hearing what Cheng Li said, the usually good-tempered Bo Mu couldn't bear it any longer. She went to a corner, took an iron rod, and went up to beat up a few people.

Except for Bo's father, everyone else was beaten, and after a while, their noses and faces were bruised and swollen.

Looking at them, Wen Xiaoxiao really regretted that she didn't give them a good meal last night. What made her even more unexpected was that they actually wanted to steal some of her treasures. My aunt can't stand it.

Seeing that they were almost done beating, Father Bo coughed and said, "Okay, lock them up first."

"Yiliang, follow me to the study and discuss how to deal with the refueling base."

Originally, Bo's father thought of forgetting it, and after the new year was over, he would take everyone in the base to the place his son mentioned.

But they, absolutely should not, should not put their thoughts on his grandchildren.

Now that they did what they did, he can't be blamed for being cruel, right?

Bo Yiliang locked the people one by one into an unoccupied room.

Then he went to the study with Bo's father and talked about how to deal with them.

Wen Xiaoxiao was also extremely angry, no, it should be said that everyone sitting in the living room was very angry.

Bo Yibing watched his lovely nephew and niece being taken away, and he felt that their family would be in chaos.

"Thinking of this, he felt that Xiong Dan, the leader of the refueling base on the opposite side, is really not a person. No, he is not even as good as a beast. Even a beast insults a beast. At least the beast has a little human touch, doesn't it?"

Although Wen Runhan is not very old, he also understands that the people who want to arrest his niece (daughter) are not good people.

He also kicked a few times himself, although he didn't have much strength, but he was relieved!
"I'm so pissed off. Xiong Dan is really not a good thing. He wants to steal my precious grandchildren. I'm really impatient."

The more Mother Bo thought about it, the more angry she became. How long has she not been with her precious grandchildren?He actually wanted to steal a few of their babies.

It doesn't matter if the previous food was stolen, and no one can be blamed for being unkind.

However, this time, it is impossible to count.

The mother hurried over after breakfast, the children were really rare, his son didn't give birth to him a white and fat grandson and granddaughter, so he could only come to Bo mother's place.

At the beginning, when she didn't have these children, she was still very balanced. Now that the mother has grandchildren, her heart is balanced.

After all, when people get older, they like children, and she did.

It's a pity that her son is a master who doesn't live up to expectations, and he still doesn't have a daughter-in-law, which really worries her.

Originally, the ratio of male to female was very out of balance, and due to the reasons of the end of the world, there were even fewer girls. Could she not worry?
As soon as the mother walked into the living room, she found that the atmosphere was extremely weird.

Everyone sitting on the sofa was extremely quiet, even a few children sat beside Wen Xiaoxiao obediently.

Wen Xiaoxiao and the others stared at Bo's mother, but Bo Yibing covered his face and didn't want to look at Bo's mother just now, like a shrew scolding Bo's mother, because it was too embarrassing.

The corner of Wen Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched. The woman in front of her looked so dignified. She never thought that there would be such a side.

Mother Bo looked at the eyes of several people staring at her, and coughed in embarrassment.

His eyes were on the mother who walked in.

"You're here!" Bo Mu said dryly.

"What's the matter, I think you are so strange!" Fu's mother looked at them a little puzzled.

Bo's mother listened to Fu's mother's question, and thought of what happened before, so she was so angry that she didn't say anything.

Then he dragged his mother to sit on the sofa, talking blandly about what happened today.

"What, you said that the person on the other side wants to steal some of our little treasures." The mother patted the coffee table next to her angrily, because her strength was a bit heavy, and there was a burning feeling in the palm of her hand.

"Those are my little ones, why not get excited." Bo's mother twitched her lips speechlessly, looking at her mother who was even more excited than herself, she was very dissatisfied.

Wen Xiaoxiao is like a melon-eating crowd, watching the conversation between Bo's mother and Fu's mother, holding a washed apple in her hand, eating with several children and Wen Runhan while watching them.

Bo Yibing looked at his sister-in-law and several children, and found that the way they ate was really carved out of the same mold.

But those boys looked exactly like his elder brother when he was a child, and the girls looked like her sister-in-law, with a juicy look, very cute.

There is also a ten-year-old boy sitting next to her sister-in-law, who looks quite similar to her sister-in-law.

He also heard Brother Cheng's evaluation of his sister-in-law, why didn't he believe it?

The sister-in-law looks soft and weak, how could it be that brother Cheng said that she is tough, like a female man.

Obviously it should be protected by his elder brother.

Bo Yibing didn't know that Wen Xiaoxiao looked soft and weak on the outside, but it was actually just an illusion.

In fact, Wen Xiaoxiao is no worse than men at all, even more powerful than men.

 I'm sorry, the phone was turned off the afternoon before yesterday and I couldn't turn it on. I was thinking of buying a new one, but Zicha's father went back to his hometown for something, so I couldn't buy it even if I wanted to. I thought the phone was broken?I didn't expect the phone to turn on again tonight, which is really strange.

  This chapter is from yesterday, today and tomorrow I have time to make it up, the two chapters are combined together, good night, okay!Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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