Chapter 129 Peach Phantom
Wen Xiaoxiao puts the vegetables he needs in his space either in the fruit basket or in the bucket.

After transporting everything to the kitchen, Wen Xiaoxiao started to pack the meat ingredients.

Vegetables and ingredients without meat are difficult to wash, and it takes only a little time to send them.

Wen Xiaoxiao picked up the three plump fish in the hand bucket and began to handle them skillfully.

Not all the three fish were for the Zombie King, one was for the Zombie King, and the other two were for all of them at noon.

For her, doing more is also doing, and doing less is also doing, so why not make more and eat together?
After the fish is processed, chop it into pieces and marinate it in a large bowl for a while, which will make it more delicious.

Then came the chicken, and I also took three chickens, half of which were braised in soy sauce and half in soup.

After the chicken was processed, Wen Xiaoxiao put the chicken into the pot, put in the seasoning, and started cooking. If the chicken was not cooked in advance, the chicken would not be rotten, and the taste of the chicken would not be very good.

Then it took a lot of time to process other ingredients.

After the meat ingredients are processed, start to process the vegetable ingredients. It is also very easy to handle the vegetables. Just wash the fruits several times and clean off the dirt on the vegetables.

The vegetables are grown in the space, not as dirty as the vegetables grown outside, and the vegetables in the space are all tender and juicy, and they look very pleasing, and the taste is also very good.

After all the ingredients were processed, Wen Xiaoxiao started to cook.

A large pot of white rice was steamed in the rice cooker, and the rice was also produced from the space. The steamed white rice had a faint fragrance, and it smelled very appetizing. Adding the steamed rice water was The spiritual water in the space tastes even better.

Because there were a lot of dishes to cook, Wen Xiaoxiao used three pots to cook at the same time.

She habitually fry the meat dishes first, and then the vegetables.

Because after the vegetables are fried, then the meat dishes are fried, and the vegetables will be cold, which will also affect the taste.

Chicken, fish, and shrimp are fried in three pots, one for each. Although this will speed up, it is really tiring.

After a while, the smell of meat wafted from the pot, and the Zombie King stayed in the kitchen the whole time, watching Wen Xiaoxiao make delicious food for him, so he didn't bother her.

However, with the scent wafting out of the pot, it couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to eat it.

In the past few days, Wen Xiaoxiao didn't cook any meals for the Zombie King. All he was given was fruit. Although the fruit tasted good, what he liked more was delicious food.

Thinking that it will be able to eat delicious food in a short time, its gray eyes narrowed, very happy.

Sniffing his nose and smelling the fragrance in the air, the whole Zombie King was satisfied.

Not long after, the three dishes were ready. Put the dishes in the three pots one by one into the dish with a shovel, and then put them into the space, so as not to get cold and taste bad how good.

After that, they started to stir-fry again. There were many unfried dishes on the kitchen table, and there were still about a dozen dishes that needed to be fried.

Wen Xiaoxiao prepared twenty dishes, not only for the Zombie King, but also for the whole family, so there were more dishes.

After all, the Zombie King has a big appetite, and if you prepare some food for him, it won't be enough for him to stuff his teeth.

Time was passing by bit by bit, and Wen Xiaoxiao finally finished all the meals, and raised his arms that were a little sore from cooking.

"Fuck, I'm exhausted." Wen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but swear.

After bringing out all the meals that the zombie king wanted to eat, Wen Xiaoxiao went to lie on the sofa for a while.

After a short rest, Wen Xiaoxiao went to where they were.

At this time, it was already noon, and when Wen Xiaoxiao walked into the living room, she watched them talking and laughing, Bo Yibing was teasing a few children, and Bo's mother would say a few words from time to time, enjoying themselves happily.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Fu's mother looked at Bo's mother and said, "I'll go back first, and I'll see some babies sometime later."

With that said, the mother-in-law stood up from the sofa and was about to go out.

"Hey... why are you leaving? Let's eat here at noon. I'll let someone cook." Mother Bo said.

"There's no need to cook, I've prepared everything." Wen Xiaoxiao said when he came in from the outside.

"Mom, are you tired?" Wen Bei obediently ran up to Wen Xiaoxiao, hugged her leg, raised her head, and looked at Wen Xiaoxiao with sparkling eyes.

Wen Xiaoxiao smiled, touched the little girl's head, and then said: "Mom is not tired, baby is hungry. Mom has cooked a lot of your favorite food."

"Wow, Mom, I love you so much!" Wen Bei heard her mother said that she made a lot of delicious food for herself, and her eyes became crescent moons.

I haven't eaten the dishes made by my mother for the past few days, and I am very hungry.

Wen Xiaoxiao walked to the dining table and brought out all the food in the space, and the air was instantly filled with the aroma of the food.

The mother-in-law, who was about to leave, didn't leave, because she was so enticed by the food Wen Xiaoxiao made.

Those who have never eaten Wen Xiaoxiao's cooking are hungry.

Bo Yibing's stomach let out a protest, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

Wen Xiao secretly laughed with his chubby hands, his small body trembled, Wen Mo, Wen Heng and Wen Yang also laughed.

It's just that not long after Wen Xiaocai laughed at Bo Yibing, his stomach began to growl in protest.

The face that was still smiling suddenly stopped smiling, and his mouth was flattened, extremely wronged.

Bo Yiliang looked at his foolish son and his foolish brother, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

The corner of his mouth curled up, watching the aggrieved youngest son beckon, "Come here."

Wen Xiao got off the sofa, walked towards Bo Yiliang slowly, and shouted aggrievedly: "Dad~"

Wen Xiao pouted and looked at Bo Yiliang.

Bo Yiliang pinched his chubby face, and then said something in Wen Xiao's ear, and instantly changed from an unhappy face to a loud laugh.

The other children looked at it curiously, Wen Xiao who was smiling for no reason.

"Let's go, let's eat." Bo Yiliang greeted the children to wash their hands, while Wen Xiaoxiao took the dishes and chopsticks out of the kitchen.

At the dinner table, everyone started to gobble it up, while Bo Yibing ate, he did not forget to praise: "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Because Bo Yibing was eating, he was a little slurred when speaking.

After a meal, everyone was very satisfied.

One by one, they slumped on the sofa, and asked the nanny to clean up the dishes on the table.

Wen Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa, looked at the merit value with his mind, and found that it had accumulated nearly [-] million.

Presumably, Wu Xiaoyi should have saved many people, that's why it happened!
I also looked at the merit points that Taozi needed to transform into an illusion, and it would need [-] million.

Suddenly, she felt a little regretful, but since she agreed to Tao Zi, there was no room for regret.

So, out of sight and out of mind, Taozi was transformed into a human form in advance, and Taozi was slowly changing at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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