Chapter 137 It's Snowing

The weather was cold, and white goose feather-like snow fell on the roof, covering the ground and the roof. Looking around, it was white and beautiful.

In the filthy end of the world, it is not easy to see this piece of whiteness.

The snow has not stopped for three days and three nights, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

From time to time, some people would report to Bo's father where and where people froze to death. The people in the whole base were terrified all day long, and the people in the base were a little chaotic.

Since it snowed these few days, Wen Xiaoxiao hasn't slept in the RV with her children.

Wen Xiaoxiao looked at the snow falling outside the window, and felt very irritable. She was wearing thick clothes and could feel the coldness.

Thinking of her base, she can't wait to go back quickly. It is like spring all the year round, comfortable and pleasant, and it is most suitable for the elderly to provide for the elderly.

"What's the matter, I'm sighing." Bo Yiliang looked at Wen Xiaoxiao who was staring at him in a daze.

"This damn weather is really too cold, and it's not an option to continue." Her worry is also normal.

The snow outside can already cover the necks of several children, one can imagine how thick it is.

The snow fell heavily for three days and three nights, and several children were lying on the bed all the time, because it was too cold, and the children could not move forward.

Even Tao Zi slipped into the space, and the Zombie King was not afraid of the cold, so he stayed in the house to eat.

Father Bo's hair turned grey, and he suddenly felt a little powerless as he watched people leave one after another.

People with supernatural powers may be able to bear it, but it is difficult for ordinary people.

And the snow is not something he can stop, so it seems a little powerless.

Although Bo Yiliang and Wen Xiaoxiao are powerful, they are not so powerful that they can block the sky and block the sun.

"Taozi, can I use the formation?" Wen Xiaoxiao talked to Taozi with his mind.

She didn't use spells or anything, not even formations.

She basically uses supernatural powers, and most of them use supernatural powers to improve her strength, but forget about spells and so on.

"Yes, master." Tao Zi replied after hearing the master's words.

"Xiao Xiao, why are you in a daze again?" Bo Yiliang looked at Wen Xiaoxiao who had already lost his mind and was in a daze, feeling extremely helpless.

"It's okay, I was wondering if we can set up a formation to keep the snow outside out." Wen Xiaoxiao said leisurely.

Bo Yiliang was taken aback, sat next to Wen Xiaoxiao and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Yes, I asked Tao Zi just now, if it still snows in the evening, we will set up a formation." Wen Xiaoxiao said.

"Okay! Let's go in and see the child!" The two of them spent some time in the living room.

Bo's father and Bo's mother are also old, and they are a little afraid of the cold, afraid of the cold, afraid of freezing or something.

The two of them were also nestled in the room, father Bo looked sad and tired.

In the past three nights, he hadn't had a good night's sleep. He was worried about what would happen to the survivors when the snow fell heavily.

The place where he lives can be said to be the best, while the places where ordinary people without supernatural powers live are particularly bad, and they can't protect against the cold wind, so many people die.

All the people in the base stayed in the room, and several people were covered with quilts and hugged each other to keep warm.

After Wen Xiaoxiao and Bo Yiliang entered the room, they saw several babies huddled together like cicada chrysalis.

I even thought it was fun, laughed haha, and moved around on the bed, exhilarating.

The temperature in the room was quite warm, Wen Xiaoxiao didn't feel the cold, but felt very comfortable.

"Mom, why is it still snowing outside! I want to go out and play." Seeing that Wen Xiao had stayed in the house for three days and hadn't come out, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Mom doesn't know either! But baby, don't go out, it's so cold outside, maybe it will turn into an ice statue." Wen Xiaoxiao said to them in fright.

Several children flinched, "Mom, it's bad."

"Okay, be good! Mom will send you into the space, okay, there will be peaches to play with you." Wen Xiaoxiao said.

"Okay! Okay!" Wen Xiao didn't get excited, but Wen Heng and Wen Yang did.

They haven't entered the space for a long time, Wen Xiaoxiao saw that he didn't reject him, looked at him again and said: "Then you are inside, remember to be good."

Before sending the children in, Wen Xiaoxiao said to Taozi, "Take care of the children. If they get hurt, let me see how I will deal with you."

"Master, don't worry! I will definitely take good care of them." Tao Zi patted her chest, stood up straight, and said with a face of recognition.

Although Taozi is not serious, she loves the children extremely.

Wen Xiaoxiao sent the children into the space and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that a few children would get sick from the cold. To be honest, if she didn't have supernatural powers, she could guarantee that 80.00% of her would die of starvation or cold.

"Yiliang, I think I should set up the formation now." Wen Xiaoxiao said.

At first she thought about waiting until later, but now she had to move ahead.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." As she said, she took Wen Xiaoxiao's hand and walked outside.

Bo Yiliang's face was expressionless, except for Wen Xiaoxiao, a few children and their parents, he never, never smiled at anyone else, and only occasionally smiled at his friends.

Opening the door, a gust of cold wind swept over the two of them, and they shivered from the cold.

"Fuck, it's so fucking cold!" Wen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but swear softly.

Bo Yiliang was afraid that Wen Xiaoxiao would freeze, so he hugged Wen Xiaoxiao directly in his arms.

Wen Xiaoxiao felt the temperature of Bo Yiliang's body, and it felt warm to her body.

Tried hands outside, and felt that it was almost done, Wen Xiaoxiao raised her arms, came out of Bo Yiliang's arms, waved her hands and began to slowly form formations above the sky.

Wen Xiaoxiao only knows a thing or two about formations.

However, it is still possible to wrap the entire base with formations.

Bo Yiliang was standing beside Wen Xiaoxiao who was watching the formation. From the beginning, the flush on his face had turned into a pale and pale color.

Formation is not an easy task, it requires a lot of spiritual power, and she doesn't have much spiritual power, it can be said that after the whole formation is over, she is exhausted and has no strength at all.

Seeing that he was about to fall down, Bo Yiliang stepped forward and hugged him like a princess.

Looking at the pale Wen Xiaoxiao, I felt a burst of distress in my heart. I stroked her pale face and said with pity: "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you must have had a very good time there."

Looking at Wen Xiaoxiao's guilt and self-reproach, Bo Yiliang said softly.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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