The King of Drama takes me all the way to win

Chapter 80 1 Surprised and Surprised

Chapter 80 Surprised and Surprised

Long Yintian didn't expect this sudden accident to happen. He looked at the long bloodstain on the back of Feng Qingyue's hand, and the distress in his eyes immediately showed.

"Does it hurt?"

"It's all your fault!" Feng Qingyue gave Long Yintian a coquettish look.

If it hadn't been for his sudden appearance, she would not have been frightened, and it was even more impossible for Xiaocui to kill her inexplicably.

But looking at Long Yintian's handsome attire today, she couldn't help but want to look at him more.

He was dressed in a red wedding robe, which made his skin fairer, and his handsome and exquisite three-dimensional facial features were so perfect that she almost screamed.

Feng Qingyue swore secretly that she would never let Long Yintian wear such red again, it would be a crime!
"Miss, slaves deserve death!"

"What the hell!" Feng Qingyue quickly regained her thoughts and helped Xiao Cui up from the ground.

"It's auspicious for my lady to see blood on the wedding day, understand? You see, my lord and I are wearing scarlet robes, which match the color of the blood."

"Miss, how can you say that? Today is you..."

"Okay, let's turn this matter over like this. Anyway, he is the culprit."

When Feng Qingyue turned her head to look at Long Yintian, she happened to meet those soul-stirring peach blossom eyes.She dodged immediately in a panic, and asked awkwardly, "Why are you here?"

"I'll take you to the sedan chair." Long Yintian didn't explain why he did this.

Ever since Jin Yuhang told him that Long Chenghao went to Qin's house and brought the injured Qin Wanru out of Qin's house, he always felt that something was wrong, so he immediately changed his original plan.

He decided to marry Feng Qingyue in a high-profile manner, always protect her by his side, and never give the couple a chance to hurt her.

"Qingyue, the auspicious time has come, are you ready?" Long Yintian gently rubbed the back of her injured hand with his fingertips, and looked at her affectionately.

Feng Qingyue nodded shyly, and her heart beat even faster.

Long Yintian lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, covered her with the red hijab himself, and walked out of the room with her in his arms.

When the people outside saw Long Yintian coming out with Feng Qingyue in his arms, they immediately cheered.

When he also noticed the tense and stiff movements of the person in his arms, he immediately lowered his head and whispered a few words in her ear.

Afterwards, he carefully carried her into the sedan chair.

"Look, what's going on?"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and everyone turned their attention in unison.

I saw that Feng Jinqi suddenly walked to the front of the sedan chair, and under the surprised gaze of a sedan chair bearer, he actually lifted the sedan chair together with other sedan chair bearers.

"The general actually carried the sedan chair for his daughter?"

"Look over there again, is the major general going to lead the prince's horse?"

The common people thought they were wrong, and wiped their eyes again and again.

Feng Qingyue didn't understand until now that this was the special wedding gift that Feng Jingyue told her about.

Under Xipa, tears fell down his chin.

However, just when everyone was speechless by this scene, they saw big boxes being carried out of the general's mansion one after another.

Counting carefully, there are a total of 360 dowries.

Ten miles of red makeup!

This is more than ten miles!

"Then...the one at the end is the Feng family's army? Could it be that the Feng's family's army is also one of Miss Feng's dowry?"

When the common people saw five hundred Feng family troops walking behind the last dowry, they were already speechless in surprise.

Such a scene, such a generous 'dowry', even the empress's marriage from Feng's family was not so beautiful.

 There are a few words Xixi wants to say to everyone.

  Yesterday I inexplicably received a few one-star negative reviews, saying that I couldn't understand the text, and I didn't understand what was written.I don't know why you want to smear my articles like this, but every article is the creation of the author's hard work. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it, but please don't deliberately lower my score.

  In addition, such comments, I will also be politely deleted.

  In the end, there is still the old saying, I hope you will support me a lot, give more votes, and give Xixi a five-star rating by the way~

(End of this chapter)

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