Smile is very alluring: the charming temperament you want most

Chapter 6 Be an Exquisite Woman and Bloom Yourself

Chapter 6 Be an Exquisite Woman and Bloom Yourself (1)
- Socialize with an appropriate image
A woman's temperament does not lie in her appearance, but must rely on it.Appropriate attire will enhance a woman's temperament and play the role of icing on the cake. If a woman with temperament is not trimmed, it will be difficult to show her temperament.Walking on the street, the focus of everyone's attention is undoubtedly those beautiful women who are well-dressed and have natural makeup.Therefore, please manage your own image carefully, create a stunning look at first sight, and let your temperament be gorgeous and fixed.

Are you beautiful?the moment we first met

First impressions never get a second chance.


I believe that every woman has had this experience since she was a student: the new semester begins, and many freshmen come to register. There will always be one or two girls who stand out in the crowd. Standing in the crowd, they will look different.Later, when we entered the society, similar situations were even more common: in some large-scale gatherings, people's eyes would always be locked by one or two beautiful "focal points". They were not necessarily the youngest and most beautiful. They may not be the most luxuriously dressed, but their charm can convince everyone.

Perhaps, you still don't understand why they can become shining beauties, but you are unknown and rarely paid attention to?Even, you will complain that you are not a natural beauty, and you are eager to get rid of various blemishes on your you know?In fact, the problem is not here. There are no perfect people in this world. They can win the competition of charm because they win at the "starting line".

The Queen of England wrote in a letter to the Prince of Wales: "Clothing shows a person's appearance. When people judge a person's mentality and form their perception of this person, they usually rely on his appearance, and often judge in this way, because Appearance is visible, and others are invisible, and based on this, clothing is particularly important..."

The queen's words are not exaggerated.For those who don't know you, they almost always start by paying attention to your appearance, and then judge you based on it.There will inevitably be deviations in doing so, but it really tells us that the image of a woman is worth millions.Whether a woman is tall, short, fat or thin, as long as she is well-dressed and has a good appearance, she will leave a deep and good impression on people at first sight.

Almost all women have received this kind of education: "Don't pursue too much appearance beauty, but try to be a person with inner beauty." Judging people by their appearance has always been regarded as a superficial and vulgar behavior.However, we have to admit that the first impression of a woman is inseparable from her appearance.

Miss Lisa, Master of Economics, looks like a pretty woman.But, unfortunately, until now, no man has fallen in love with her.She even looks sloppy, sometimes going out in two different shades of socks.Not to mention the image.She always throws things around. When you see her, she is always looking for things: "Did you see my keys? Where is my phone? Find it for me!"

At work, Lisa is good at stock analysis, but in the face of this sloppy woman, few people are willing to talk to her for a long time.Therefore, she has no hope of promotion so far, seeing that the girl who used to be her partner has now become her immediate boss.In terms of love, it is no exaggeration to say that many men have no desire to meet her again the first time they see her.A man who had been on a blind date with Lisa said: "I can't marry her, otherwise my life will be full of dust and the sky will be dark."

When a first impression is formed in someone's mind, it takes a lot of effort to change it later.For a woman like Lisa, even if she suddenly realizes this one day and continues to improve her external image, no one can guarantee that she will be able to change the "fixed frame" she left in the hearts of others.

Isn’t it weird that in a lot of memoirs we read something like “She’s the same, the same as when I first met her…”?How can a person remain unchanged after several years or more than ten years?In fact, it's not that the other party is still the same, it's just that the first impression of that person has been deeply engraved in the hearts of others, and has not changed with the passage of time.

It can be seen from this that you can change your clothes and makeup, but the first impression you leave on the other party is like a lingering smell that permeates your body all the time.

Even if you are born beautiful, you can't face the sky

A woman should live rationally, love a man worthy of her love with one-third of her mind, love the world and life itself with one-third of her mind, and love herself with one-third of her mind.


The beauty of a woman lies not only in her natural beauty, but also in her overall makeup.Good makeup is crafted by women with wisdom and self-cultivation.If you want to be a shining beauty, you should pay attention to your makeup at all times, and make makeup a habit of your life. Once you develop this habit, you can not only leave a good impression on others, but also show yourself A healthy and positive attitude will increase your happiness and self-confidence, and your charm will naturally increase.On the contrary, a woman who is delicate but doesn't pay attention to makeup will often make her beauty greatly compromised because of this small negligence.

Zhuang Jingchen is a white-collar worker in a foreign company. She looks good and has a good figure. The only thing is that her complexion is dark.But because of her good eloquence, she is very popular in the circle of friends.But recently, because she works late every day, she wakes up late in the morning. In order not to be late for work, she doesn't bother to put on makeup.

Once, a big client came to the company, and the manager felt that she was proficient in business and eloquent, so he sent her to meet her. As a result, when the client saw her walking over with a vicissitudes of life, he immediately felt that the other party's staff didn't pay attention to the occasion, and it was too much. casual.Zhuang Jingchen also immediately realized her gaffe.In order to catch the bus in the morning, she didn't have any makeup at all, and she met the client with a tired face, wouldn't it be terrible?
It is not easy to have a beautiful makeup at a glance, but it is not an easy task. After all, there are so many cosmetics, so many makeup tools, and so many makeup colors, it is not enough to know some makeup methods. It takes some time to practice general makeup techniques so that you can apply them comfortably.

During the Warring States Period, Song Yu described a beautiful woman in "Dengtuzi's Lustful Fu" in this way: "The most beautiful woman in the world is Chu, the beauty of Chu is Chen Li, and the beauty of Chen Li is the son of the Dong family. The son of the Dong family If it is increased by one point, it will be too long, if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short, if it is powdered, it will be too white, and if it is applied with red, it will be too red."

Proper makeup seems to be a woman's dream, unattainable.In fact, the simple understanding of just right is - suitable for yourself.Regardless of the level of makeup, as long as you "look like yourself, not someone else".In this way, it will give people a natural and comfortable feeling. The more realistic and natural makeup, the more attractive.

Due to the basic lack of fine cultivation concepts and habits, as well as the awareness of strict requirements on the image at all times, most women's makeup is not refined enough, and there are often rough traces of retouching, such as blurred edges of lipstick, floating foundation, uneven Trimming eyebrows, etc., these will affect a person's beauty.For this reason, we must master the rules of makeup and try our best to be exquisite.Of course, to be refined does not happen overnight, but requires long-term cultivation and polishing. It is the most prominent expression of a woman's quality.Once you learn how to apply lipstick delicately and draw a smooth and clear lip line, your quality and taste will add a lot of temperament.

Harmony is the ultimate state of makeup, which includes three levels of meaning: First, the harmony of makeup and face.Harmonious makeup means that the makeup of all parts should be coordinated in style and color, such as soft eyebrows, and soft lips; eye shadows should be in cool colors, and lipsticks should also be in cool colors.Because the face is the part with concentrated distribution of facial features and strong visual response, inharmonious makeup will greatly reduce a woman's taste; the second is the harmony between makeup and the overall image, that is, the relationship between makeup and hairstyle, clothing, accessories, etc. The third is the harmony with the external environment, that is, the occasions you attend must match your age, occupation and social status, and this also needs to be skillfully expressed and strengthened by means of makeup.

Makeup is not just for others to see, it can also make yourself feel good.It only takes a few minutes to put on a simple light make-up for yourself. Occasionally, I go downstairs to fetch newspapers, letters, and milk.A simple makeup, just after cleaning and maintaining the skin, adjust the skin tone with the basic color tone, and then slightly portray the three-dimensional sense of the facial features.In this way, it looks clean and tidy, and it can also cover up the usual tiredness and defects.

A perfect woman is created by "makeup". A simple makeup can not only change your appearance age, but also rejuvenate you.Therefore, even if you are naturally beautiful and don't face the sky, the result of "makeup" will only make you more beautiful and bring good luck to yourself.

Women should be refined, not sloppy

A woman can be beautiful, but she can't be temperamental.Dress yourself as exquisitely as possible, if you neglect to manage your own image, then your charm will be gone.


The beauty of a woman is mostly not born with it, but with the cultivation of the day after tomorrow.Regardless of a woman's appearance, she must not be sloppy when she goes out; regardless of whether her clothes are fashionable or not, she should be clean, fresh and feminine when she wears them.The reason why some women can give people a sense of beauty is because she knows how to dress up and maintain herself, how to cover up her shortcomings and show her most attractive side.

And if you look around us again, there are many women who always don’t care about those tiny details because of various reasons such as busyness and laziness. They just grab a piece of clothing and put it on and go to the street without looking at whether they are unkempt.As everyone knows, when you start to be sloppy, you have gradually lost the streamlined attitude you should have as a beauty, and you may even lose your beautiful love, just as it is said in a TV series: "A girl wants to Dress yourself up all the time, because you might meet your own Prince Charming at some point."

Weng Qian graduated two years ago and now works in a listed financial company. The "Valentine's Day" on February 2 is approaching, and the female colleagues in the office have received flowers, chocolates and other gifts that symbolize love, but Weng Qian has nothing. She laughed at herself and said to her girlfriend: "It seems that I have to do something. An older 'saint'!"

In fact, Weng Qian is also looking forward to the coming of a beautiful love in her heart.But why, at the age when she should enjoy sweet love, can she only look at other people's happiness and sigh?

It turned out that Weng Qian was a girl who was not neat enough and somewhat sloppy.Except for tidying up when I go to work, I am very casual at other times, just pick up any clothes and wear them, let alone makeup or something.

As a result, when a friend around her introduced a boyfriend to Weng Qian, after a period of dating, they found that Weng Qian was too sloppy, and one boy even said: "It's like this when you're not married, but if you get married, you won't be even more sloppy! "

A truly attractive and beautiful woman will pay great attention to her makeup and her cleanliness at any time.The reason why they can win the favor and turn heads of others when walking on the street is precisely because of this emphasis on beauty.

Neatness and cleanliness are the bottom line of being a woman, even the root of being a woman.Under other conditions being equal, a well-dressed and neat woman is always more likely to be liked by others than a sloppy woman.Whether in the workplace or in love, neat and tidy women can always get more opportunities than sloppy ones.

In fact, this is mainly the impact of "first impressions".British image master Robert Pound said: "This is a 2-minute world. You only have 1 minute to show people who you are, and the other 1 minute to make them like you." Drawing on a piece of white paper, whether it is beautiful or ugly, it will be difficult to erase once it is painted, and it will even affect people's behavior and judgment—people often give favor and support to a good first impression for no reason. Humans, it may be because of the "love of beauty, everyone has it"!From this point of view, for this short but crucial 2 minutes, women should no longer care about their clothes because of the pursuit of comfort.

People like to say that women are made of water, so women made of water should be refreshing, pleasant, clean and bright.As women, we can live without fine clothes, rouge and gouache, but we cannot live without a clean and refreshing appearance.Women must carry on their beauty to the end, and don't use the lack of time and money as an excuse. A clean appearance and style of life will not cost a lot of money and time.

Choose the right clothes to make you look more beautiful

Don't be gorgeous and vulgar, because you can often tell a person from your clothes.

- English dramatist and poet Shakespeare

Lila and Maishan work in the same company. They are about the same age but come from very different backgrounds.Lila is the daughter of the family, who wears various styles of designer clothes every day; while Maishan is a typical "Cinderella" who dresses very plainly.But what is strange is that Mai Shan always shows an otherworldly aura, as long as she is there, Lila will be compared.

What is the reason for this?Very simple, the reason is: the dress style of the wearer is different.The so-called clothing style refers to the integration of the wearer's temperament by various factors such as clothing selection, color, matching, clothing charm, style, texture, and the wearer's cultural accomplishment, mental outlook, dressing style, and dressing environment. , It shows a kind of artistic conception of dressing.

No matter attending a meeting, or participating in ordinary social activities, receptions, or business talks, we must carefully tidy ourselves up, change into the most suitable clothes, and appear on the stage with the most appropriate image. This is the homework we all have to do.

The figure may not be perfect, but the clothes must be perfect.This is what must be done to condense beauty.When you wear the most appropriate clothes, wear your own style, and appear on the stage with the most appropriate image, you will also affect yourself from the outside to the inside, and your temperament will be different, which is different and impressive.

As prime minister, Mrs Thatcher didn't care about other people's clothes, but she was very strict with her own clothes.Every Friday afternoon, when she goes to a political event, she wears an old-fashioned little hat, a puffed haircut, a large collar piece, a blazer with thick shoulder pads, old-fashioned leather shoes, and a handbag tucked under her arm.

Although some people joked that this kind of dress is too deep and old-fashioned, Mrs. Thatcher has her own unique insights: such a dress is neat, simple, dignified and sophisticated, and can gain the trust of others and establish prestige in political activities.Indeed, this is the tough "Iron Lady" image that Margaret Thatcher possessed.

Although Mrs. Thatcher has withdrawn from the stage of power and the era of her regime is long gone, it is gratifying that the "Mrs. Thatcher style" has not dissipated, and she still retains her own dressing style. "I usually wear these. I would never buy a casual dress." She was old and thin, but she answered firmly, revealing her attachment to Downing Street.

In the 20s, many designers moved Margaret Thatcher's outfits to the runway.This brings us back to more than 80 years ago, when Crawford said to Mrs Thatcher's husband Denis during the 20 Royal Color Salute: "The demeanor of the Prime Minister today looks so unbelievable. ’ replied Sir Dennis: ‘She has been for 1987 years.’

(End of this chapter)

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