Gu Xijue's "Warm Love" Collection

Chapter 77 Full of My Love for You

Chapter 77 Full of My Love for You (16)
Before marriage, he was handsome and "scumbag"

Generally speaking, Xu Weiyu's identity is a soldier, but it's just for research.

After my brother returned to school, I was quiet all of a sudden (my mother went with him).

At noon, Wei Yu called me and asked, "What are you doing?"

I said, "It's lunch break. How about you?"

Wei Yu: "It's a meeting."

I sweat, "then you still call me?"

He said: "Intermission. Chat with me." Then Wei Yu began to say that the meeting is the most boring balabala, and finally said that I looked at today's participants and I am the most handsome!

I was completely speechless when I heard the last sentence, and said, "Did you think about this kind of thing during the meeting?"

He chuckled, "No, I have other things on my mind." The tone was meaningful.

"..." I really don't want to think about it.

He was still talking nonsense, but someone over there seemed to call him, "Young Master Xu, you're coming in, who are you calling? Laugh like this!"

"Talk to my wife, go away." Wei Yu said to me, "Hey, I'm going in. Today I'm going to talk about the ×× missile, which is the type ××× and type ×××... ..."

I hurriedly said: "These are secrets, right? You can't tell them!"

Wei Yu smiled: "It's okay, you don't understand anyway."

This... who is it?
I checked the car's ticket on the Internet, and there were actually two speeding tickets.The time is when I travel.

Wei Yu likes to drive fast (or doesn't drive at all). This "symptom" seems to be shared by many boys. He likes to drive fast, but driving fast is worrying.

So he turned his head and preached to Wei Yu: "You have two tickets. Next time you drive faster, I will be angry."

Wei Yu was stunned for a moment, and said righteously: "I will definitely not get a ticket next time." The promise was very serious.

As a result, the next day, I saw him taking a piece of paper to study, and I went over to see the distribution of traffic lights in various road sections of the city, as well as the placement points of all hidden speed measuring devices!
Full of black lines.

I said, "Where did you get this thing?"

Wei Yu chuckled, "I got it from a buddy, dear, I promise I won't get a ticket in the future."

This... is completely putting the cart before the horse, right? !
This gentleman has done a lot of things that put the cart before the horse. For example, when he was driving on a high-speed road, the GPS never stopped and reported all the way: You are speeding, you are speeding...

Me: "Can't you make it quieter?" I mean don't speed.

Wei Yu said "Oh" and reached out to turn off the GPS.


When going out with Wei Yu, he sometimes wears a military uniform (when he just came to drive me out after the conference).And usually in this case, for example, when queuing up to buy takeaway soup, someone will take the initiative to make way for him.I once said to him: "You are treated like a disabled person."

He thought about it, pointed at me and said, "You discriminate against me!"

"..." Disabled people are the kind of people I respect most.Their lives are much harder than ordinary people, and their perseverance is far more tenacious than ordinary people.I said, "I'm flattering you. You have hands and feet, but you're wearing a vest. Then someone made way for you."

Wei Yu said: "Soldiers are also very hard." Then the young master began to count how hard it was for the soldiers, "The first front is the soldiers, the most dangerous places are the soldiers, and the soldiers carry the burden when there is a disaster. Very likely, balabala..."

At the queue, I heard this tall and handsome guy in military uniform chattering like grandma.

In fact, I also admire and respect Chinese soldiers very much.It's the number in front of me... After getting along for a long time, I really can't respect it.Just love it.

I am a person who is very bad at managing money. In short, I can't save money.Therefore, we often encounter penniless situations.

This time I went on a ten-day trip, and when I came back, I only had less than one hundred dollars and even less RMB left on me.In short, there is not enough money to take a taxi home, unless the driver is willing to accept foreign currency.

So I had to call Wei Yu, he was in the unit (I told him before I left that I would be self-reliant).When Xu received the call, he died of laughter when he heard the reason, and said, "If you don't take me there, I won't be able to come back now hahahahahaha!"

He was still smiling when he came to pick me up, "I told you to bring the card, but you didn't."

I was depressed, "I didn't know that the prices in Africa were so expensive." A straw hat was converted into RMB for hundreds of yuan, and it was finally blown off by the strong wind.

Wei Yu hugged me and said as we walked, "You let me spend the Mid-Autumn Festival alone, go back and make it up to me!"

I said, "I brought you special products."

He "tsk", "Rare."

After returning home, someone rummaged through the boxes, "Where are my specialties?"

I said, "Aren't you not rare?"

Wei Yu: "I'll do whatever you bought, hurry up and take it out, I'll show it off at work tomorrow!"


I bought... or rather took, a handful of sand in a small toilet water bottle that I took with me.I thought I would be despised, but it turned out not to be, and the next day the young master really went to the unit to show off with a bottle of sand.I really don't know how he told people.

Wei Yu asked me to meet his colleagues, but I always "declined" before, because I always felt that the group of people in his "unit" would not have much contact with me now or in the future, and there should be no common topics , Xu has said it all, and I don’t understand what he said.

This time, due to "political" pressure, I agreed (going to post a wedding post).But I just came back from the outside, I just went back to work, and I had a lot of things to do, so I was able to leave at six o'clock that day, and when I got to the place that Xiao Yu said, it was already half an hour late.

When I opened the box door, it was already noisy inside.

Then, I heard someone say: "Young Master Xu, I've heard you say that your wife is lively, cute, and unparalleled in beauty! This time we can finally see it with our own eyes!"


Someone saw me open the door.

Me: "Sorry, I went to the wrong door."


That day in that private room, Wei Yu hugged me with a smile and said, "My wife is rather shy!" Some of those people called me sister-in-law, some called my sister-in-law, and some just called me beauty, I should be ashamed .

During the meal, someone saw Xu Weiyu snatching the shrimp from my bowl over there, and couldn't help criticizing, "Master Xu, you are too wicked, why don't you grab it yourself if you want to eat it, why are you grabbing it from your wife's bowl? "

Wei Yu: "You know what a fart! She eats and wants to give away."


I like seafood, but when I eat seafood, I get red spots and itches.

But I don’t believe in evil. It’s okay to eat seafood when I was young, but why are there so many problems when I get older.

So when I go to dinner, I always order a seafood, to prove that it is just an accident that I have erythema after eating seafood.Every time Wei Yu shakes her head and sighs next to her, "Do you think you are stupid or are you stupid or stupid? Obviously, every time you eat, you have to pay for it, but you have to go up and make trouble." But Wei Yu also knows that I don't have anything else. He couldn't bear to stop him too much, so he said, "Eat it, and I'll send you to the hospital later."

As a result, I was not allowed to eat today.I'm depressed.Because there are outsiders around, I can't say much, so I just said: "Just eat one, it's okay."

Wei Yu: "No, your period is coming soon."


Is this person not afraid of losing face at all?
Xu Weiyu chats with his brother about porn on the Internet, and he doesn't shy away from me.

Once his friend lost his job and said to him: "Master Xu, you said I'm going to act in sex scenes? Will it make a lot of money?"

Xu Weiyu said lightly: "You? Acting in a bed scene? Are you acting in a bed scene?"


The other party smiled instead of anger: "Xu Weiyu, doesn't your classmate Qingxi want you tonight? Hahahaha, isn't it extremely painful and haggard, jumping up and down and wanting to bite the bed? Hahahaha!"

Wei Yu smiled and said: "Gu Qingxi and I have sex every day, you don't have a girlfriend yet, you only have a bed, and you're acting by yourself, go cool off!" Without waiting for the other party to reply, Xu Weiyu turned off the computer, stood up and said, "Qing Xi, roll the sheets."

"..." Should he be said to be more and more childish or more and more rascal?

I saw Xu Weiyu chatting with friends online.The other party was probably hit by something, and he was a little emotional.

A certain man: "Brother Yu, am I very cowardly?"

Wei Yu: "Yes."

A certain man: "What a special SB?"

Wei Yu: "Yes."

A certain man: "Then what should I do?"

Wei Yu: "2B continued."


(The original version of 2B continued was to be continued, it was changed by Xu Weiyu, which has a lot of meaning!)

When I play computer, Xu Weiyu usually nests on the sofa behind.

I read novels, and he sang: "My loneliness, lost in the void, spread like wildfire..."

I was so noisy that I watched a movie instead.He began to sing: "Do you understand or not, homeless children suffer in my heart, you will not understand, you will not understand, homeless children also need love..."

I stare back.He shut up.Then got up and walked out, singing softly: "I'm always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted..."


In the evening, I went on a date with Wei Yu to eat noodles, which is a special noodle in our town.I've been to a lot of places and I've never had a better meal than here (how popular).

It was a long row of storefronts. The decoration of each store was similar, simple and unpretentious. The stools and chairs were all more than ten years old, but they were wiped clean.

Most of the grandparents come here to eat.Sitting in the small shop while eating and chatting, it is very noisy but very warm.

Xiaoyu and I randomly picked one, and a big bowl of shredded pork noodles with green vegetables costs five yuan.

While we were waiting, another young couple showed up.

As soon as the girl sat down, she took out a tissue from her bag and wiped the table, being careful not to touch the edge of the table with her arm.The boy asked her what she wanted, and she said, "Whatever, I can't eat much anyway." Then she took out her mobile phone to play.When the boy went to order noodles, she called someone and said, "I'm so sick, you actually took me to eat a bowl of noodles for a few yuan...I'll tell you later, I'll hang up when he comes over."

I touched Wei Yu and asked him, "I treat you to five yuan worth of noodles, what do you think?"

Someone who was also playing with a mobile phone raised his head and asked in confusion, "What do you think?" Then he said with great interest, his eyes lit up, "Would you like to add an extra rib to me?"

I can only's very easy to raise, as long as it's fed enough, it's fine to throw a piece of meat once in a while!
I read a novel the day before yesterday, the hero is a gangster, a very stylish gangster, I read it very interestingly, after reading it, I unconsciously said: "If you find a gangster boyfriend, it's not bad. (YY) I saw him It's very cool to stand at three or seven steps, with a cigarette in your mouth, and then raise your chin and say, 'That's my woman'."

Wei Yu: "Then I will send him to prison."

"……Ha ha ha ha."

I don't know why every time I recall the moment when Xu Weiyu answered the words, I feel very happy.

Someone offered Wei Yu cigarettes, but he always said: no smoking. (Won't)

At the banquet, if someone pours wine for him, he will say: drink, thank you. (doesn't drink much)
So, someone asked Young Master Xu, "You old man doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, what are you doing?"

Master Xu said calmly and elegantly: "I am lustful."

(End of this chapter)

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