My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 104 Deep Sea Sapphire Night Pearl

Chapter 104 Deep Sea Sapphire Night Pearl

"Damn girl! Why hide!"

Bai Mu glared at her daughter: "This necklace is very beautiful, I like it, take it here!"

"Ahem." Bai Xiaotao coughed awkwardly, and said awkwardly, "Mom, I can show you this necklace, but I can't give it to you."


Hearing this, Bai's mother was so angry that she showed an angry face: "It's useless to raise you for so many years!"

Bai Xiaotao was speechless for a while, she really didn't know that today was her mother's birthday.

Let alone her, most young people nowadays don't know when their parents' birthday is.

"Mom, listen to me." Bai Xiaotao sat down on the edge of the bed and said with a smile: "This is a friend who left it with me. I can't give it away, I can only sell it. Besides, how much pocket money do I have a month?" Your heart is like a mirror, how can you afford such a top-notch product."

With that said, he handed the necklace to his mother.

Bai Mu's heart moved: "A friend? Is it the one who asked you to help find jade?"

"That's right! It's him!"

Thinking of Li Shu uttering the phrase 'white tiger' with a face full of surprise, Bai Xiaotao gritted her teeth with hatred.

The middle-aged couple looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

At a glance just now, I only felt that the necklace was beautiful, but after careful observation, both of them were shocked!

"This golden gem looks like a colored diamond!"

"That's right, even though it's small, its appearance is perfect among jewelry-grade colored diamonds. If it's really a colored diamond, it's worth at least eight figures!"

The couple are very good at identifying jewelry. They don't use any equipment. They just observe with the naked eye and a lifetime of experience.

Bai Xiaotao excitedly said: "It's best to sell at a high price. My friend has a batch of treasures of this level! He is willing to hand them all over to me!"

Hearing what she said, Bai's father and mother were very happy.

In the eyes of the two of them, a batch of jewelry of this level is only in the single digits, and the number is double digits, and the samples are often in the best condition.

The family competition is fierce, there are waves of outstanding young people, and the daughter is not conspicuous at all.

At this time, having the support of a stable jeweler can bring some benefits to the family, and it can also allow Bai Xiaotao to enter the eyes of the family elders who are evaluating young people. The benefits are self-evident.

Bai Mu lifted the quilt and hurriedly said: "Go and go, go to the company to appraise this gem."

Although the naked eye and experience told her that it was a colored diamond, this kind of colored diamond was too expensive, and even a small diamond authenticity detector at home could not be trusted, so a more sophisticated instrument was needed.

Bai Xiaotao wondered: "It's late at night, there's no need to be so anxious, right?"

Father Bai reprimanded: "What a big heart! Okay, go out, and your mother and I will change clothes."

After a while, a black Porsche Panamera slowly moved out of the villa area.

Time flows like water.

After all-round identification, it was confirmed that the golden gemstone is a colored diamond, and it belongs to the top row among the jewelry-grade colored diamonds.

"Apply and arrange this necklace for the first winter auction."

Bai Xiaotao's family stayed in the company and did not dare to go out. They directly called the company's top executives and the director of the security department. After a series of procedures, they signed the contract, opened the company's vault, and stored the necklace in it.

When this group of people came, everyone in the family of three looked like robbers.


Zhenguo General's Mansion, the main hall.

General Zhen Guo sat in the first place, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he gritted his teeth and looked at Li Shu.

His daughter was abducted for several days without saying a word. He was so worried that he couldn't eat well and sleep well. He hoped for the stars and the moon and finally hoped for his daughter to come back, but he came back to get the night pearl.

At this moment, General Zhen Guo doubts life!Full of sadness!

Li Shu held a ping-pong ball with a large dark blue bead in his right hand and sat on a chair, using his jade body and supernatural powers.


Like a wave hitting the sky, the spirit of the earth is surging!
"It works!"

Li Shu's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth raised.

This bead is quite strange, its color is completely different from the previous emperor green, dark blue, blue is breathtaking, and it contains strong water attribute power, entangled with the spirit of the earth.

He judged that this bead should have been formed in a real feng shui treasure, with heaven and earth water veins above it, that is, the sea pressing down, so it has such terrifying water attribute energy.

Suddenly, a cold reminder sounded in Li Shu's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for plundering a deep sea sapphire night pearl."

"Plunder?" Li Shu was taken aback: "When did I plunder? It was given to me by little Lolita."

The system said indifferently: "The host defeats General Zhen Guo head-on, and the plunder mode is activated by default. Everything in General Zhen Guo's mansion belongs to the host, and everything can be taken away without the consent of General Zhen Guo."

After a pause, the system added: "Including his daughter."

Li Shu: ...

There is also such a coquettish setting!
Li Shu put away the Ye Mingzhu, turned his head and said with a smile: "General, where is Fang Tian painting the halberd? I will help you practice it as a magic weapon."

Hearing this, General Zhen Guo immediately sat up straight and widened his eyes: "Are you absolutely sure? What if the practice is useless?"

Li Shu chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure!"

He made up his mind to only draw a wishful formation, let Fang Tian draw the halberd to be as big or small as he wanted, and then draw a Thousand Mountains formation, so that Fang Tian's painted halberd would increase in weight when activated.

When refining magic treasures such as mountain beads, these two formations were engraved thousands of times, and they were thoroughly familiarized.

Ning Yue stood behind Li Shu and pushed his shoulder, and said shyly, "Husband, why do you still call my father a general~"

Li Shu turned his head to look at Little Lolita, then turned his head to look at General Zhen Guo, was taken aback for a moment, then realized what Little Lolita meant, and immediately changed his words.


General Zhen Guo Pi Dian Pi Dian left, and went to fetch Fang Tian's painted halberd in person.

Come and go like the wind!

Appearing in the hall again, looking at Fang Tian's painted halberd that was broken in two on the ground, his face was distressed.

But when he thought that the magic weapon was about to become a magic weapon, he smiled again.

He leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs and said happily: "When misfortune comes, blessings rely on it, and when blessings come, misfortune subsides. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. The ancients never deceived me."

Li Shu cut Fang Tian's painting halberd in one hand, turned and left.

When he walked to the door, he seemed to think of something, stopped and turned around: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law has something to ask."

Soon to possess the magic weapon, General Zhen Guo was in a very good mood, and he waved his big hand proudly and said: "Speak!"

Li Shu smiled and said: "You are a general of the town, with a high position and authority, can you help me find out where the real Ye Mingzhu is, or tell the world to look for it, I need this thing, I am willing to exchange every Ye Mingzhu with a magic weapon. "

With a single word, the right wrist detached upwards like a mountain bead in circles, and "crashed la la" walked in the void, like a centipede crawling with one arm.

General Zhen Guo salivated at Ru Shanzhu, his eyes moved with it, and his head shook up and down, as if he was writing with his head.

After all, it is a gourmet plane, and the level of refining equipment is very low, and only legendary kitchen utensils can be called magic weapons.

Moreover, the function of these magic weapons is to cook, and the magic weapons for attacking and killing are hard to find in the world.

For the gourmet plane, magic weapons are as rare as legendary kitchen utensils.

This condition is equivalent to exchanging a piece of legendary kitchen utensils for a luminous pearl, which is very attractive.

General Zhen Guo said directly: "My luminous pearl was given by the emperor. As far as I know, the royal family still has two more. After you have practiced Fang Tian painting halberd, follow me to see His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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