My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 106 Strange Homework

Chapter 106 Strange Homework
Originally, the atmosphere in the side hall was relatively relaxed, but when the eunuch shouted, the atmosphere immediately changed drastically!

The bodies of several court ladies were tense, and they stood with their heads down and held their breaths, not daring to breathe.


The heavy wooden door was pushed open, and the two walked in one after the other.

Li Shu got up to greet him, and at a glance, No.1 was wearing a golden dragon robe, of medium build, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a dignified appearance. He was clearly the emperor.

Naturally following behind was General Zhen Guo, nine feet tall, like a polar bear standing upright, two heads taller than the emperor.

Li Shu cupped his hands with a smile on his face: "See Your Majesty."

The emperor laughed and walked forward while admiring: "Young hero, young hero, you are a master of cooking and fighting for supremacy. I don't know how many daughters fall in love with you. Even my little princess is asking for news about you everywhere."

Li Shu stood with his hands down, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, thank you."

"Ai Qing told me why you came here." The emperor and Li Shu stood facing each other two steps apart, turned around and ordered the commander of the guards outside the door: "Bring me Ye Mingzhu!"

"As ordered!"


The commander of the imperial army bowed his head and cupped his hands, because the movement was too fast, the fists and palms struck each other with muffled noises, causing the armor accessories on his body to rattle.

With a solemn expression, he suddenly turned around, held the hilt of the saber at his right waist with his right hand, and strode away.

"You all step back."

The emperor ordered in a flat tone, and several court ladies came out in a file, and closed the one-story high gate by the way.

In a blink of an eye, there were only the emperor, General Zhen Guo and Li Shu left in the room.

Facing Li Shu, the emperor put on a smiling face: "Young Master Li, what magic weapon do you have?"

In view of Li Shu's powerful strength, no one in the whole country can suppress him, even if he is the emperor, he can treat him with courtesy.

Li Shu said honestly, "I don't have many magic weapons."

The emperor was a little disappointed and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Fewer magic weapons means less choice.

Li Shu changed the topic: "But!"

The emperor hurriedly said, "But what?"

"I am a craftsman, and I can refine magic weapons. If you have any needs, please speak up."

"Can any magic weapon be refined?"

Li Shu opened his mouth to agree, but closed it again as if thinking of something.

After a pause, he still didn't dare to boast.

After all, his current strength is not high, and some things really cannot be practiced. If the emperor asks him to refine a warship or a palace, he will be exhausted to death.He can't do it either.

He euphemistically said: "Only the normal magic weapon."

The emperor's eyes were full of hope: "I want a magic weapon for body protection, the kind that can protect the whole body, and a magic weapon for storage, can you satisfy me?"

Li Shu nodded: "The magic weapon for body protection is fine, but it takes a long time to refine the magic weapon for storage, and the internal area of ​​the magic weapon is at most one cubic meter."

"One cubic meter?" The emperor pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "One cubic meter is one cubic meter, it doesn't matter."

Li Shu nodded: "After the Ye Mingzhu is brought over, I'll see if it can be used before making a decision."

This time, it was the emperor's turn to be uneasy.

The luminous pearl and the magic weapon are both rare treasures. To him, the luminous pearl can only be admired, but the magic weapon has real benefits for him.

So, how to choose the heart is like a mirror.

The emperor speculated that as Li Shu was a monk, Ye Mingzhu should have a special effect on him, so he exchanged such a precious thing as a magic weapon.

The only thing the emperor was worried about was that the Ye Mingzhu was not the Ye Mingzhu Li Shu wanted, after all there was a difference between the Ye Mingzhu and the Ye Mingzhu.

Besides, Li Shu's strength was terrifying, so he didn't dare to ask for anything.

"Your Majesty, bring Ye Mingzhu!"

Soon, the commander of the Imperial Army stood at the door with a large box with a human head under each armpit and reported loudly.

The emperor said lightly: "Come in."

The commander of the imperial army put the two boxes on the table, bent back slightly, turned around after a few steps, held the right waist saber with his right hand, and went out, closing the door by the way.

The box on the table was one red and the other gold. After opening it, two ping-pong big night pearls lay quietly inside. The color was the same as the box. One was red and the other was golden, like the finest colored glass jadeite. Beautiful.

"Jade body!"

Li Shu stood in front of the table and opened the two boxes, using his supernatural powers, pressing his left and right palms on one of them.

In an instant, his brain roared, his eyes went black, and two completely different spirits of the earth surged, one was as violent as fire, and the other was as sharp as gold.

"It works."

Just two words, let the emperor breathe a sigh of relief.

He talked eloquently: "In this case, one luminous pearl will be used as a deposit, and when Mr. Li masters two magic weapons, the other luminous pearl will be handed over to you."

"it is good!"

Li Shu casually put the red luminous pearl into the soul-suppressing tablet.

Suddenly, a cold reminder sounded in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for plundering the Earth Fire Orb!"

Li Shu was taken aback!
what the hell!

Can this be called plunder?
The system is calm and calm: "The general of the country is the guardian of the country. When the host defeats the general of the country, the plundering mode will be activated by default. On the premise that the other party does not resist, it can take whatever it wants from this country."

Li Shu is speechless, this plundering system is simply a big bandit system!

No trading, no stealing, no this, no that, only robbery!

This is not in line with the core values ​​of socialism!

He complained in his heart, stayed in the food plane until late at night in the real world, and left with little loli.

"Ding dong ding dong..."

As soon as I got back to the ancient well, my phone kept ringing.

Opening it up, it was full of Bai Xiaotao's missed calls and WeChat messages.

Li Shu checked them one by one, and the other party notified him that the necklace was in the company's vault, and was promoting it vigorously, and arranged for the first auction in winter, so he could visit it.

"Understood, let's talk about it when we have time."

Simple response, put down the phone.

Refining Fang Tian's painted halberd took a lot of energy, and Li Shu needed to recover.

The next step is to refine the magic weapon for protection, which is not difficult.

The emperor is the king of a country, and the treasures of heaven and earth come and go as soon as he calls them. His cultivation base is hard to pile up in the late stage of the master, so he can make an energy shield type magic weapon for him. As long as mana is injected, it can provide a Eggshell-shaped 360-degree shield without dead ends.

It is also necessary to refine the more difficult storage magic weapon, which is the crux of the problem.

You must know that under normal circumstances, only a celestial master can refine a magic weapon for storage.

Silent all night.

In the early morning, Li Shu helped his mother harvest sungrass and organize the vegetable field.

Ningyue stayed in the house and did not come out, Li Shuyun didn't find anything wrong.

In the afternoon, Li Yinyin went home.

"Brother~ I'm back~"

She trotted to the old house to cheer, pushed open the door, and found Li Shu sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed, and a little loli was lying on the bed playing mobile games, laughing crisply from time to time.

Ningyue's little loli smiled happily, and the smile on Li Yinyin's face that was standing at the door gradually disappeared.

This scene seems familiar.

When I was at home, I always got along with my brother like this.

Faced with his sister's questioning, surprised, wronged, and extremely complicated eyes, Li Shu bit the bullet and explained: "My friend has gone abroad, and his sister has no one to take care of her. Let me take care of her for a while."

Li Yinyin asked: "How old is this girl?"

Because she has a tender face, although she is an adult, she looks like a junior high school student. When she goes shopping, people often ask her if she has graduated from junior high school.

Li Yinyin was afraid that Ningyue would be in the same situation. She looks small, but she is actually an adult!
Lonely men and widows live together in a room intimately...

The thought of that situation made her flustered.


Fortunately, the answer given by Li Shu made Li Yinyin breathe a sigh of relief.

Only 13 years old, my brother should not be a lolicon, and he should not have crooked thoughts.



Li Yinyin kept trying to convince herself.

In this way, the three stayed in the room until the evening.

Li Yinyin is used to sticking to Li Shu's side, and Ningyue never leaves her. Just like that, Li Shu sat in the middle of the bed, stretching her legs forward to divide the big bed into two. On the left is the petite and exquisite little loli, and on the right is her younger sister. The body explosion is legal as a loli, and I feel very tormented for a while.

After nine o'clock, Li Shu urged Li Yinyin to go home and sleep.

Li Yinyin sat beside Li Shu, pointing at Ningyue with her right index finger, "Where does she sleep?"

Li Shu gritted his teeth and patted the bed with his left hand: "Sleep here!"

"Ah?" Li Yinyin was taken aback, and remained silent for two or three minutes. Just when Li Shu felt guilty, he said slowly: "Brother, I recently took law, and the teacher left us a homework assignment that I can't understand. I want to ask for advice." please help me."


"The mother is 26 years old, and the daughter is half the age of the mother. Ask: How many years will the father be sentenced?"

(End of this chapter)

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