Chapter 113 750000Gy
Ningyue is petite and exquisite, and her mobile phone is a smart phone with a large screen, so little loli can't operate it with one hand.

She holds the phone in her left hand, and slides her right index finger up and down on the phone screen. When she sees Li Shu approaching, she raises her face and kisses him on the right cheek with a smile: "Husband~"

Li Shu nodded and smiled, flicked the little Lolita's smooth forehead with his fingers, and his eyes fell on the news.

Some time ago, Zhou Xuling said that Fengdu Ghost Domain will soon hold a ten-year craft refiner meeting, counting the time, it will be in the last few days.

He was going to send Ningyue back to the gourmet plane, and go there alone to visit.

Seeing the anecdote of Fengdu at this moment, I couldn't help paying attention.

"The meteorite weighed 3 kilograms. After it landed, the surrounding magnetic field was disturbed for ten kilometers, and the alpha radiation soared, reaching an immediate lethal dose of 750000 Gy. The closer to the meteorite, the higher the radiation."

"Fortunately, the surrounding ten kilometers are deserted and uninhabited. It belongs to the deserted countryside, and there have been no casualties."

"The government immediately intervened, pulled up the cordon, and vigorously publicized the surrounding area to remind the surrounding residents to stay away from radiation sources."

"For more news, please pay attention to follow-up reports."

"Hiss!" Li Shu's eyes widened and he gasped: "750000Gy, this is too scary!"

The radiation dose that the human body can resist is less than 0.25Gy, 0.25Gy-0.5Gy will cause changes in human blood, and if it is higher, it will cause various discomforts or irreversible damage.

If the radiation value is greater than 50Gy, death is beckoning.


Even if Li Shu added a magic weapon to protect his body in the later stage of knocking, he still didn't know what to do.

At this moment the phone rang, the caller was Zhou Xuling, Ning Yue obediently handed the phone to Li Shu, and blinked at him with big eyes.

After connecting, Zhou Xuling said respectfully: "Hi Tianshi Li, I want to inform you that the Artifact Refining Conference will be postponed."

"Oh?" Li Shu's heart skipped a beat: "Isn't it because of the meteorite incident?"

Zhou Xuling's tone was surprised: "You know?"

"Coincidentally, I just watched the news." Li Shu couldn't laugh or cry: "But is there any relationship between the two?"

Zhou Xuling explained: "You don't know, this meteorite fell in Fengdu Ghost Domain, which is also the place where the previous refining conferences were held. The radiation value is so high, let alone ordinary refining masters, even if you are a celestial master, I also don't recommend you to go to this kind of place, after all, radiation is too evil and elusive."

Li Shu nodded. Although he was curious, he would not risk his life to satisfy his curiosity.

Zhou Xuling said with a smile: "To sum up, the Artifact Refining Conference will be postponed. Wait for the country to get rid of this meteorite and the radiation in that area will be gone. Otherwise, one will die. Artifact masters are rare and their inheritance is incomplete. After another four or five generations die, the inheritance will be cut off."

"Understood, when will you start notifying me."

After hanging up the phone, Li Shu handed the phone to Ning Yue, thinking to himself: How good is this meteorite as a material for refining my weapon!
The thought of using this top-quality material to refine a flying sword, once the radiation comes out, one sword can block thousands!Li Shu was very excited!


This meteorite has too much radiation and has lost its research value.

Because even if scientific researchers wear ten layers of isolation suits, they will die if they meet each other!Only powerful practitioners can approach it, and Taoist cultivators dare not be exposed to this level of radiation for too long without magic protection.

So here comes the question, how many highly educated researchers are practitioners?


Li Shuzheng'er graduated from a 985 key university and did not go through the back door. He is considered one of the top practitioners at the Dao Dao master level.

Because a cultivator or martial artist of this level, even a genius, must be born in the 30s, in his 60s, and under normal circumstances, he would be in his 80s, [-]s, and [-]s.

In their time, many people did not graduate from elementary school, or even went to school.

Li Shu suddenly had a whim, should he say something when he talks about it in the future - go back to elementary school!
The lethality of this sentence makes me feel sour when I think about it!

After much deliberation, Li Shusi made up his mind, and immediately contacted Linhai's leader, asking him to find a way to find out the people in charge of this matter.

After all, the identity of the celestial master is there, the reputation is good, and it is not a demand, but a purchase or an exchange of things. Both parties benefit from cooperation, and no one suffers.

The leader of Linhai laughed and agreed.

He is not afraid of Li Shu asking for help, but he is afraid that Li Shu has no desires and no needs.

You help me once, and I help you once. This is human relationship.

After getting acquainted with each other over and over again, it is easy to speak up when encountering something.

Otherwise, how noble is the celestial master?If I don't want to talk to you, please don't move.

Soon, the head of Linhai regretfully replied: "Although the meteorite is a bit tricky, but I want to observe it for a while, I'm afraid..."


Li Shu sighed.

There are quite a lot of talents in the country, and there is still a way to study this meteorite.

But listening to the other party's tone, it's not completely hopeless, just wait for a while.

The next day, at around nine o'clock in the morning, a black Mercedes-Benz followed the black pickup to the Li family's old house.

Seeing Li Shu standing at the door, the delivery uncle stuck his head out of the car window and said cheerfully, "Xiao Shu, a great writer is looking for you."

"Oh?" Li Shu smiled: "Which great writer? Tu Sanfan? Xiao Ming? Or who?"

The delivery man scratched the back of his head with his right hand, his face full of honesty: "He said his name is Bai, and I have never heard of it."

A chubby young man got out of the Mercedes-Benz driver's seat and hurried up to Li Shu to shake hands: "Hello, hello, are you the boss behind Wushuang?"


"I want to buy gold filigree."

"Want to buy gold silk?" Li Shu shook his head: "The quantity of gold silk is too small, it will be sold every three days, come back tomorrow."

I did my homework before I came here, and I was not panicked when I was rejected: "I really need gold silk, and as a price, I can do my best to help you promote your official account."

Li Shu glanced at him in surprise. Wushuang's development has reached a bottleneck. Although the sales are booming, the popularity is too low, which is not conducive to future development. Promotion is inevitable.

Of course, this promotion must be a large-scale promotion.

After thinking about it, Li Shu responded: "Although the income of an author of your level is good, the readership is not very sticky, and you publish your novels on a website, while Wushuang is a WeChat official account. The two carriers are different. You advertise to attract readers' attention. The official account is very difficult, there can be dozens or hundreds of people at most, and even if some diehard fans follow you for your sake, they are still zombie fans, which is useless to me."

"You don't have to worry about this." I said in a blunt manner: "I said I will do my best to help you promote it, so naturally I won't neglect it. You should be aware that everyone has a small circle. There are many masters in my small circle, and some Top writers, I will do everything possible to get them to help promote, this is beneficial and harmless to Wushuang, and Wushuang itself has its own topicality, the great writers are masters of memes, if you want to become popular, add a little hype, With a push, it is also possible to be among the top ten most searched on Weibo."

(End of this chapter)

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