My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 122 The Mountain of Warcraft

Chapter 122 The Mountain of Warcraft
The same is Michelin, but one sells tires and the other is a global restaurant rating system.

The Michelin restaurant sounds high-end and elegant.

Michelin tires...

Li Shu was in doubt, always feeling that this little friend was talking nonsense.

Others think the same way, and there are still people who are not convinced and search on Baidu. The result is really the same. The founder of Michelin tires conveniently created the Michelin restaurant rating system.

Including Li Shu, a group of people looked at each other, speechless.

After a long time, someone shook his head: "Little Li, three-star Michelin is too extravagant, let's keep it simple."

"Yeah, let's get together and have a meal, there's no need to waste money."

"Although you want to kill you when you get rich, but the three-star Michelin is too ruthless, so I can't do it."

A group of young people spoke one after another, asking Li Shu to change places.

At first, they had no idea about Michelin restaurants, but through Baidu, they learned about the Michelin rating system.

If a restaurant wants to be awarded a Michelin star, it must be tasted by N gourmet spies, + [-] visits a year + Michelin headquarters review to be finalized.

From one star to three stars, one star Michelin rating is the lowest, representing a good restaurant worth stopping for a taste.

Interestingly, the reason why it is worth stopping to taste is purely because the founder of Michelin sells tires.

Two-star Michelin: First-class cooking skills, excellent food and wine pairing, worth a detour, and the consumption is not low.

Three-star Michelin: perfect and pinnacle culinary skills, it is worth going specially, you can enjoy superb food and a selection of excellent table wine, zero-defect service and extremely elegant dining environment, but each meal costs a lot of money .

In the past, when a group of people got together to eat and drink, it would cost thousands of dollars, at most a few thousand dollars. Those with a lot of money would pay a little more, and those with financial difficulties would pay a little less. They were tolerant and happy, and no one cared about it.

Like Li Shu's previous family background, he was usually responsible for buying two packs of cigarettes after eating or buying a bottle of drink for one person.

No matter how you eat, you can pay up to a few hundred yuan per person.

If you go to the three-star Michelin, if a group of people want to eat and drink well, they will spend at least five or six figures.

Not to mention asking Li Shu to treat guests, even if they share it evenly, it feels extravagant.

Li Shu smiled: "Whether it's a three-star Michelin or a buffet, as long as everyone enjoys eating, it's fine, and I will arrange the place."

"That's right, the most important thing about a dinner party is the atmosphere!"

"That's right! Let's go to a high-end restaurant with our hands tied. If we make a joke, wouldn't we be ashamed and thrown at home."

Everyone talked and laughed for a long time.

There is still more than half a month before the Chinese New Year, and the dinner time is finalized, and everyone will go back to their respective homes.

There are no stars in the lacquered night, and the round and bright moon hangs high.

Li's old house, next to the ancient well.

With a flash of white light, Li Shu disappeared out of thin air.

Dou Qi Continent, Jia Ma Empire Stone Desert City.

call out!
Looking from a distance, a condensed black light shot up into the sky from the center of the city, turning into a black broadsword floating across the sky, and then a figure jumped up on the roof of a tall building below, and the hilt of the black broadsword flew forward quickly .

The one who can fly with the sword is naturally Li Shu.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the Zhige sword, he sensed that someone was peeping from below, so he hooked his head and looked down.
There are people coming and going in a building complex that looks like the White House. It is the Mittel Auction House, and the peepers are in the main hall of the auction house.

Feeling that aura, Li Shu thought to himself: "The pinnacle of fighting spirit! This level of fighting spirit master should be the strongest combat power of the Mittel Auction House stationed in Shimo City, and it is not a big threat to me."

He retracted his gaze and moved on.

Since the medicine alchemy inheritance records Yaolao's life footprints, Li Shu is equivalent to having a rough map of Douqi Continent.

As for the two main ingredients that Fugu Lingye lacked - Qinglingcao and Ice Mist.

According to the inheritance records, there must be some places, but these places are too far away, let alone a month, two months is not enough.

Furthermore, even if the destination is reached, the danger level is too high, and it is difficult to obtain it with Li Shu's strength.

There may be some places, the closest one is the Warcraft Mountains near Stone Desert City.

call out!
The Zhige Sword flew towards the Warcraft Mountains at a constant speed.

"Ice Fog: A special mist that is the essence of the Ice Spring, stored in extremely cold places."

"Green Spirit Grass: A rare medicinal herb that contains a lot of life energy and grows in areas with abundant aura."

"Warcraft Mountains, where thousands of monsters live, the highest level of monsters known to survive is level [-], and there are rumors of level [-] monsters appearing, but no one has seen them. It is even rumored that level [-] monsters are buried here, leaving behind treasures."

Li Shu was familiar with the current situation of the Warcraft Mountains while reviewing the characteristics of the ice fog and green spirit grass.

In this way, it flew continuously for a day.

It is worth mentioning that during the flight, he practiced "Peace the Chaos" to restore the mana consumed by Yu Jian's flight, and the surrounding abnormal noises were continuous and deafening, and the sound could be heard wherever he flew.

This scene reminded Li Shu that when he was in school, some killers modified electric cars. When the electric cars went out at night, the colorful marquees lit up the eyes of passers-by, and the electric cars carried subwoofers, running from the street to the end of the street with the subwoofer turned on. To the maximum, the earth dance music will be heard wherever it goes.

Although the two methods are different, and one is unintentional and the other is intentional, the impact is similar.

Li Shu was flying with the sword, and a strong man of unknown level flew past him, like a laser beam, from the side to the end of the sky with a whiff.

After a while, the strong man went and returned.

This is a burly middle-aged man with shoulder-length cyan long hair and instant noodle rolls that look like they have been permed.

Li Shu hovered over the flying sword, stood up and asked vigilantly, "What's the matter?"

The two were a few steps away from each other, and the middle-aged man slowly flapped his blue dou-qi wings with a puzzled expression on his face: "My friend, do you need to be so high-profile in order to make your way? I heard you crackling from a long distance away."

"Cough cough." Li Shu lowered his head and coughed dryly, and said in embarrassment, "This is how it works, and I don't want to!"

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "The Warcraft Mountain Range is ahead. Although you are strong, you are not enough to meet the overlord in the Warcraft Mountain Range. There is no harm in keeping a low profile."

Li Shu cupped his hands: "I have been taught."

"Goodbye by fate!"

After the middle-aged strong man finished speaking, the blue wings shook!
call out!
Like a cyan laser, it shot from Li Shu's side to the end of the sky in an instant, and disappeared from sight.

A thick blue light from a bucket behind him was like smoke from an airplane, gradually fading from substance to illusory, spreading, and disappearing after a few seconds.

Li Shu clicked his tongue: "The speed is really fast! At least he is also a Douhuang-level powerhouse! Even Douzong!"

shhhhhh! !

Just as the middle-aged man left, three rays of light, white, black, and red, crossed Li Shu, and streaked across the sky from the top and sides of his head.

Li Shu was still puzzled when a strong wind came from behind, and a blue light almost flew past the Zhige sword, reaching the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

These few people were just the beginning, and after a while, overwhelming light streaked across the sky, like a vast meteor shower, shooting from all directions to the depths of the Warcraft Mountains.

 It will be on the shelves in another week. The author is planning an unprecedented explosion on the first day of the shelves. The explosion is even more violent. Please don’t be too shocked. In addition, thank you Hurricane Wing, mybella, book friend 20171108190926689, Xuan Gezhen, Shengguang Yanhuang, zj5661748, Yuan Tianji, Xiaowen~~baby, book friend 20170920202043623, silence in the night, book friend 201712311, book shortage 2130, lighter sky, loneliness·killing, boundless rain, the emptiness and whiteness of God, kimo , the great demon king who appeared in front of people, romantic v Xiaoyao, simple and 0 about many friends gave rewards, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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