My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 127 Underwater Warcraft

Chapter 127 Underwater Warcraft
The bald-headed strong man in silver-white armor hurriedly chased after him. Because the snow was smooth and he was going uphill again, he accidentally staggered forward and almost fell down.

One must know that this is Tianxue Peak, Frost Pond!
Because of the extremely low temperature, monsters with non-ice attributes dare not come up, and strong humans with non-ice attributes will be suppressed if they come.

But the Frost Lizard is different. It has a Frost bloodline, which is very suitable for this environment, and its combat effectiveness here is actually increased.

In the crater-like depression on the top of the mountain, there lived at least several hundred third-tier frost lizards and one fourth-tier frost lizard king.

Even Metal Elephant, one of the rulers of the central region of the Warcraft Mountains, and a peak Dou Ling powerhouse, did not dare to break in easily.

The bald man hadn't reached the crater-like depression when he heard roars of monsters resounding from inside!


The huge sound waves made the snow layer on the surface of the mountain tremble. In the blink of an eye, the snow layer slid down and formed an avalanche.

A group of people in the mercenary group turned pale with fright. They are not strong, and they have an instinctive fear in the face of such natural disasters.

Fortunately, everyone was close to the peak, and the avalanche origin was still some distance away from them.

The bald-headed strong man glanced back, his heart skipped a beat, he shrank his neck and turned his head.

The collective roar of monsters is already so terrifying, how much strength does it take to face so many monsters in person?
Before the thought came to an end, the roar of the monster in the depression suddenly changed.

At this time, the bald man just climbed to the top and stood on the edge of the crater.

I saw that the inner depression was circular, about three feet deep, that is, the height of a three-story building. The latter seem to be quite distinct.

Behind the bald man, a group of people caught up one after another, standing in a row on the edge of the crater and looking down.

The next moment, they saw a scene they would never forget!
A bloody storm like a tornado appeared in the center of the ice layer, and connected to the gap in the ice layer, with a diameter of one foot, it was spinning crazily, and its sharp whistling could be heard from a long distance away.

The Frost Lizard is two meters long and looks like a white crocodile. Some of them lay dozing on the ice, opened their eyes suddenly when they heard the movement, stood up and roared, and some of them were swimming in the ice pool, and suddenly came ashore with a splash, moved their limbs, raised their heads and roared. To the bloody storm.

The Scarlet Storm was like a solid wall, surrounded by frost lizards, one on top of the other, and a few climbed up, trying to jump down from the top gap.

The frantically spinning bloody storm stopped suddenly.



With a violent explosion, all the frost lizards surrounding the blood storm were thrown away, screaming again and again.

A group of frost lizards were still in the air, and the blood storm was like a machine gun firing, shooting out streaks of blood-colored sword energy in all directions. Jingle.

Not only that, the inside of the Scarlet Storm burst into flames, just like a giant dragon opening its bloody mouth in a western fantasy movie. The flaming pillar of flames spanned hundreds of meters of space, rushed from the storm wall to the wall, and then slowly moved clockwise , swept around.

With just one cigarette, the only monster left standing on the scene was the Frost Lizard King.

"call out!"

The black killing sword fell vertically from the sky, nailing the head of the Frost Lizard King to the ice layer, with only a hilt exposed above the head.

The crazily spinning bloody storm slowed down, gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely, revealing Li Shu's cold and murderous eyes.

On the edge of the crater, a group of mercenaries were shocked!
"Dou, Douwang, definitely the Douwang!"

"Yes, it is impossible for Dou Ling to be so powerful!"

"The majesty of the fighting king is so terrifying!"


Ling Yan's beautiful eyes were full of shock, she had already lost her ability to think, and only one sentence remained in her head - this is Mr. Li's true strength, this is Mr. Li's true strength...

She always thought that she was a genius and wanted a peerless gentleman, but when someone who met the conditions of a peerless gentleman appeared and showed his power, she found that she began to feel inferior and didn't even have the courage to approach.

Caroline was dumbfounded, his small mouth could be stuffed with an egg.

Faced with this scene, for some reason, there are only three words left in the little head that is about to become a salted fish——




Li Shu opened his mouth and exhaled a stream of hot air, then turned his head slightly: "Come down, everyone."

Hearing this, a group of mercenaries nodded in agreement and jumped down one by one.

Carolan was physically disabled, so Ling Yan hugged him and jumped off.

Li Shu turned his back to a group of people and said indifferently: "Clean up the battlefield."

This kind of trivial matter can be handled by the mercenary, and there is no need to do it yourself. Anyway, the magic beast crystal nucleus and precious materials will be handed over to him in the end.

After speaking, he stepped forward, stood on the edge of the ice pool and jumped forward with his legs slightly bent.


Li Shu plunged into the water.

There was a splash of water on the cold, calm water, and circles of ripples rippled from where he dived and spread to the edge of the pool.

Li Shu secretly marveled as he went downstream.

In general, the fog is above the liquid or solid.

For example, boiling water will give off steam, and opening the refrigerator to refrigerate will give off cold air.

According to the inheritance records of refining medicine, the ice fog is quite strange, as a fog, it is actually underwater.

The ice pool is very clear and has high visibility.

Li Shu's posture is like that of a frog, with his hands and feet swimming diagonally downwards.

After diving for tens of meters, the light gradually dimmed, and after diving for tens of meters, it became even darker, but the water in the pool seemed to glow, no matter how deep it was, there was always a little gleam.

Even so, Li Shu's vision is suppressed, unlike the night vision ability on the ground.

"So cold?"

The lower the temperature was, the lower the temperature became. After diving for 300 meters, Li Shu felt cold all over his body and wanted to shiver.

Not only that, but even the operation of mana has become difficult.

So far, the water in the pool has not yet bottomed out.

Li Shu swam back and forth horizontally, and found that it was a cone-shaped space. The ice pool at the top had the smallest diameter. At a depth of more than 200 meters, the diameter exceeded 1000 meters, and the diameter became larger as it went down.

Judging from the area, it must be connected to the underground river.

At a depth of 300 meters, the visibility is only more than ten meters. A human in a white shirt is swimming with frogs. From time to time, there are large and small silver fishes swimming past, shaking their heads and tails. The big ones look like sharks, and the small ones look like carps.

"Could this be the ice fish Galoran mentioned?"

A Mixu Long Silver Linfish bared its teeth and tried to attack Li Shu, but he killed it with a wave of his hand.

However, judging from its strength, this fish is equivalent to a second-order monster.

Turning his head to look at the 'shark' passing by not far away, a huge whale-like monster is farther away, in the shadow at the end of his sight, there is only a silhouette, a terrifying existence even bigger than a whale is swaying its tail at will, Li Shu is horrified and dare not act rashly .

Obviously, this water area is not safe, and it can even be said to be extremely dangerous.

After a while, Li Shu suddenly saw a big fist-sized bubble suspended in the water, with strands of white mist in it changing various shapes.

Li Shu was overjoyed, and the frog swam over.

"Ice Mist, finally found you!"

(End of this chapter)

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