Chapter 130
Tomorrow, the 16th, that is, Friday, will be available at [-]:[-] noon.

For a time, I was full of emotions and had a lot to say.

Let me talk about this pen name first.

Cough cough, in fact, I just started to think about ten shifts every day, but I hesitated when I clicked OK.

This pen name is too arrogant, and the author's writing speed is very slow, and he can't write ten sheets in a day without sleep.

So, at the last moment, I changed ten into the homonym Shigeng, so I came up with this pseudonym——Tiantian Shigeng

When I was telling others about my book, I still remember what a reader said.

"Shit! You wrote this book? No wonder I feel angry when I see the pseudonym."


Let's talk about coding speed.

It’s not that I’m bragging, not to mention looking at the entire starting point, even looking at the entire Internet literary world, among professional writers, there are not many professional writers whose coding speed is as slow as mine.

My normal speed is more than two hours per chapter (more than 2000 words), and my speed is three or four hours slower than one chapter.

Everyone knows that many authors are tentacle monsters, four to five thousand seven to eight thousand an hour, and even more exaggerated is [-] words an hour.

I often hear about these things, but I don't pay much attention to them because I haven't seen them with my own eyes.

Until one time when I was chatting with people in the author group, a guy chatted with us and said-

"Why are you writing so slowly? I wrote three thousand words in half an hour while chatting with you."

At that time, I really wanted to cut off my claws with a knife, and replace them with countless tentacles, so that I could not only become a code word tentacle monster, but also do some other interesting things, hehe, puchi, hahaha.


Let me talk about the pursuit of this book.

The words are beautiful and pale.

The beauty lies in the composition of words, which can make people think of countless pictures, and the paleness lies in the inability to express, and the words do not convey the meaning.

Therefore, after I set up the plot, I have been pursuing the sense of picture when writing the text.

What should this character do, what are his (her) actions like, and how to make readers see pictures one after another when they read the text, and then the static pictures are connected to form a dynamic picture.

To put it simply, I hope that when readers read this book, it is like reading a static + dynamic cartoon.

If this goal is achieved, no matter what others think of this book, I think this book has succeeded.

So the question is, how to write a picture?

In addition to the written description, the author has done many actions of the characters in it himself, and only writes after he is confident.

It is worth mentioning that this action does not distinguish between men and women.

Ever since, the author has mastered one of the skills - imitating girls

Including but not limited to being coquettish, coquettish, shy, clingy, and all kinds of messy inner activities.

That's right!

I am so dedicated!
Who else! ! ! ! !
If it’s not too powerful, I don’t think I’m afraid even if I can’t make money in the street, I can still open a live broadcast, be a big guy in women’s clothing or something, based on the experience I have accumulated in imitating girls in writing articles, it’s not like sweeping the women’s clothing industry Guy world?
Unfortunately, because the author is too mighty, I can only write articles.

Now that I've written it, it's finally on the shelves!
Tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon!
Others set a basic standard, such as the first order of [-], [-], and [-]. On this basis, every additional [-] plus one more

I am different, just like this book, I always like to do some showy operations.

Tomorrow at noon five shifts, after 24 hours, the average value will be fixed, every hundred will be counted as one change, for example, one thousand will be added to the stone change, and ten thousand will be added to one hundred changes, because the author's code word speed is too slow, so I certainly won’t make up all of them at once, but I will write a chapter every two or three hours, at least eight or nine hours a day, and write four chapters.

That is to say, until the 24-hour balance owed is repaid, the four changes will always be maintained!Two shifts at noon and two shifts at night

The greatest support for a book is the subscription of readers. Although it will only be released tomorrow and the future is uncertain, I would like to thank the readers who accompanied Gujing along the way. I hope everyone can continue to accompany me.

Ask for subscription·Shangxie

I want to get to know you.

Longevity is endless!
The mountain has no edges,
The river is exhausted.

The winter thunder shook,

summer rain,
heaven and earth together,
Nai dare and Jun Jue!
(End of this chapter)

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