My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 135 Turning the Dragon Pot

Chapter 135 Turning the Dragon Pot

In refining medicine, besides the medicinal materials, the medicine cauldron is the most important thing!
"Yao Ding, the legendary kitchen utensil, can it be combined into one?"

Li Shu sat cross-legged in the center of the big bed, looking down at the gray jar in front of him.

This is the legendary kitchen utensil that he plundered in the gourmet plane—the dragon pot!

It's called a pot, but it actually looks like a jar. It looks like a dull gray dragon coiled up to knee height, slightly narrower at the upper and lower ends, and thicker in the middle.

Li Shu was full of regret: "Unfortunately, it was sealed."

This legendary kitchen utensil is a special magic weapon, and it is very practical. Putting the ingredients in it will immediately turn it into a dish. Not only that, those sauces that need to be marinated for dozens of days or even years will immediately become finished products.

Among the eight legendary kitchen utensils, Li Shu chose this one, but it was sealed when he plundered it.

I've been busy all this time, so I don't have time to lift the seal.

In order to verify his bold idea, Li Shu went to the plane of the Chinese Little Master.

Next to the ancient well.

With a flash of white light, Li Shu disappeared out of thin air.

According to the setting of the original book, the legendary kitchen utensils cannot be stained with human blood, even if it touches a drop, it will immediately enter the sealed state.

If you want to break the seal, you can only use Lingquan.

In the original book, Mount Tai has a Lingquan.


A small courtyard in Zhen Guo General's Mansion.

The ground is paved with green grass, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants.

There is a round stone table and four stone benches in the center of the grass.

Ning Yue sat on a stone bench facing the entrance of the arched door of the small courtyard, with her elbows on the stone table on both sides, her hands holding her face in a daze.

Li Shu left for nearly a month, during which time there was no news.

Since the two met, they stayed together almost every day, and they didn't see each other for three to five days at first. Although she missed Li Shu, she could still accept it.

Time passed day by day, and I missed more and more. I didn't think about tea, I didn't want to eat, and I lost a lot of weight, which made my petite and slender body even weaker.

At this time, a nine-foot tall man appeared at the entrance of the arched gate of the small courtyard.

He hurried in with a bowl of hot porridge in his left hand, and as he walked, he gently stirred the porridge with a spoon in his right hand, 'hoo, hoo, hoo' to blow away the rising heat.

He bowed slightly when blowing, and a bowl of porridge was like a peerless treasure in his hand, looking cautious, matching Kong Wu's powerful and sturdy body, it looked a little funny.

With this appearance, who else is there besides General Zhenguo who loves his daughter like his life?

He sat down beside Ning Yue, smiling all over his face: "Baby girl, take a bite."

As he spoke, he scooped up a spoonful of hot porridge with a spoon in his right hand and put it in front of Ning Yue's lips, and then used a porridge bowl under the spoon to say, "Come, taste how it tastes."

Ningyue turned her head to the side, her tone lost: "Father, I have no appetite, I don't want to eat."

General Zhen Guo said distressedly: "How can you do without eating, look at how skinny you are."

Seeing his daughter turning her head away, he quickly got up and sat on the other side, facing her, smiled like a flower and continued coaxing: "One bite, just one bite."

Ning Yue sighed quietly, and turned her head to the other side.

Just like that, General Zhen Guo circled around her,
Several maids at the door looked at each other when they saw this scene.

What kind of character is General Zhen Guo?

A square sky painting halberd is invincible!Leading the charge is unstoppable!

To guard the frontier, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!

In the eyes of the world, he is synonymous with strength and power, but at this moment he is just like ordinary people, because his daughter doesn't eat, he circles around his daughter, scratching his head in anxiety.

They couldn't help but feel that no matter what their status is, they feel sorry for the hearts of parents all over the world.

After a long time, General Zhen Guo gave up coaxing him to eat, put the hot porridge on the table, and stood beside Ning Yue angrily: "Don't worry, baby girl, this bastard dares to ignore you. When he comes, I will beat him up." Let me vent your anger!"

As if thinking of something, the little Lolita smiled slightly: "Father, you can't beat your husband."

After laughing, thinking of Li Shu again, his expression darkened.

Because the two were not in the same world, and they hadn't seen each other for such a long time, she even suspected that Li Shu was bored with her and abandoned herself.

Thinking of this result, she became flustered, feeling empty in her heart, as if she had lost something important, and her eyes turned red unknowingly.

Hearing this, General Zhen Guo was stunned for a moment, his face turning blue and pale.

After a while, he blushed: "I don't believe he dared to fight back!"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Ningyue let out a series of coughs, and her delicate body trembled.

General Zhen Guo was very distressed: "Baby girl, if you continue like this, what if you break your body?"

Ning Yue shook her head, her voice was a little weak: "It's okay."

General Zhen Guo bowed his waist and stood beside his daughter. He was ready to coax her, but suddenly his face changed wildly.

In his perception, there was suddenly one more person in the courtyard.

Taking a closer look, I found that this person looked familiar, wasn't it Li Shu whom my daughter had been thinking about day and night?
General Zhen Guo stared at him with a pair of tiger eyes, gnashing his teeth: "It's you, you little bastard!"

Li Shu was dressed in a white shirt, walked towards the stone table while cupping his hands and said with a smile, "My lord father-in-law."

Ning Yue sat on the stone bench in a daze, thinking she was hallucinating, she quickly rubbed her red eyes with both hands.

Li Shu is still there!

Little Lolita yelled in a crying voice: "Husband!"

She pressed the table with both hands, and Ru Yan rushed over like a nest, plunged into Li Shu's arms, her arms hugged Li Shuhu's waist tightly, for fear that the person in front of her would disappear again if she let go.

Ningyue's small face pressed against Li Shu's chest, full of grievances: "Why did you come to see me now, I, I, I thought, I thought you didn't want Yue'er anymore, woohoo."

The more he talked, the more wronged he became, and he couldn't help crying bitterly.

Li Shu patted Ning Yue's back lightly with his right hand, comforting softly: "I've been busy these days, I've been looking for medicine for my father, be good~ Yue'er won't cry~"

Seeing this scene, General Zhen Guo felt distressed, but it was rare that he did not get angry with Li Shu. Instead, he frowned and asked, "Looking for medicine? What kind of medicine? Just ask if you need anything."

As the general of Zhen Guo, he is very clear that men do not only live in the world with love for their sons and daughters. There are many responsibilities that need to be borne on their shoulders, from expanding the territory to expanding the territory, killing enemies and defending the country, and down to earning money to support the family.

Li Shu smiled: "Don't bother father-in-law, I've found it."

General Zhen Guo nodded: "This is the best. During this time, Yue'er has lost a lot of weight and is sick. You can coax her and let her eat well."


The two sat on the stone bench facing each other. Li Shu held the bowl with his left hand, and gently stirred the hot porridge in the bowl with a spoon in his right hand. The spoon scooped up a spoonful and brought it to Ning Yue's lips. Without saying a word, Ning Yue obediently opened her mouth.

General Zhen Guo stood behind the two of them, looking at Li Shu with a gentle smile on his face, Ning Yue held her cheeks in her hands and looked at him with blurred eyes, a man and a woman seemed to be living in a world of two people, completely pretending that the father-in-law and father did not exist. Time feels lonely, sad, desolate, out of tune with this small courtyard.

He sighed and left with grief and indignation on his face.

Ning Yue only ate a third of a small bowl of hot porridge.

Li Shu was a little distressed, knowing that it was not simply a lack of appetite and not wanting to eat, but that his body was resistant to food due to his illness.

He carried Ningyue into the boudoir in a princess hug position, and put her on the bed.

Then he took out the medicinal materials, without the medicine cauldron, just like refining the medicine in the void, and refined a small bowl of light green spirit liquid.

Ningyue Xiaoqiao Qiongbi smelled the bitter smell of medicine in the air, she had no appetite at all, but now she felt even worse, she shook her head: "Husband, I don't want to take it."

Li Shu sat in the middle of the edge of the bed, didn't coax her, didn't speak, but took a sip of the spirit liquid with a smile and put it in his mouth.

Little Loli lay flat on the bed, seeing this, she didn't know what he wanted to do, and immediately her immature fair face turned red, she let out a moan, and slowly closed her eyes, her red lips parted slightly, opening a gap.

(End of this chapter)

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