Chapter 138
As a host, Li Shu can freely observe the real world and other worlds around a [-]-meter radius, and this distance increases with his strength.

It was precisely because he saw his sister's flustered expression that he returned to the real world.

Li Shu raised his right hand and said, "I'm here!"

Li Yinyin was looking for him, she was stunned when she heard the voice, and she froze.

She turned around abruptly, causing the tails of the ponytails to flick, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

"elder brother!"

Li Yinyin cried out in a crying voice, ran towards Li Shu with her arms open, threw herself into Li Shu's arms and hugged his back, crying.

Li Shu was so distressed that he quickly hugged his sister back and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Yinyin buried her head on Li Shu's chest, and said in a sad tone, "Brother, something happened to Dad, and his legs may be paralyzed!"


Li Shu was taken aback.

He had ordered the hospital to keep it secret. During this period of time, he was busy making medicine for his father to cure his disability.

He wondered: "How do you know?"

Li Yinyin cried and responded: "Dad, Dad called himself, the phone said!"

After finishing speaking, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Think carefully about what your brother said—how did you know?
Doesn't this mean that I already knew and deliberately kept it from you!

Li Yinyin stopped crying, let go of Li Shu, took two steps back and said angrily, "Brother! You already knew about this, right? You didn't tell me about such a big thing!"

When Li Shu heard it, it was his father who made the call himself. No wonder his sister was so sad.

It is true that if a person lies in bed without feeling in his legs for nearly a month, no matter what the doctor says, [-]% of them will feel that they are paralyzed.

Li Shu said frankly: "Yes, I know, I went to the First Affiliated Hospital of Lanyang Medical University to see our father, but our father is not paralyzed, but temporarily lost sensation in his legs, I am afraid that you and our mother will think wildly, It's kept secret."

Li Yinyin was in doubt: "Is it true? My father said that his legs have been numb for a month, so he must be paralyzed."

Li Shu insisted: "The doctor said that if you are not paralyzed, you are not paralyzed. Do you believe in the doctor's professional vision or our father's own judgment?"

Li Yinyin was timid, but when Li Shiyu got tough, she suddenly softened, her eyes dodged and she didn't dare to look at Li Shu directly, and finally lowered her head involuntarily, stammering: "Yes, but my dad said..."

Li Shu interrupted her directly and shouted, "Who do you trust?!"

He raised his voice and opened his mouth to drink, which scared Li Yinyin to tears.

Li Yinyin squatted on the ground, raised her head and looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Why are you so fierce! Don't tell me what happened to my father, I know the truth and you are still so fierce to me, woo woo woo..."

The more she talked, the more sad she became, and soon the pear blossoms were crying with rain.

Seeing this, Li Shu heaved a sigh of relief.

He did this on purpose. His father was really paralyzed. When he called Li Yinyin, he must have spoken with certainty.

When Li Yinyin cried, it meant that the goal was achieved.

Li Shu hurried over to coax him: "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to make you optimistic. It just so happens that you are on winter vacation. Come with me to Lanyang City to see our dad tomorrow, okay?"

Li Yinyin's mouth was pouted, tears glistened in her eyes, and she looked at him aggrievedly.

This appearance instantly killed Li Shu.

Li Shu bent down to help his younger sister wipe away tears, and said softly, "Okay, okay, don't cry, my heart hurts to death."

Li Yinyin put her arms around his neck and said aggrievedly, "Don't kill me in the future."

Li Shu nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

Immediately smiled and said: "Get up."

Li Yinyin remained motionless, looking at him with tear-filled eyes.

Li Shu had no choice but to carry his sister into the house in the princess hug position and put her on the bed.

He opened Alipay to buy a plane ticket to Lanyang City. Because the end of the new year was approaching, it was hard to find a ticket. It took a long time to find two tickets for the same flight, and the time was tomorrow afternoon.

Seeing his younger sister sitting on the edge of the bed sullenly, Li Shu planned to watch anime with her for a while.

Li Yinyin likes to watch anime very much, but Li Shu doesn't like it very much. After thinking about it, cats and tigers flashed in his mind, beaming, pigman, and black cat sheriff.

It's not old-fashioned, it's children's animation.

Suddenly, Li Shu's eyes lit up: "That's right, Bai Xiaotao!"

Bai Xiaotao and Li Yinyin share the same dormitory, go to class together and go shopping together. They have a good relationship, so they must know what Li Yinyin likes.

He opened WeChat and sent a message to Bai Xiaotao - "What anime does Yinyin usually like to watch? It's best if she likes it but hasn't seen it, introduce some to me."

The other person replied in seconds - "Why, plan to accompany my sister to watch anime?"

Li Shu typed - "Guess right."


The landmark building near the sea, Baimao Building.

This skyscraper is 430 meters high and has [-] floors on the ground. It stands out from the surrounding buildings with up to [-] floors and is several times higher.

The 86th floor, this floor was rented by the Bai family as a base for a subsidiary branch.

Bai Xiaotao stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of a spacious and bright office in a black OL uniform. From the side view, this uniform vividly outlined her delicate body with bumps and convexities.

She holds a cup of steaming coffee in both hands, savoring it leisurely and looking into the distance.

There is a golden rectangular sign on her chest - Deputy General Manager!
The company's annual profit is in the tens of millions, and Bai Xiaotao's ability to sit in this position in her first year of freshman year shows that the family attaches great importance to it.

She giggled, "My wish has come true, Xiao Tonghua has become a rising star."

Li Shu successively handed her the spiritual crystal cores of plants and trees. These things were appraised as perfect-looking colored diamonds, with a total auction value of about one billion yuan, allowing her to jump from the family's small transparency into the family's core line of sight, and become the core of the family. Layers focus on cultivating characters.

As a thousand-year-old family, the Bai family understands the importance of connections.

Even at their level, a strong network can benefit them for years or even decades.

"Ding dong~"

Bai Xiaotao was complacent when her phone rang on the desk behind her. She turned around and walked over to unlock it. It was a WeChat message.

"Watch anime with Yinyin? Do you want me to recommend it?"

Bai Xiaotao seemed to be thinking of something, and a wicked smile appeared on her face: "Hehehe, Big Brother Li, Brother Li, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell to come in. If that's the case, I won't be polite."

She crackled and typed a string of words and sent them over - I recommend ***, this anime is very exciting, fully interpreting the relationship between brothers and sisters, it is most suitable for brothers and sisters to watch together, but this anime has been removed from the shelves a long time ago, I can't find it on the Internet, I have an abridged version here, and I will send it to you now.

Bai Xiaotao was praying, Li Shu had never heard of this famous animation.

Seeing an ok emoji sent from the other side, she laughed loudly, and while using the cloud space to send Li Shu the downloaded animation file, she chattered and chattered, making Li Shu unable to get away, and did not have a chance to learn about this animation .


The computer beeped, and the file transfer was completed.

Bai Xiaotao's face was serious: "Yinyin little loli, there's only so much my sister can do!"

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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