Chapter 141 Ex-Girlfriend


Deathly silence!
Li Shu was stunned, a group of friends in the same village were stunned, and even the little monkey on the phone was also stunned, never expecting his wife to say that.

When the two got married, they agreed that it would be fine for him to be a cow and a horse at home, and it would be fine for his wife to say the same thing, and it would be fine for him to serve her feet.


Outside, you must give him enough face!
The little monkey yelled anxiously: "What nonsense are you talking about! My friends are listening!"

"Ah?" Qing Leng's voice was a little flustered, because the other side was too quiet, she never expected her husband to turn on the loudspeaker, calmed down quickly, and put on a coquettish tone: "Master Husband~ I'm just joking with you~ Don't be angry~"

The little monkey glanced at everyone, and deliberately loudly said: "What should I do if I am angry?"

The cold voice immediately became soft, just like a good baby: "Kneel on the keyboard and admit your mistake, my husband can only get up when he calms down~"

Speaking of this, I began to plead pitifully: "Husband, don't be angry, okay~ I knelt for three hours last time, and now my knee still hurts~"

The little monkey said coldly: "It depends on my mood when I get home, it's all right, come out quickly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a reply from the other party, he hung up the phone and stuffed the phone into his right trouser pocket.


I don't know who didn't hold back, and laughed, which immediately caused a chain reaction, and everyone burst into laughter.

Everyone has some doubts about whether he is strict with his wife. Some people believe that he says what he says at home, and some people think he is acting. But no matter what, this '2 minutes' has become an established fact. No matter how he explains, no one believes it.

After all the people were gathered, the four cars lined up and drove to the Han Palace.

In the black Mercedes-Benz S450L, Li Yuanyuan sighed while driving: "I will soon become a full-time driver."

The co-pilot was empty, and Li Shu and Li Yinyin were sitting in the back row, one on the left and the other on the right. Hearing this, Li Shu chanted: "Heaven will send a great mission to..."

"To shut up!"


Seeing Li Shu deflated, Li Yinyin covered her mouth with both hands and snickered.

The convoy galloped all the way to the Han Palace.

This is a high-end Chinese restaurant located in the suburbs. Although it is not listed by Michelin, its reputation and grade are better than the only three-star Michelin restaurant in Linhai.

In the huge manor, a team of security guards was patrolling the grass. When they saw two white Wuling Hongguang driving along the road, they thought they were dazzled. They rubbed their eyes with their hands and looked over.

That's right, it is the legend that the famous mountains dominate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the old driver's exclusive car-Wuling Hongguang!
The security captain picked up the black walkie-talkie at his waist with his right hand and put it in front of his mouth, lowering his voice: "Be careful, be careful, there are two, no, three suspicious vehicles, two white Wuling Hongguang, one black BYD, pay close attention to them. "

It's not that he sees people as inferior, but that the class of this place is too high, and you can buy a Wuling Hongguang for any meal.

If you open a few bottles of good wine, two Wulinghong and BYD will not be enough.

After parking the car, Li Shu and his group marched to the private room.

Seeing that everyone had a reservation, the security captain ordered his men to evacuate quietly. At the same time, he cursed in his heart that the current people are too pretentious, and they drive a broken car to such a place, just waiting to be looked down upon and slapped in the face?Fortunately, I am familiar with online novels, and I know this kind of classic plots by heart, so I won't be fooled!
Along the way, Li Shu remained calm.

On the other hand, the friends around me, including my younger sister Li Yinyin, are a little cautious.

Under the guidance of the waiter, a group of people walked into the private room.


The door of the private room was closed, and at the end of the corridor, two men, one fat and one thin, were walking forward. The fat man stopped suddenly and looked at the door of the private room where Li Shu and his group were located with puzzled faces.

The person next to him asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

The fat man was at a loss: "Did I get dizzy from drinking too much? I saw Li Shu enter that private room just now."

"How is that possible!" The other person sneered, "Li Shu graduated from university and went to start a business. I heard that he was in a mess. His girlfriend broke up with him directly and found a rich second generation to be the current family. The business failed for a few months. Even if he If you have some skills, you can enter a big company, at most you have just passed the internship period, and you get a salary of seven to eight thousand a month, come here to eat? One meal can eat his year's salary!"

After a pause, he chuckled, "Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Li Shu's family background is not good, but his parents are handsome! If you go out to be a bad face and be taken care of by a rich woman, it's not a trivial matter to come here to eat. Remember our school's beauty? It's just a bit pretty, serving three or five godfathers, the last time I met her Driving a Porsche Cayman worth more than 80 yuan, damn it! I’m so scared! It’s even better than my car!”

"Damn! So fierce? When I was in school, this woman was too high-minded. No one would look down on her. What happened to this? But then again, Li Shu's ex-girlfriend is here, and her current boyfriend is the host of this dinner. Let's Let's take a look at the excitement?"

"What's so lofty, I was taken care of when I was in school, and I hid it deeply, haha, let's not talk about this, Li Shu's ex-girlfriend brought her current boyfriend to pretend to be tough, and eat his meal, you have to let her pretend to be b and have fun!"

The two walked to the private room laughing and laughing, and when they opened the door, their vision was foggy, the room was filled with smoke, and a group of young people were punching and laughing.

"Clap clap clap!"

Sitting down on the chair, the fat man clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. After the room became quiet, he said mysteriously, "Guess who I saw?"

"Who? A star?"



"Wouldn't it be the big power you've been dreaming about?"

A group of people speculated with great interest, and some people urged impatiently: "Don't be secretive, who the hell is it!"

Holding the white porcelain cup in both hands, the fat man took a leisurely sip of hot tea, whetted everyone's appetite, and then said in a calm manner, "Li Shu."

"Who is Li Shu?"

"never heard of that."

"Fuck! Did you read that right? Li Shu is in this kind of place?"

There were more than a dozen men and women in the room, two of them were full of doubts, and the rest were full of shock!

This was a small-scale reunion of college classmates. Two companions came with them. The companions had no idea who Li Shu was.

"Who is Li Shu?" The fat man turned his head to look at a tall beauty, stretched out his hands towards her, and laughed: "Please explain to the beauty of Huayewu!"

Huayewu has a pretty face, with a charming face, and a one-piece skirt that wraps her hips perfectly outlines her uneven figure.

This party was a small circle, and the men and women in the circle were rich second-generation, her family background was average, and she couldn't get in, but some boys still invited her to dinner, obviously with ulterior motives.

But no one expected that she would hook up a rich second generation as her boyfriend and bring her boyfriend here.

At this moment, her face was a little flustered.

A tall and handsome man turned his head to look at Huayewu, frowned and said, "Xiao Wu, who is Li Shu?"

Huayewu stammered: "Me, my ex-boyfriend?"

"Your ex-boyfriend?" The tall and handsome man was taken aback, his face full of disbelief: "Didn't you say that this scumbag got into a car accident after cheating, and was hit and killed by a scumbag on the spot when he went out late at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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