My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 152 Who cares to look at you!

Chapter 152 Who cares to look at you!
As soon as Li Shu finished speaking, Li Yinyin was in a daze and didn't understand what he meant. Li Yuanyuan climbed up his waist with her right hand, pinched a piece of meat and twisted it vigorously.

Twist again.

Keep screwing.

Li Yuanyuan exhausted all her strength, and her face turned red. This piece of flesh was originally very elastic, but when she exerted force, it became as hard as steel in an instant, just like twisting the sealing lid on the top of a gasoline can with bare hands.

She stamped her left foot angrily, and said viciously to Li Shu: "Do you really want to enjoy one-stop service?"

The corners of Li Shu's mouth turned up on both sides, and he moved his head closer to Li Yuanyuan and lowered his voice: "If this 'dragon' is you, I want to enjoy it."

Li Yuanyuan glared at him: "What a beautiful idea!"

As he spoke, he wanted to pinch Li Shu's waist again, but he couldn't pinch, so he could only give up angrily.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Yinyin came to her senses, her little face blushing and coquettish: "Brother! You're talking nonsense again!"

After watching the dragon dance for a while, and walking around the street again, Li Shu received a call from Secretary Zheng.

Li Shu was a little surprised: "There is a result so soon?"

"How is that possible." Secretary Zheng shook his head, a little helpless: "Brother Li, the snake venom was sent to a state-owned biological research institute in Linhai. The data between these research institutes is common, because there are too few snake venoms to do physical experiments. Analyze the element structure and compare the data, and the results will be available in about a week."

After a pause, he said tentatively, "If we can get more snake venom..."

Of course Li Shu understood what it meant, and said casually, "It will take a while, I'm a bit busy these days."

Secretary Zheng laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, don't worry, don't worry."

Li Shu hung up the phone and put the phone in his right trouser pocket.

As long as snake venom can develop anticancer drugs, he will go to the Douqi Continent to catch some fourth-order magical beasts and raise them in captivity. At that time, he will be the core component supplier of anticancer drugs, and he will also be the only supplier in the world.

Sungrass, giant wax gourd, golden scallops, these are all high-end vegetables, although the effect is good, but they lack the tipping point.

Anticancer drugs are the biggest tipping point!It can completely expose Wushuang to the public view and attract global attention!

The only downside is that the number of Tier [-] monsters, Black-bellied Spirit Snakes, is rare, which means that the supply of snake venom is very small, and this kind of monsters are so powerful that they can only be taken care of personally.

He sighed: "It would be great if there are some powerful subordinates."

Suddenly, Li Shu's heart moved.

Eight hundred sarcophagi!

The [-] corpses in the soul-suppressing monument have been dissipating the killing spirit for him to practice "Peace the Chaos". Sure, that is very powerful.

It's just that Li Shu is not qualified to summon them due to his late stage strength.

"We must break through to the realm of the celestial master as soon as possible!"

Li Shu's brain was running fast, and a plan was vaguely formed.

"Brother~ why are you in a daze~"

Suddenly, a soft and waxy voice sounded in Li Shu's ear. This voice was made by a cute girl. It can instantly hit the tenderness in the deepest part of everyone's heart, and people can't help but show this tenderness.

Li Shu came back to his senses and found a slender hand shaking left and right in front of his eyes.

He raised his right hand to grab it, fixed it, and said with a smile, "Think about something."

The owner of the slender hands was Li Yinyin, so Li Shu led his younger sister Hao's wrist and walked forward to a five-star hotel.

The hotel was booked by Li Yuanyuan, and a group of people walked in through the revolving door.

After receiving the room card, each went back to the house.

In the suite on the sixteenth floor, Li Shu, Li Yinyin, and Li Yuanyuan lived together.

Of course, this kind of suite has three rooms, a living room, a fitness room, and a study room, but they share a bathroom and a toilet.

In the living room, the 62-inch 4K TV is playing Pacific Rim 2, and the roar of the actors and the roar of the mechs are connected together.

Li Shu was sitting in the middle of the couch, Li Yinyin was sitting on his left with a smile on his face, hugging his arms with both hands, leaning against him, with her little head resting on his shoulder, and Li Yuanyuan was sitting on his right with her legs crossed, very close, her clothes on Paste together.

After all, it is a blockbuster with special effects, and the scenes are explosive.

To Li Shu, it was only mediocre, because he had seen real monsters, and it still had an impact on Li Yinyin and Li Yuanyuan, making the two daughters hooked.

The room was well heated. After watching a blockbuster special effects movie, Li Yuanyuan and Li Yinyin were so excited that they were sweating.

Li Shu smiled and said, "Take a bath and rest."

"What do you mean we should take a shower first?" Li Yuanyuan looked up and down Li Shu with puzzled eyes: "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Li Shu rolled his eyes, he is an innocent body, and he is also a cultivator. Normally, his body is not dirty even if he does not take a bath.

Li Yinyin didn't know the secret, so she covered her mouth with both hands and snickered: "Brother~ you should wash it first~ lest Sister Yuanyuan think you don't like to be clean."

Li Shu had no choice but to go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, standing under the shower and taking a shower casually.

After about 10 minutes, he walked out with a white bath towel wrapped around his waist, the hem of the bath towel reaching to the middle of his calf, his trousers and shirt draped over his right shoulder.


Li Yuanyuan sat in the middle of the couch in the living room, flipping through a menu aimlessly with her hands in her hands, and Li Yinyin sat next to her and stared at the big TV watching anime.


The sound of water in the ears of the two continued.

Occasionally, they would turn their heads to the right and glance at the bathroom, as if they were thieves, and then they would turn their heads quickly, with a blush on their faces, not knowing what they were thinking.

Suddenly, as soon as the sound of water stopped, the frosted glass door of the bathroom was pulled open from inside, and Li Shu came out with a bath towel around his waist and clothes on his right shoulder.

Li Yuanyuan subconsciously turned her head to look, Li Shu obviously didn't wipe it seriously after taking a shower, her hair was still dripping with water, and her upper body was covered with drops of water.

Li Yuanyuan clicked her tongue secretly: "This kid has such a good figure!"

In her eyes, Li Shu is tall and strong, from top to bottom, shoulders, back, arms, eight-pack abs, all muscles are combined to form a perfect streamline, hanging with water drops, just like the most perfect sculptor in the world spent Sculpted with a lifetime of painstaking efforts, it exudes a fatal allure that makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Li Shu noticed Li Yuanyuan's dumbfounded expression, and couldn't help but stop and tease: "Don't look, take a bath and rest early."

Li Yuanyuan's pretty face blushed, and she quickly raised the menu with both hands to cover her pretty face, and a dull voice came out: "Who cares to look at you!"

Li Shu couldn't help but shook his head and walked into the room.

Hearing footsteps, Li Yuanyuan slid down the menu with both hands, slowly revealing her hairline, forehead, eyebrows, and eyes.

A pair of big eyes containing a little shyness and curiosity secretly looked at Li Shu's back. Unexpectedly, when Li Shu entered the room, she suddenly turned her head. She was so scared that she moved up the menu in a panic and covered her pretty face again.

Li Shu laughed loudly and entered the room, closing the door.


Li Yuanyuan blushed and slapped the menu on the coffee table in front of her, feeling ashamed and angry: "Damn Li Shu! How dare you tease my sister! You even laughed at my sister!"

This shot brought Li Yinyin back to his senses.

Before Li Shu came out, she was watching anime on the surface, but in fact her eyes were always tilted to the right, and the focus was on Li Shu.

As Li Shu walked, out of sight, he turned his head to the right involuntarily. At first, he was facing the TV, but at the end he turned [-] degrees to the right.

After taking a shower, Li Yuanyuan and Li Yinyin didn't wrap themselves in bath towels like Li Shu did, but went back to their respective rooms in pale pink and white silk bathrobes.

It is worth mentioning that because Li Yinyin is short, the hotel has a long bathrobe. When she put it on, the hem dragged to the ground. When she walked, she accidentally stepped on the hem and fell. She was so angry that she knelt and sat in the middle of the bed. It took a long time for my cheeks.

After the lights were turned off, the living room was completely dark.

Twelve midnight.


A door opens.

A figure cautiously closed the door, for fear of being overheard.

She turned her head to look at the next room, and found that the lights were off and people were sleeping, so she breathed a sigh of relief, tiptoed to Li Shu's door, and without knocking, slowly opened the door with a gap big enough to accommodate one person. Gap, enter sideways.

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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