Chapter 154
Li Yuanyuan looked down at the big word '日' on the beach, her body froze and she was dumbstruck.

Her original intention was that if Li Shu refused to listen to the persuasion and insisted on developing this place, she would turn Li Shu into a pig.

totally unexpected!
At the critical moment, there was a wave of coquettish operations in the sea.

Li Yinyin laughed 'puchi' out loud, overjoyed.

Seeing Li Shu's face full of anticipation, Li Yuanyuan's pretty face quickly turned red, and a wise saying suddenly appeared in her mind-it's better to be a sister than to be a sister (first voice) (fourth voice)!

After all, he is an adult, one year older than Li Shu. As soon as this sentence appeared, he couldn't help but think of Li Shu's masculine body full of water droplets after taking a bath last night. lingering...

Li Yuanyuan was suffocating for breath, and her distracting thoughts were like a flood breaking a dam, and her mind was filled with images that were not suitable for children.

Li Shu looked ashamed: "Sister Yuanyuan, you are too polite, I just want to start a second layout, and at the same time benefit the folks in the village, I am ashamed of you!"

The blush on Li Yuanyuan's pretty face became more intense, and she said in a panic, "You, what are you talking about, I don't understand!"

She hurriedly turned and left, more than ten meters away from the two of them, with her back to them.

The icy sea breeze blew over her face, blowing the tip of her hair on her forehead and swishing her high ponytail.

After a long while, she got rid of distracting thoughts and spit to herself: "What am I thinking about! Why be a sister instead of being a sister, a sister is born to bully her younger brother, how can I let my younger brother bully her!"

Li Yuanyuan adjusted her mentality, turned around and shouted with a straight face: "Xiaoshu! Come here!"

Li Shu trotted over and turned his head to see that his sister was standing still.

He smiled and moved his head to Li Yuanyuan's right ear. From a distance, he thought the two were facing each other, and said in a low voice, "Sister Yuanyuan, it's freezing here, isn't it suitable?"

Li Yuanyuan wondered, "What's inappropriate?"

After finishing speaking, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the big word '日' on the beach, and realized it instantly. At the same time, his anger shot straight into his forehead, and he blurted out: "This is the seaside, which is equivalent to the wild. Of course it is not suitable. If someone sees What to do???"

After finishing speaking, the whole person was taken aback.

Looking at Li Shu's half-smiling face, her fair and tender face turned into a red apple, and she was ashamed and angry: "That's not what I meant! You brat, how dare you set me up!"

Li Shu shook his head quickly: "If you don't fall into the trap, you can't fall into the trap, as you think, hehe, I don't need to fall into the trap."

When you're done, turn around and run.

Li Yuanyuan couldn't understand what he meant, she was so angry that she was going crazy, she chased after Li Hou with her teeth and claws, and shouted angrily while running: "Stop, stop for sister, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Did you practice Taekwondo for nothing? I will beat you to death!!!”

Just like that, under the dark sky, Li Yinyin was standing on the beach with a smile, Li Shu circled her in big circles, and Li Yuanyuan ran behind his butt shouting and crying without tears.

The development of this beach was not impulsive, but planned by Li Shu long ago.

The word money has infinite charm.

In the secular world, the gifted and the beautiful can bend their waists and live a life of extravagance.

In the cultivation world, countless rare resources can be bought, allowing monks to aspire to the top.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a lot of money in hand.

As the first layout, Wushuang relies on the special effects of mixed elixir residues, and many high-end vegetables are selling very well. Before the four traditional Chinese medicines of snow lotus, ganoderma, fleece-flower root, and ginseng have not been used, the annual profit is at most hundreds of millions.

This layout is completed, and the second step begins, the development of tourism and luxury resorts. With the addition of luxury resorts, the price of high-end vegetables can be doubled, or even dozens of times.

The reason is simple. The same thing, such as canned beer, costs three yuan in supermarkets, ten yuan on trains, twenty yuan in high-end hotels, and fifty yuan in popular nightclubs.

His layout is not a single-line project, but is closely related to each other, one ring and one ring, and they can complement each other.


After playing around for a long time, Li Shu breathed steadily and looked as usual. Li Yuanyuan's face was flushed with hot sweat, she bent over and pressed her knees with her hands to stop panting, and glared at Li Shu viciously.

Li Yuanyuan took a deep breath continuously, forgetting the episode of 'Day'.

After a while, her breathing recovered, she straightened her waist and said seriously: "Xiao Shu, this beach is good, but the ocean is not. You are throwing money into the sea to develop this place!"

Li Shu smiled: "What if I can restore the clarity of the ocean, or even make it better than before?"

"How is this possible?" Li Yuanyuan's eyes widened: "The little money you have on you is a drop in the bucket in the country's eyes. It's like treating a small river ditch. If it was easy to control marine pollution, the country would have restored the sea water to clarity. It's up to you to do it." .”

Li Shu said mysteriously: "It's not money, I have a special method."

"what way?"


Li Yuanyuan was furious: "Secrets are secrets! You are the only one who has more secrets!!"

Li Shu shrugged and said nothing.

If he hadn't obtained the ice heart stone of hundreds of millions of years, he would not have started to develop the beach so quickly, create a tourist area, and build a luxury resort.

But when the opportunity comes, don't hesitate!

Li Shu shouted, "Let's go."

Li Yinyin obediently followed him to the left, and Li Yuanyuan suddenly jumped on his back, put her arms around his neck, and said confidently: "I have no strength, you carry me on your back."

Under normal circumstances, when someone suddenly jumps on their back, they will sway or stagger forward, but Li Shu didn't move at all, making Li Yuanyuan feel like jumping on a tree, one word——

Li Shu was helpless, put his hands through Li Yuanyuan's legs, and walked forward with her on his back.

Li Yuanyuan was secretly delighted, it was rare for her to have such an intimate contact.

She rested her chin on Li Shu's right shoulder, and the two sides of their faces were almost touching, rubbing against each other as they walked. The warm and delicate touch made Li Yuanyuan involuntarily blushed and smiled, a little shy and sweet.

After a while, Li Yuanyuan breathed into Li Shu's right ear like blue: "Xiao Shu, even if you have a way to control marine pollution without spending a penny, the money is still not enough. You have to buy this land. This beach stretches for ten kilometers. The price is expensive, and it needs to be renovated, which is a lot of money. After the renovation is completed, it needs to be promoted, and it will cost a lot of money. After the promotion is completed, there will be a luxury resort. After the luxury resort is completed, it must continue to be promoted. A billion investment."

Li Shu said lightly: "Don't worry about this, take it step by step."

Li Yuanyuan looked worried: "The source of funds is not what I am most worried about. What I am most worried about is whether the money you invest will be wasted."

"Of course not. I did my homework during the layout." Li Shu smiled: "Take Australia's Gold Coast as an example. This coast is 42 kilometers long and consists of more than ten consecutive beaches. Because of this beach, every year It brings countless tourists to the city, and the annual tourism revenue is more than 20 billion Australian dollars, equivalent to about 100 billion yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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