My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 168 The Loveless Little Lolita

Chapter 168 The Loveless Little Lolita
There are many dangers in the Warcraft Mountains, and the black-bellied spirit snake is just one group in it. Although there are not many groups stronger than it, there are some.

For those overlord-level groups, the leader is at least a sixth-tier monster, or even a seventh-tier monster.

Although the black-bellied spirit snake is not strong individually, it is still a fourth-order monster with terrifying toxicity.

If the scale of the group is rapidly expanded, more ants will kill elephants, which may threaten the dominance of the overlord group.

In a rage, the latter will definitely wipe out the black-bellied spirit snakes when they expand!
Therefore, in the Warcraft Mountains, if the Black-bellied Spirit Snake rapidly expands its scale, it will be a dead end.

The Purple Winged Golden Crown Snake knew this, and Li Shu thought about it, his heart was like a mirror.

Because of this, he plans to start with the site and food, such as bringing the black-bellied spirit snake to the earth, creating a small mountain range for it to reproduce, and giving the newborn snake a stable growth environment.

Then, a base was cleared on the plane of devouring the starry sky, and the black-bellied spirit snake with combat effectiveness could prey on itself.

In this way, the territory and food are perfectly resolved, and the food is still a monster. This kind of biological flesh and blood contains huge energy, which can speed up the cultivation speed of the black-bellied spirit snake and shorten the growth time.

Li Shu only needs to be a porter and spend a little money to buy a mountain range, and he can have a huge group of monsters.

Li Shu clenched his fist with his right hand and hammered his left palm, smiling all over his face: "That's it!"

With a thought, let the purple-winged golden-crowned snake enter the pet space to recuperate.

When it takes care of its body, it can execute the plan.

Li Shu hunted ice-attribute monsters in the monster forest, collected monster crystal nuclei, and waited for the dawn of the real world.

Time goes by slowly...

With a flash of white light, Li Shu disappeared out of thin air.

In the real world, Li's old house.

"Hey, little secretary, come here by car."

Li Shu smiled and called Li Yuanyuan. The latter hadn't woken up yet, and when he heard the name secretary in a daze, he woke up instantly, feeling a little embarrassed.

After hanging up the phone, Li Shu changed his clothes, stood at the door with his back against the wall and looked up.

Before Li Yuanyuan arrived, Li Yinyin came first.

Seeing Li Shu's figure, Li Yinyin was taken aback and stood there.

She wears double ponytails, a thick light pink down jacket on her upper body, and a pair of pale blue slim-fit jeans on her lower body, which outlines a perfect arc on her buttocks.

This kind of dress made her upper body look a bit bloated, but her legs were very slender, which formed a sharp contrast with the above and was extremely attractive.

A ray of golden morning light pierced through the clouds, coating her with a hazy golden edge. She is small and exquisite, but beautiful beyond measure.

After a while, ecstasy appeared on her face, and she exclaimed softly: "Brother~ you are finally back~"

After finishing speaking, she let go of her little feet and ran towards Li Shu, plunged into Li Shu's arms, wrapped her arms around Li Shu's waist, and rubbed her little head in Li Shu's arms.

Li Shu raised his right hand to caress the back of his sister's head, and said with a smile, "You came at a good time, I just got home."

Li Yinyin tightened her arms, and her voice was soft: "I come several times a day ~ early morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, evening, I just hope you can see me as soon as you come back."

The simple words made Li Shu feel something melting in his heart. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't find the right words.

After a long time, he sighed quietly, lowered his head and kissed his sister on top of her head.

His lips were printed on it, and he paused for a while.

Li Shu closed his eyes slightly, and the tip of his nose smelled of a faint scent of shampoo. This kind of scent is very common, but at this moment, it made him feel like his heart was being twitched.

Li Shudao's mind is so firm and strong, when he heard his sister's soft and weak voice, his heart surged with a strong desire to protect, his thoughts were churning, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

Feeling Li Shu's movements, a sweet smile appeared on Li Yinyin's face.

The two hugged each other just like that, feeling the warm morning light shining.

The good times didn't last long, and the two brothers and sisters were roughly interrupted by a burst of "dididi" car horns.

Li Yuanyuan parked the black Mercedes-Benz at the door, poked her head out of the driver's window, stared at the two people's intimacy, and said angrily, "Did I come at the wrong time? I'm bothering you?"

Li Yinyin's pretty face was rosy, she reluctantly let go of Li Shu, and stood on the right side of Li Shu with her head bowed like a baby, her clothes sticking to her sleeves.

Li Shu shrugged: "It's important, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the black Mercedes-Benz car.

Li Yinyin followed him on the right side, and asked curiously, "Brother, where are you going?"

"Send snake venom to Secretary Zheng."

"Then what about delivering the snake venom?"

Hearing this, Li Shu stopped, turned his head and looked at his sister with a smile: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"I want my brother to accompany me to watch a movie~" Li Yinyin held Li Shu's right wrist with both hands and waved it coquettishly: "There was an urban comedy released recently, sister Xiao Tao went to see it, and she said it was very good, and the relationship between the hero and heroine is also very good Twists and turns, but the ending is super sweet~”

Li Shu immediately agreed: "Okay!"

Li Yinyin smiled and said sweetly: "I know that brother is the best~"

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanyuan gritted her teeth, almost dying of anger!
Before she woke up early in the morning, she was called by Li Shu on the phone. After calling, she watched the two show their intimacy and spread dog food.

She didn't eat breakfast. She was a little hungry at first, but now she was fed with dog food.

Li Shu and Li Yinyin opened the rear doors one by one from left to right, and got in short.

The car slowly passed the avenue between the two rows of buildings in the village, and was advancing when it was stopped suddenly.

Li Shu took a closer look and saw that it was the 30-year-old beautiful young woman. Some time ago, she was angry because her daughter made popular science questions into adult multiple-choice questions.

Li Yuanyuan lowered the car window, her face full of doubts: "Sister Lin, what's the matter?"

The young woman coughed twice, a little embarrassed: "Yuanyuan, Xunyan starts school today, and I'm going to take her to school, but the car won't start, and I don't know what's wrong. Where are you going? If you're on the way, can you give me a ride?" Cheng? Just take it to the town, the two of us get off in the town and take the urban and rural bus to school."

Her husband's family is good, he bought a house in the urban area, and his daughter went to elementary school in the urban area.

The family of three usually lives in the city, but they go back to their hometown every year for the New Year.

"Coincidentally." Li Yuanyuan said with a smile: "We are just going to the city, passing by Xunyan's elementary school, come up."

The young woman smiled: "Thank you~"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and waved to his daughter who was carrying a pink schoolbag: "Xunyan, you sit in the back and remember to wear your seat belt."

After the mother and daughter got into the car, the car set off again.

Li Shu was sitting on the left side of the back row, and a seven or eight-year-old girl was sitting in the middle, her eyes were red, she was still sniffling, and she raised her hand to wipe her tears from time to time, looking extremely aggrieved.

Li Shu couldn't help laughing: "It's just the beginning of school, why are you still crying?"

"Don't mention it!" The young woman sitting in the co-pilot turned her head, looked at her daughter sitting in the middle of the back row, and said bitterly: "I don't know how to play with things that are useless during the winter vacation, and I basically didn't do my homework. Seeing that school is about to start, hurry up and make up for it. Finished it, no, I was afraid of being scolded by the teacher, and I cried when I woke up, I was so angry!"

Hearing this, several adults in the car laughed at the same time.

The holiday homework is not finished, and everyone who has gone to school has experienced it.

After coaxing Li Shu softly for a while, the little Lolita finally burst into laughter and pestered him to chat, saying "Brother Li Shu" on the left and "Brother Li Shu" on the right. Her voice was clear and sweet, and her cute appearance made her want to pinch her little face. .

Walking halfway, the young woman suddenly frowned and covered her stomach with her hands.

Li Yuanyuan was driving, and Li Yinyin was playing with her mobile phone. Only Li Shu noticed this scene, and couldn't help asking, "Are you okay?"

The young woman smiled wryly: "It's okay, I've had gastroenteritis in the past two days, and I often have stomach pains and diarrhea. Just bear it for a while and it will be fine."

Li Shu observed for a while, judging from her complexion, it was indeed a minor problem, so she stopped talking.

Driving to the gate of the elementary school, the young woman felt a severe stomachache and couldn't help it.

Fortunately, there is a toilet in the school. She turned to Li Yuanyuan with a sad face and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to the toilet. Please help me look after the smoke, it will be fine soon."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly unfastened his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car.

Li Shu sat for a while, with nothing else going on, so he simply got out of the car with Little Lolita, took her little hand and walked forward to sign up for her.

I was walking to the class on the school campus, when someone suddenly shouted: "The principal gave out red envelopes, everyone has them! Hurry up and get them!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of elementary school students rushed to the south like baby swallows returning to their nests.

Little Loli raised her head quickly: "Brother Li Shu, let's go quickly, my mother is not here, I want to buy snacks with this money, usually my mother is very strict, saying that snacks are junk food, and I am not allowed to eat them."

Speaking of this, she puffed her cheeks and said angrily: "Mom will lie to people, multiple-choice questions don't tell me the correct answer, and say that snacks are junk food, hum, snacks are obviously delicious! Everyone likes them!"

Immediately, Little Lolita pulled Li Shu forward, released Li Shu after receiving the red envelope, turned and ran.

Li Shu followed her and watched her run to the small shop on the left side of the school gate.

Little Lolita was grinning, turned her head to look at Li Shu, and said flatteringly while pinching the red envelope: "Brother Li Shu, guess how much money is in it? Well, it's very thin, so it's probably not much, but it's okay , ten yuan is not too much, five yuan is not too little, as long as you can buy snacks, hehe~"

She opened the red envelope and reached in to take it out, but it was empty.

Little Lolita was a little puzzled, she didn't get the money when she put her hand in the middle, it's unscientific.

Continue to stretch down and pinch it at the bottom.

"Hey, get rich~"

Little Loli stood in front of the small shop, looking forward to pulling it out and pulling out the contents.

What was inside the red envelope was not money, but a note. She opened it, and there was a line of big characters written on it—kid, have you finished your winter vacation homework?
 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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