My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 178 Temporary dock, injecting positive energy

Chapter 178 Temporary dock, injecting positive energy
Li Shu took two quick steps to greet her, put his hands precisely under Li Yinyin's armpit, lifted it over his head and turned it around, and hugged her in his arms after landing, and kissed her hard on the right cheek.

If it weren't for Baby Sister, it would be as difficult as heaven to attack Li Yuanyuan just by relying on his straight man's straightforward thinking.

Li Yinyin snuggled into his arms, raised her rosy face and said sweetly: "Brother~ This is the first time I've grown up and hugged each other so high~"

Li Shu laughed loudly, bowed his head, and kissed his sister on the left cheek.

Li Yinyin was very happy in her heart, Li Shu would not be like this usually, but today she was obviously very happy, her every move was very intimate, and she immediately asked with a smile, "Brother, what makes you so happy?"

Li Shu blinked: "Secret~"

Li Yinyin pursed her mouth, a little dissatisfied.


Li Yuanyuan returned home, sat in front of the makeup table in the boudoir, resting her cheeks in her hands, feeling a little absent-minded.

When I think of the various intimacy with Li Shu in the hotel these days, some things I didn't even dare to think about before, it feels like a dream.

But being tossed all day long can be regarded as painful and happy.

She secretly said: "I can finally have a good rest tonight."

Turning his head to look at the big bed with pink sheets and neatly folded quilts, he usually feels comfortable sleeping alone, but he has been hugged by Li Shu during this time. It's hard to be extravagant and frugal, and the same is true in terms of feelings.

I have been with the person I like all the time, and suddenly separated, sleeping alone, I always feel uncomfortable and lack something.


Li Yuanyuan sighed, feeling lost.

She held her small face in her hands in a daze for a long time, when the screen of the mobile phone next to her suddenly lit up and a pleasant ringtone rang.

Squinting, it was an unfamiliar phone number.

After connecting, the person on the other side politely asked about the recruitment of yacht drivers.

After speaking briefly, hang up the phone.

Li Yuanyuan was a little helpless: "This stinky boy has thrown a lot of things to me again, and he is the shopkeeper."

Although he complained in his mouth, his body acted honestly, and he made calls one by one in an orderly manner to deal with the work.

The next day, she got up early in the morning and went to Li's old house with a pair of panda eyes on her head.

Sleeping alone, I thought I would be able to sleep peacefully, but my mind was filled with Li Shu's warm embrace, and I couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

At the door of the earth tile house, the two stood facing each other. Li Shu felt a little distressed when he saw Li Yuanyuan's appearance, so he hugged her directly and said softly, "Did you not rest?"

Li Yuanyuan nodded, and yawned with a tired face and wide mouth.

After being hugged by Li Shu for a while, she gently broke free from Li Shu's embrace, took a step back and whispered, "It's not good to be seen by people in broad daylight."

Li Shu rolled his eyes: "Sister Yuanyuan, when you say that, I don't feel like I'm in a relationship, but stealing someone."

"Dating?" Li Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes lit up: "So, you think of me as your girlfriend?"

Li Shu responded casually: "What else?"

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Actually, it's okay to treat you as my wife."

A happy smile appeared on Li Yuanyuan's face, and it didn't last long. She seemed to think of something, and frowned: "What about your confidante? Especially that little girl, Ningyue, don't think I don't know, you still say she is a friend My younger sister, she is talking nonsense, the way she looks at you, as long as her eyes are not blind, she can see the problem, maybe you have done something else, a 13-year-old girl, thanks to your ability to do it, she is a beast!"

Li Shu's heart shuddered, and he changed the subject decisively: "Sister Yuanyuan, what's the matter here early in the morning?"

Seeing this, Li Yuanyuan got angry and raised her right foot to kick Li Shu: "It's not what you arranged. I was busy yesterday for a long time at the pier where the yachts are docked. After learning from many sources, I feel that It is inappropriate to build a high-standard luxury marina. After all, the ocean has not yet been developed, and the construction of a luxury yacht marina will cost at least several million dollars, and it is not very useful. It is better to build a temporary floating marina, just park a yacht, and it can be done for a few thousand yuan. , After the ocean is developed, a luxury pier will be built."

Li Shu took a step forward and grabbed Li Yuanyuan's hands, stroking her thumbs on the back of her soft hands, and said softly, "I'm all up to you."

Li Yuanyuan couldn't stand his small actions, and was angry and helpless towards Li Shu.

Li Shu let go, put both hands on Li Yuanyuan's temples on both sides, and gently rubbed her with his index finger to relax her.

"Come in and talk."

After a while, strange whimpers sounded in the room.

Half an hour later, the door was opened from the inside, and Li Shu and Li Yuanyuan lowered their heads and straightened their clothes and came out one after the other.

Li Yuanyuan's small face was flushed. After being injected with positive energy by Li Shu, the tired look on her face disappeared, her bright eyes were like water looking forward to her posture, her fair and pretty face was rosy and shiny, and she looked refreshed.

She wondered: "Why is this thing so magical? It can also relieve fatigue?"

A smile appeared on Li Shu's face: "I am a monk, and my body is different from ordinary people. This strange food is like a panacea. It can not only relieve fatigue, but also benefit the body. You have eaten it a few times. Now Make a fist and feel it, does your strength increase a lot? You have practiced taekwondo, and now you can beat ten adults with your physical fitness."

Li Yuanyuan opened her posture, punched straight, kicked sideways, kicked roundabout, pushed her knees up, punched and kicked very fast, and every attack could bring a strong wind.

She felt the explosive power contained in the muscles, and even felt that a punch could punch through a wall, and she was shocked: "You didn't lie to me! It turned out to be true!"

Li Shu gave her a white look: "Why should I lie to you?"

Li Yuanyuan put her hands behind her back and blushed and murmured: "I, I thought, you, you just lied to me, eating, inside, inside, things, I didn't expect, it's really, so amazing."

When Li Shu was injecting positive energy into Li Yuanyuan, the two talked about the construction of the pier and decided to build a temporary pier.

The two sat side by side on the stone bench under the 8000-year-old Polygonatum odoratum, legs next to each other, head to head, with a white tablet on their laps, constantly opening and closing web pages, and occasionally calling the seller.

after an hour.

"Just this one. This water facility company has a large scale, and its products have been applied to more than ten fields such as pontoon bridges, construction buoys, water leisure platforms, ferries, etc. It is very simple for them to build a temporary dock."


After Li Yuanyuan placed an order on Alibaba, the supplier immediately called to confirm.

Because it is in the same city, the supplier promises to deliver it on the same day.

Li Shu pondered for a moment, then pointed to the northwest direction: "The sea is shallow and there are tidal flats. It cannot be used as a floating dock without renovation. If I remember correctly, there is a mountain over there. The water depth at the foot of the mountain is more than ten meters, and there are no reefs at the bottom. Put the floating dock there."

Li Yuanyuan turned her head to look in the direction of his finger, but her sight was blocked by mountains.

She stood up and said, "Go, go and have a look."

The two had just walked two steps, Li Yinyin hummed a little song with a smile on her face, bouncing up and down at the end of her sight, seeing the backs of the two, she quickly shouted: "Brother! Sister Yuanyuan! Where are you going? Wait!" wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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