Chapter 195 One Gram, 40

"I know what you're thinking."

Li Yuanyuan closed the document and said calmly: "Although I did a survey before releasing the APP, how many people are willing to download the APP after the APP is made, but the number of participants is too small.

As a result, the gap between the number of downloads on the first day and the number of survey participants was too large, and the ratio was out of balance, which was beyond our expectation. "

The technical director wiped the cold sweat from his forehead on the back of his right hand, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, who would have expected the current situation, our APP has not been promoted, and the conversion ratio of nearly 80.00% is simply incredible due to user stickiness alone! Looking at any industry, They are all unique.”

Li Yuanyuan nodded slightly: "Well, indeed, although I thought there would be a surprise in the number of downloads, this is beyond the scope of surprise, it is simply an explosion."

After a pause, he continued: "Immediately upgrade the Wushuang APP, and solve various APP problems as quickly as possible."

The technical director breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't get angry, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll go now, what else can Mr. Li order?"

"No, let's go down."

The technical director returned to the office and informed a group of subordinates that they might have to work overtime recently.

Li Yuanyuan and the two assistants continued to discuss various things for about 10 minutes before they were let out.

Li Shu put down the teacup, sat on the desk, placed the middle and two fingers of both hands on Li Yuanyuan's temples, rubbed them lightly, and said with a smile on his face, "Do you have a headache?"

Li Yuanyuan moved the chair forward, put her forehead on Li Shu's lap, and her arms were hanging in the air.

She was tortured a lot by Li Shu last night. She was not energetic enough, and she looked quite tired after encountering such a difficult incident.

Li Yuanyuan was helpless: "It does have a headache, and I'm a little tired."

Li Shu whispered: "Rub it for you."

When the two posed in this pose, the two assistants were about to go out. When they heard the noise behind them, they couldn't help turning their heads to look.

Seeing the closeness between the president and the general manager, the two daughters looked calm on the surface, but they secretly said in their hearts: As expected, the relationship between the two bosses is unusual, there must be an ass-eye transaction.


The heavy wooden door of the general manager's office was closed, leaving only Li Shu and Li Yuanyuan.

Li Shu moved slowly to help Li Yuanyuan rub, a smile gradually appeared on Li Yuanyuan's face, and she hugged his waist with both hands, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, Li Shu said softly, "Are you thinking about promoting the issue?"

"That's right." Li Yuanyuan's voice was dull: "I've asked all major software download platforms. Take 360 ​​as an example. The cost of a round of S-level omni-channel promotion is about 500 million. Other super platforms are similar. If they bloom everywhere, just promotion The cost will be in the billions.”

Li Shu shrugged: "I expected it."

Li Yuanyuan looked up at him: "So? What are you going to do?"

Li Shu chuckled: "When they come to your door, help us promote it for free."

Li Shu sat up straight and widened his eyes: "How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Li Shu turned his head and looked out the window with a slight smile on his face: "I talked to Zong Yu yesterday. After I got home, I will immediately establish a poisonous snake breeding base, supply snake venom for a long time, and let the country produce anticancer drugs. .

As a reward, the state will announce in a high profile that Wushuang is the only procurement channel for snake venom.

When the anti-cancer drug is officially released, the state will help with advertising, such as CCTV news interviews, prime-time advertisements, red-headed documents in various regions, and green lights related to Wushuang. "

Li Yuanyuan lowered her head and thought about it, a little at a loss: "What does this have to do with the major platforms coming to you for cooperation? They are businessmen, and they are only looking for profit. If you don't give money, you expect the other party to come to you for cooperation and free promotion?"

Li Shu scratched Li Yuanyuan's nose with the middle finger of his right hand, and said with a smile, "There is a word called judging the situation, which can also be called 'political correctness'. In any super-large enterprise, the decision-makers are all smart, and they will know what to do when there is a little trouble. A businessman without a good eye can't make his business bigger and stronger."

Li Yuanyuan nodded, half understanding.

Suddenly, she remembered something, and quickly asked: "I heard that snake venom is quite expensive. If you cooperate with the country, how much is snake venom sold per gram?"

Li Shu said casually, "It's 40 per gram."

Li Yuanyuan thought she heard it wrong, and said in disbelief, "How much?"



Li Yuanyuan swears directly, looked at Li Shu up and down with a strange face, and said, "I have always felt that you have the potential to be a profiteer, and you finally showed your fox tail!"

Li Shuzhi rolled his eyes: "Is 40 yuan a gram expensive? You don't know the price of snake venom. The price of common snake venom is comparable to gold. Those rare snake venoms can be as expensive as thousands of yuan a gram. For example, Qinghuan from the American Sigma Company Sea snakes sell for about US$[-] per gram of snake venom, according to the current exchange rate, that is sixty to seventy thousand per gram.”

Li Yuanyuan clicked her tongue: "It's so expensive!"

Li Shu smiled: "There are more expensive ones. The Qinghuan Sea Snake has been artificially bred, and because the Bayesian Sea Snake is only wild and the number is scarce, the price per gram of snake venom is 3-5 times that of the Qinghuan Sea Snake. , the price of Bayesian sea snake venom is between 20 and 40.

Most snake venoms have strong medical value, but any kind of snake venom, including the most expensive sea snake venom, is unlikely to cure cancer.

The venom of the black-bellied snake can completely cure cancer. How much do you think it should be sold for? "

Li Yuanyuan quickly lowered her head, and tapped the thumbs of both hands on the remaining four fingers, and her scalp became numb after a while.

Li Shu teased: "Do you still feel expensive now?"

Li Yuanyuan smiled: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive at all. I even think it's cheap. It should be sold for 100 million! No! 200 million!"

Li Shu sighed: "If you cooperate with a foreign company, everything is based on money. In my mind, the price is 200 million a gram, but when you cooperate with a country, the price is not important, what matters is the development of the country."

He looked out the window: "I used to think that those big bosses who said that money is just a string of numbers are pretentious, but after you reach this height, you will feel that money is really just a string of numbers, with more zeros and less. Zero makes no difference, it's all the same to you anyway.

People without money pursue money, those with money pursue status, and those with status pursue power. When you have all these things, or you can surpass these things, your pursuit will change. "

Li Yuanyuan asked curiously, "Then what is your pursuit now?"

Li Shu was fascinated leisurely: "Today is different from the past. If it were an ancient society, I would like the country's iron cavalry to cross oceans and seas, pointing at the blade, commanding the world, and no one would dare to refuse to follow, and become the suzerain of the world. No matter where the people of the country go Treated like a boss.

Now, it is the country that breaks out of the blockade of the great powers, dominates the world, has a more complete medical system and social security system, and the people live a good life, which is the kind of well-off life that the country has been guiding, and every family can afford a house and a car , Eat whatever you want, from birth to death, as long as you work hard, you don't have to worry about basic necessities of life. "

(End of this chapter)

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