My ancient well leads to another world

Chapter 197 Cross-Plane Hunting

Chapter 197 Cross-Plane Hunting
Li Shu made a calculation and couldn't help frowning.

The second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier black-bellied snakes add up to only a few thousand, and the fourth-tier is the least, only a few hundred. According to this data, the monthly production of anticancer drugs is less than [-].

The annual output is only about one hundred thousand. Compared with the hundreds of millions of cancer patients in the world, this number is simply pitiful.

"We have to find a way to expand the scale of the snake group."

Li Shu thought for a moment and made up his mind.

Li's old house.

With a flash of white light, Li Shu disappeared out of thin air.

Fighting Qi Continent, the central area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains of the Jia Ma Empire, the deepest part of the poisonous swamp.

The purple-winged golden-crowned snake was coiled in the open space, and the snake's head was lying there limply, as if asleep.

Suddenly, a phantom flashed in the air, and one-third of its front body stood up, opened its eyes and stared at a certain place, and the powerful aura belonging to the fifth-order peak monster burst out instantly, causing the wind to howl and blow sand and rocks.

The next moment, Li Shu suddenly appeared, dressed in white casual clothes, standing not far from the Purple Winged Golden Crown Snake.

When it was discovered that it was Li Shu, its powerful aura instantly subsided, and the open space immediately became calm, only a respectful voice sounded: "Master."

Li Shu said indifferently: "Have you communicated with your younger brothers?"

The purple-winged golden-crowned snake lowered its head slightly: "Master, don't worry, I am a special monster of the snake clan. I can advance without limit. The monster beast group may also follow my command."

Li Shu nodded: "That's good, I don't want them to cause any trouble."

After a pause, his face became serious: "Remember, if there is a black-bellied spirit snake who is disobedient and runs out of the territory without permission..."

A cold light flashed in Li Shu's eyes, and he said sharply, "Kill without pardon!"

The purple-winged golden-crowned snake's heart trembled, the pressure on its head became lower and lower, and it respectfully said: "Obey!"

Li Shu turned and walked forward.

After all, the black-bellied spirit snake is a monster. For ordinary people, it is similar to a monster in mythology. It is possible to outsmart it at the first and second levels. At the third level or above, without modern weapons, it is impossible to defeat unless it takes life.

If you don't strictly restrain them and let them run around, it may not necessarily cause any trouble.

When Li Shu came to the place where the snakes gathered, densely packed black-bellied spirit snakes coiled into a huge three-story-high snake ball. The black-bellied spirit snakes squirmed slightly.

If you have severe intensive phobia, you can call the crematorium directly after watching this scene for a while and ask them to pull people.

With a big wave of Li Shu's hand, he put the snake ball into the Soul Suppressing Monument.

With a flash of white light, the figure disappeared out of thin air.

Li's old house.

call out!
A black light shot up into the sky, like a shooting star in the night, dragging its long tail and flying deep into the mountains.

Li Shu first released the Purple Winged Golden Crown Snake, told it the territory and range of activities of the snake clan, and after it memorized it, threw the snake ball.


In an instant, tens of thousands of black-bellied spirit snakes scattered, their eyes full of curiosity, wandering around in the open space below.

The purple-winged golden-crowned snake neighed one after another. This is the language of the snake clan. It repeated what Li Shu said to it before, and picked out some third- and fourth-order black-bellied spirit snakes as guards, guarding the edge to prevent some people with low intelligence. The black-bellied spirit snake ran around disobediently.

Li Shu sat cross-legged on top of the flying sword, observed it condescendingly for a while, and then flew back to the old house.

With a thought, he entered the plane of devouring the starry sky.

Originally located in the suburbs of Shanghai.

This once international metropolis has been reduced to a den of monsters.

Walking on the street, looking around, it is desolate, dilapidated, and bleak. There are rusty and abandoned cars everywhere on the street, most of which are wrapped in various green vegetation. When a gust of wind blows, torn newspapers and plastic bags fly in the air.





Monster roars sounded from time to time at the end of the street and in the buildings on both sides, and there was even a long siren-like whistle in the center of the city, which made people feel depressing.

"The main monster here is the beast general level. In conversion, the level is about the same as the third-level and fourth-level monsters. Going forward, it should be in the countryside around the city, and the monster level is lower."

Li Shu ran wildly in the abandoned streets. After training for this period of time, he is already a monk at the peak of Taoism, and he may break through to the realm of a celestial master at any time.

At this time, the powerful breath was released, and ordinary beast generals and beast soldiers dared not approach at all.

Occasionally, some blind people rushed up and were killed by him.

After searching, half an hour later, Li Shu was standing in a place where no traces of human activities could be seen, the ground was paved with green grass, surrounded by towering trees, just like a primeval forest.

But if you look closely, you can find some houses that are covered in moss or completely wrapped in vines, almost collapsing.

Li Shu looked around, satisfied: "This is here, surrounded by beast-level monsters, the black-bellied spirit snake can go out to hunt high-level monsters, and then come here to cultivate, it is very suitable as the black-bellied spirit snake base."

Back in the real world, Li Shu got most of the third- and fourth-tier black-bellied spirit snakes to devour the starry sky plane, and personally sat down to tell them where there are many high-level monsters and where they can't go.

In fact, it goes without saying that monsters have a very keen intuition, even if they are driven to places that make them tremble, they may not necessarily go.

After finishing all this work, Li Shu conveyed a message to the purple-winged golden-crowned snake—to encourage adult black-bellied spirit snakes to give birth, and the more they give birth, the better the reward.

As for the reward, Li Shu did not say yet.

Two months passed in a flash.

During this period of time, Li Shu often went to the Douqi Continent to collect medicinal materials.

When the medicinal materials are almost collected, the Purple Winged Golden Crown Snake will be notified that the top three births will be rewarded with the sixth-order elixir Breaking Barrier Pill.

Barrier Breaking Pill: It can increase the strength of the Douwang-level powerhouse by one star, and has a certain chance to increase the strength by two stars. It can increase the strength of the spirit-fighting world powerhouse by at least three stars, and has a chance to increase the strength by five stars.

Although Li Shu is strong now, it is difficult to refine a sixth-level elixir, but he is already at the peak of Dao Dao, and within a year he will definitely break through and become a celestial master.

At that time, the strength will increase greatly, and the refining of the sixth-order elixir will be at hand!

As soon as this news came out, the Tier [-] Warcraft went crazy!
At the same level, under normal circumstances, the physical fitness of monsters is much stronger than that of humans, so the elixir has a better effect on monsters.

Because human beings are not physically strong enough, they will waste part of the power of high-level pills, but this does not exist for Warcraft, which can perfectly absorb the power of medicine.

Thinking of being able to step through several ranks in a row, and the strength skyrocketed, whether it is to increase the strength by killing in the devouring starry sky plane, or to hold the ground in the real world, they are desperately doing it.

When Li Shu was busy with his work, he didn't forget about the marriage contract, so he deliberately set aside a few days to marry Ning Yue.

After this period of buffering, the marine debris was salvaged, leaving thousands of centrifuges behind.

More than 4000 million consumption, including the purchase of these instruments.

After the new house was built, the yacht driver Zhou Chenshan moved in. The centrifuge was temporarily unusable, so Li Shu made a room to serve as a warehouse, and Zhou Chenshan came to serve as the warehouse manager.

Li Shu was observing the ocean when he heard someone crying not far away: "I said, this fish is dying wave after wave, it's too difficult to raise fish!"

(End of this chapter)

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