Chapter 1110
In this way, Xu Dong has been able to confirm that although Santian has surrendered to him, he has been deleted and returned to other people to focus on Xu Dong.When looking for Mita with this photo, Mita shook his head.

"It's not that I don't help you, it's that I really don't know each other. Sanzhuhui has many branches throughout our country."

"You also know that a Japanese country is roughly divided into four parts, and each part actually has its own assigned things."

"I think this time it's very likely that people outside our area think I've got the right way, so I want to see if I can replace it."

"I'm sorry I can't help you, but if you know what he did, maybe I can analyze it."

Xu Dong was silent when he heard the words, he didn't even know what kind of trick this person was.While attacking the opponent diligently, at the same time attacking his colleagues, it can only be said that this person is extremely vicious.

After thinking carefully for a while, Xu Dong could only answer his question in an ambiguous way: "First of all, this person committed crimes in a team, and he brutally killed his colleagues after their work was done."

"Secondly, their targets are often vulnerable groups, and this time they targeted a pregnant woman."

Even Sanda was extremely disgusted when he heard this sentence, but this method allowed him to immediately determine who this person was.

"I see, they are from Yamamoto. Yamamoto is mainly responsible for the northern region of our country. There are many more people there than us, and sometimes they will do anything for things."

"You have to be careful, this time you will face an opponent stronger than me. This is not on the surface, but secretly."

"For example, if I want to do something to you, I can confront you head-on, but they won't. They will choose to dig a hole for you secretly, and wait for you to jump into it when you are done." , they will cover all the soil on top.”

"Xu Dong, don't blame me for not reminding you, this time is a tough bone, if you really can't get it down, you'd better stop as soon as possible. Huaxia is so big, besides you, there must be other capable people and strange people , you don’t need to take all the responsibility on yourself?”

Santian has already said everything now, if he is the only place where he can help Xu Dong, if Xu Dong still doesn't believe it, he has nothing to do.

But how could Xu Dong give up so easily?Now he not only wants to find out who this person is, but also wants Sanda to give him a result: "Then what if I have to do this? Is there any way for me to prevent this in advance?"

Sanda was stunned when he heard the words, he looked at Junko next to him with some embarrassment, Junko also shook his head helplessly, and there was a little smile in Xu Dong's eyes.

Sure enough, even if she was a nympho at that time, she didn't see the wrong partner. People like Xu Dong are indeed worth it.

So, without even thinking about it, she continued, "No matter how powerful he is, he is still human, and as long as he is human, he will have weaknesses."

"There is a knife on Sezi's head. This is his weakness. Back then, he was almost dismissed by my father because of this matter."

"I've already talked about Xu Dong's words here. You should understand what to do. However, I also advise you that if you have some weak people around you, it's best to take care of them during this period of time." protected."

"It really doesn't work, it's the safest thing to send to the Guoan team."

This is what Zhu Xinyu said.

When Zhu Xinyu said this, everyone present was stunned.

In fact, it is not easy to stuff people into the Guoan team. The reason why Zhu Xinyu said this should be that he has thought of a way to let them all in.

But then again, how could Xu Dong have the nerve to trouble Zhu Xinyu again and again?She has paid enough for this matter.

Xu Dong thought so, and rejected Zhu Xinyu flatly: "No need, I have my own way of dealing with this matter, besides, Sister Qing is now a month old, it would not be good to let him run back and forth."

He has been about to throw up in helicopters recently, if this continues, he might as well learn to be a pilot himself to get a pilot's license.

He had the money anyway, and could afford a helicopter.

If it doesn't work, it's okay to buy a private jet. Although the plane flies a bit slower, it has more seats and can take them around afterwards.

Zhu Xinyu, who was rejected, did not try to embarrass Xu Dong again.

She knew that once Xu Dong made his decision, no one would be able to persuade him to come back, so she decided not to provoke Xu Dong's dislike.

Xu Dong is now caught in a dilemma. On the one hand, it is the person he has always wanted to protect, and on the other hand, it is the land he has always wanted to protect.

Xu Dong didn't even know when he left Sanda's room. He only knew that when he realized it, he was already sitting in his own room in a daze.

He looked at everything in front of him, and didn't know what to do for a while.

The only thing he can know now is one thing, that is, no matter what, he must not be at a disadvantage.

And Zhu Xinyu saw all this in his eyes, and now he looked at Xu Dong with unstoppable worry in his eyes.

Standing at the door, Zhu Xinyu happened to meet Shang Jun who was looking for Xu Dong, so Zhu Xinyu looked at Xu Dong, and Shang Jun looked at Zhu Xinyu.

Finally, Shang Jun couldn't bear it anymore, a sneeze broke the tranquility at this moment, Zhu Xinyu turned his head instantly, and even Xu Dong followed him out of the door.

"Shang Jun, why are you standing here? What's the matter? Why don't we discuss it together?"

After Xu Dong said this, Zhu Xinyu and Shang Jun also entered Xu Dong's room, and the three of them really started to discuss together what should be done.

"Actually, I think what the captain said makes sense. The safest place now is the Guoan team. Although the plot is getting older, it may not be easy to come here, but it is always possible for others to come here, right?"

"At that time, the name will be relatively simple. Now that you are an undercover agent of the Guo'an team, you have the right to come to the Guo'an team's hospital to recuperate as a family member. But it is only for a period of time, and the Guo'an team's hospital can still afford it."

"Besides, if you really feel guilty, you can donate money to us. Who would think too much money these days?"

After hearing what Shang Jun said, Xu Dong couldn't help but chuckle, he couldn't tell that this guy really had everything planned for him.

However, what he said makes sense, so let's do it.

(End of this chapter)

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