rural little Shennong

Chapter 1114 Your Child

Chapter 1114 Your Child
In the end, before Shang Jun could find out why, Xu Dong suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number.

Xu Dong just picked up the phone when a trembling voice came from the other end: "Hello, yes, it's Xu Dong, right? That woman of yours... gave birth prematurely"

The man was trembling as he spoke, Xu Dong suddenly gripped the phone tightly, he was afraid that if he couldn't hold it tight, the phone would be dropped by him.

Xu Dong tried his best to control his emotions. Even Shang Jun and Zhu Xinyu, who were standing aside, noticed something was wrong, and now they were just quietly waiting for Xu Dong's next words.

Finally, the person on the other end of the phone told Xu Dong an address.

"We have already sent her to the nearby People's Hospital. Come to the Town People's Hospital in Liaowang Town."

Xu Dong also almost dropped everything here and drove directly to the hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, he saw two thugs looking around at the door, apparently waiting for someone.

Xu Dong walked forward in three steps at the same time. The moment the two people saw Xu Dong, their expressions changed instantly. When they saw that they were about to kneel down for Xu Dong, they were directly kicked by Xu Dong alone. Kicked away.

"You family members, you are really promising, to attack a woman."

Xu Dong's eyes narrowed unconsciously, these people were going too far.

And Xu Dong couldn't care less about everything now, so he could only desperately run upstairs and wait quietly at the door of the delivery room.

Finally, a loud baby cry resounded through the sky.

When the doctor came out with the baby in his arms, the baby was wrinkled like a little monkey.

Especially because of the premature birth, she was sent directly to the incubator now.

What Xu Dong really cared about was not this child, but Fang Qing.

He is now guarding the door of the delivery room, looking in constantly, he wants to know if Fang Qing is still safe.

"Is Fang Qing's family here?"

A nurse came out to call, Xu Dong rushed forward and immediately raised his hand.

"Here I am."

The nurse looked Xu Dong up and down, and muttered in a low voice: "Why are you a father? When the parturient mother was brought here, she didn't see anyone. Now that the son came out, I saw him."

Xu Dong didn't say much either. If he said more, Fang Qing's reputation might be bad, especially since this is a small place.

The moment Xu Dong saw Fang Qing being pushed out of the delivery room, his restless heart finally settled down.

He even went out of his way to pay more and let Fang Qing live in a single room alone.

It's not a big hospital to have a single room. Although it's not as good as a VIP room, at least it's quiet. Fang Qing needs to rest now.

Xu Dong guarded every step of the way, and even had his meals delivered directly to the door.

He only ate with one hand, and when he held Fang Qing tightly with the other hand, he seemed to be afraid that Fang Qing would leave him if he was not careful.

Early the next morning, Fang Qing woke up leisurely, and she suddenly felt a warm sensation in her palm.

She turned her head to look over, and found Xu Dong's unshaven eyes looking at her with red eyes.

"Sister Qing, you finally woke up!"

Xu Dong's eyes were full of urgency, and he looked at Fang Qing's eyes with infinite nostalgia.

As long as she is fine, as long as Fang Qing is fine, he is willing to raise this child with Fang Qing.

As for the child's father, it doesn't matter at all, anyway, that man hasn't appeared for a long time, has he?

Fang Qing looked at the nostalgia in Xu Dong's eyes, and her heart moved slightly. She finally plucked up the courage and told Xu Dong the truth.

"Do you remember what I said? When I give birth to you and give birth to the child, I will tell you a secret."

"Remember, of course I remember, sister Qing, I remember every word you said."

Fang Qing struggled to get up, but with Xu Dong's help, she finally sat up straight, and put her hand lightly on Xu Dong's.

"This child is actually yours."

Xu Dong froze on the spot. In an instant, the thousands of words he had prepared turned into useless words.There was chaos in his mind, obviously not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of him.

He had thought countless times what the secret Fang Qing was talking about would be, but what he never expected was that it was this!

But when?

Xu Dong frowned and thought carefully for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out after all.

Until Fang Qing said: "On the day of the Spring Festival, that night, it was actually not only the three of them, but also me."

"I just found out I was pregnant when I thought about getting rid of the baby, but then I thought you didn't have a baby of your own."

"I just thought that I could secretly give birth to the child by myself. If you like it, then confess it. If you don't want it, then I will raise the child alone. It's money between you and me. A fate."

"But now it seems that you really like him."

Fang Qing passed out directly when she knew it was a boy, and didn't pay any attention to what happened afterwards.

And Xu Dong was even more delighted now, he picked up the phone with trembling hands, and didn't know who to contact for a while.

In the end, he could only contact Ma Sisi: "Sisi, please help me find out if there are any manufacturers of baby products and importers of milk powder. Get in touch."

Ma Sisi thought of Fang Qing's matter in an instant, and was a little surprised by it.

"Sister Qing gave birth, but there is still some time before the due date?"

"It's a long story. We'll talk about it when we meet. There are more important things now."

Xu Dong completed all these more important matters during the forty days of confinement with Fang Qing.

He first buried the spirit stone under the formation, and under the nourishment of the spirit stone, the formation began to recover slowly.

Although it has not been fully activated yet, it must be possible to bring the formation back to life in time.

In addition, Xu Dong even rushed directly to Haotian Pagoda, which had always been used as a holy tower for sacrifice by the aristocratic family.

Xu Dong knocked out the guard, rushed directly into the Haotian Tower, packed all the ancient books inside into his own space, and set a fire on the top floor.

The Haotian Tower was burned, and the family members finally realized that Xu Dong's thunderous methods had all surrendered so far.

At the same time, Watanabe Hui also set foot on the ferry to Huaxia. Looking at the calm sea, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's finally time to meet, Xu Dong, I'm looking forward to it."

When Xu Dong got the news, it was three days after Watanabe Hui entered China.

(End of this chapter)

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