rural little Shennong

Chapter 210 Reaching Cooperation

Chapter 210 Reaching Cooperation
After Liu Zhendong's two subordinates were kicked out of the office, they all looked confused.

Guoan wants to buy medicine from Xu Dong?Isn't this nonsense, why does Guoan ask you to buy medicine?

The two of them didn't believe what Xu Dong said just now. They felt that this was a scene Xu Dong arranged for his subordinates to cooperate with him.

But just as they were about to leave, they suddenly saw a few people in uniforms sitting in an office next to them.Both of them were startled suddenly, could it be that Guoan really sent someone here?
They wanted to take a closer look, or find a way to confirm the authenticity of this matter, but Xu Dong quickly came out of the office and sent someone to throw them out of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical.

In the end, these two people had no choice but to pass the news back. As for whether it was true or not, the people in the company could only find a way to confirm it.

Not long after, Ding Xun came to Liu Zhendong's office again and told Liu Zhendong the news.

Liu Zhendong frowned, "Guoan wants Xu Dong to buy medicine? What kind of medicine are they buying?"

"It's not clear yet. Judging from the style of their uniforms, the few people who appeared at Dongjiang Pharmaceutical are indeed from Guoan."

Ding Xun paused for a moment, then continued: "Could it be Ma Yongcheng who helped Xu Dong contact Guoan? Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to contact Guoan based on Xu Dong."

Liu Zhendong leaned on the sofa and pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "Impossible, Ma Yongcheng doesn't have the ability to contact Guoan. The biggest possibility is that Xu Dong asked someone to act in a play."

Speaking of this, Liu Zhendong sneered and said: "Leave him alone, and continue to send people to stare at them. Since the surname Xu wants to act, let him act. I want to see how far he can act."


Ding Xun took the order to leave.


Two hours later, at the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, Xu Dong, Shi Zhongming and others waved off a commercial vehicle together.

The few people who came from the National Security Headquarters to inspect Dongjiang Pharmaceutical were all in the business car. After the inspection, they simply rejected Xu Dong's banquet and left directly in the car.

Shi Zhongming couldn't hide the excitement on his face. After the commercial vehicle left, he couldn't help but said: "I really hope this can be done. If our company becomes the designated supplier of Guoan, then our company can really Crossed over!"

What is the concept of becoming a drug supplier for Guoan?
It is equivalent to having Guoan endorse Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, almost having a semi-official status.

From then on, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and still leaning on Guoan, a mysterious and tall super tree, who dares to say that Dongjiang Pharmaceutical's medicine is not good?

Moreover, according to Director Chen who led the team just now, once the cooperation is successful, special personnel will be assigned to be on duty at the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical in the future, because the drugs produced by Dongjiang Pharmaceutical for Guoan are absolutely confidential, and no one can approach the specific production workshop.

In addition, in order to help Dongjiang Pharmaceutical expand production, Guoan will also provide a sum of funds to help Dongjiang Pharmaceutical expand new factories and increase production lines as soon as possible.

All in all, once a cooperation with Guoan can be reached, it will be of great benefit to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical. It will not only help Dongjiang Pharmaceutical to open the situation smoothly, but also speed up the development of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical by several levels.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Zhongming is so happy.

After saying this, he looked at Xu Dong with admiration again, "Mr. Xu is still very good. Just like what you said at the beginning, as long as our medicine is good, our company will be fine. In fact, it is true. If If our medicine is not good, Guoan will not take the initiative to come to cooperate with you. Mr. Xu, you are too good!"

Afterwards, Shi Zhongming said to Zhu Xinyu again: "I am able to cooperate with Guoan this time, and I also want to thank Ms. Zhu. Without your help to make a bridge, we would not have the opportunity to know people from Guoan. Ms. Zhu really helped us a lot this time." !"

Zhu Xinyu smiled faintly, "Mr. Shi is too polite. To me, this is just a matter of little effort, and if our Guoan can cooperate with you, the benefits for Guoan will definitely be greater."

"There's no need to talk about these polite words. Our cooperation with Guoan is definitely not a big problem. I estimate that there will be results within a few days. Old Shi, it's up to you next."

Shi Zhongming immediately said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will start to arrange it right away, and I guarantee that there will be no mistakes."

Xu Dong's prediction was correct. Just one night later, the next morning, news came from the National Security Headquarters, not only agreeing to sign a cooperation agreement with Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, but also asking Dongjiang Pharmaceutical to provide Guoan with medicines worth 1000 million within a month.

Good start, so far it has finally come true!
On the morning of that day, Director Chen came to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical again and signed a long-term cooperation agreement with Dongjiang Pharmaceutical on behalf of Guoan. And from noon on that day, two soldiers with live ammunition appeared at the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical. You must wear a work permit or hold a pass, and it is strictly forbidden for idlers to enter.

In the office of the chairman of Zhendong Group, an antique vase from the Ming Dynasty fell to pieces on the ground.

Liu Zhendong gritted his teeth and stared at Ding Xun across the desk, "You mean, the guy named Xu really cooperated with Guoan?"

"I have learned repeatedly, and it is indeed true!" Ding Xun said expressionlessly, "Now some workshops of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical have been listed as military restricted areas, and no one who is irrelevant can enter, and there are soldiers standing guard at the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical. , the management is very strict. It is said that Guoan signed a five-year cooperation agreement with them, and the first supply contract reached 1000 million. It seems that we can no longer do anything to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical, otherwise it may cause Attention to Guoan."

Liu Zhendong panted for a while, and gradually calmed down. After lighting a cigarette and taking two puffs, he said with a sullen face, "With Guoan backing them up, no one will be able to touch Dongjiang in the future. This time, that kid is lucky to pass the test." Yes. You can make arrangements later, stop everything that needs to be stopped, and clean up everything."

Although Liu Zhendong is awesome, he is just a businessman, and he has absolutely no guts to confront a powerful department like Guoan.

Dongjiang Pharmaceutical has the support of Guoan, not only will no one dare to trip Dongjiang in the future, but more and more people will definitely cooperate with Dongjiang.

Therefore, the plan to use Dongjiang to force Xu Dong to submit can already be declared a failure.

Ding Xun asked: "What should we do next?"

Liu Zhendong paced back and forth in the office a few times, when his eyes suddenly fell on the table.

He picked up the photo frame on the desk, which contained a group photo of their family of three. Looking at Liu Wei with a bright smile on his face, Liu Zhendong suddenly made a decision in his heart.

"You go there yourself. If he refuses to treat Xiaowei, then he will never be able to treat others again!"

A sharp light flashed in Liu Zhendong's eyes, and his voice was as cold as a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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