rural little Shennong

Chapter 228 The Big Secret

Chapter 228 The Big Secret

"Rongrong, how are you?"

Chen Rong's cousin was stunned for a while, then immediately ran over and looked at Chen Rong in surprise.

Chen Rong glanced at her, then at Xu Dong.Although she was still unkempt and dirty, her eyes were extremely agile, which was completely different from the dull look before.

Although Chen Rong didn't say a word, her meaning was self-evident.

Xu Dong turned to Chen Rong's cousin and said, "I've cured your cousin of her madness, you'd better let her take a bath right away and change into clean clothes."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll get ready right away!"

Cousin Chen Rong finally came back to her senses, and excitedly rushed up to support Chen Rong, "Rong Rong, you are finally healed, that's great!"

But Chen Rong still didn't say a word, turning a deaf ear to her cousin's enthusiasm and concern.

Then, she limped and followed her cousin out of the thatched cottage. Before leaving, she looked back at the thatched cottage and bit her lip hard.

Half an hour later, when Chen Rong appeared in front of Xu Dong again, her whole body was completely new.

Not only is there no smell like before, but she also looks much younger now.Although still haggard, at least she no longer looks like a woman in her 50s.

Knowing that Chen Rong's madness had also been cured by Xu Dong, the people of Luojia Village were amazed again, and they all ran over to see what was strange, even the old village head came over to take a look curiously.

After these people left, Xu Dong asked, "Are you going to stay here, or come down the mountain with us?"

Chen Rong took a deep look at Xu Dong and said, "If you want me to help you, do one thing for me first."

"what's up?"

Chen Rong turned her head to look at the door, her cousin's family was standing outside the room.

"Help me break one of his legs!"

Chen Rong was referring to her cousin-in-law.

"Why?" Xu Dong asked puzzled.

Chen Rong gritted her teeth and said: "Because he is a beast. He not only robbed me of all my things, but also raped me. After my child died, he even wanted to sell me. If I hadn't pretended to be crazy, It may not be alive at all."

"Do you have evidence? If what you said is true, I can promise you." Xu Dong said.

"He has a black birthmark on his butt!" Chen Rong stared at her cousin's family coldly.

Xu Dong glanced at Xu Tao, who immediately walked over and brought Chen Rong's cousin and cousin-in-law into the room.

Wang Liding immediately closed the door, and here, Xu Tao quickly moved Chen Rong's cousin-in-law to the ground and took off his pants.

Sure enough, this guy had a black birthmark on his ass.

Chen Rong's cousin turned pale with shock, and hurriedly shouted: "What are you doing?"

"He once wanted to rape Chen Rong, and even wanted to sell your cousin, do you know?" Xu Dong asked Chen Rong's cousin.

Chen Rong's cousin froze for a moment, opened her mouth, but didn't say a word, and finally lowered her head guiltyly, not daring to look at Chen Rong.

"It seems that you know it! Don't worry, Chen Rong doesn't want to embarrass you too much for the sake of your cousins. But your husband must be punished!"

As soon as Xu Dong finished speaking, there was only a scream, and Xu Tao had already knocked off one of the beast's legs cleanly.

Chen Rong, who witnessed the whole scene, clenched her hands tightly.

Chen Rong's cousin exclaimed loudly, and immediately threw herself on her husband. Xu Tao and Wang Liding quickly dragged them out of the room.

When the screams gradually faded away, Chen Rong's tightly tensed body finally relaxed, and there was a trace of relief in her eyes that her revenge had been avenged.

Xu Dong poured her a glass of water and asked, "You used to be Liu Zhendong's lover, and also Liu Zhendong's right-hand man. You can be regarded as his confidant, and you should know his situation better. As a smart woman, I believe that you You must have some secrets about Liu Zhendong, right?"

Chen Rong was noncommittal, took a sip of water silently, put down the teacup, and asked, "Do you have a grudge against Liu Zhendong?"

"You die!"

Chen Rong looked into Xu Dong's eyes and continued to ask: "Liu Zhendong is very powerful, even if you get those things from me, can you deal with him?"

Xu Dong smiled and said, "If I want his life, he won't live until tomorrow. But I don't want to do it unless it's a last resort. After all, this is a legal society."

After finishing speaking, Xu Dong made a casual move, and an enamel cup on the table in the distance was immediately sucked into the palm of his hand, and then quickly squeezed into a ball by Xu Dong's hand.

Chen Rong was dumbfounded, and after a while she was surprised: "Is this magic?"

Xu Dong handed over the iron ball formed by kneading the enamel cup, "Does this look like magic to you?"

Holding the cold iron ball, Chen Rong was stunned for a long time, and then looked at Xu Dong with shock and determination.

"I don't have Liu Zhendong's secret information in my hand. He is a very cautious person and never trusts anyone easily. Although I used to be his lover, he didn't really trust me."

Xu Dong frowned slightly, "Then what can you give me?"

"I can tell you something!" Chen Rong said: "Beichen Pharmaceuticals under the Zhendong Group, besides producing normal medicines, is also producing drugs!"

"Making poison?" Xu Dong frowned, "Is the news reliable?"

"It's absolutely true!" Chen Rong said, "Liu Zhendong told me this inadvertently after he was drunk. According to him, he didn't make drugs for sale, but used them to control a large number of people, and some of them even official."

Xu Dong's eyes lit up. If the news is true, then Liu Zhendong is definitely dead.

"It is said that he has a notebook, which records all the people under his control." Chen Rong continued.

"Do you know where this notebook is?" Xu Dong asked immediately.

There is no doubt that if you can get this notebook, all problems will be solved.

This notebook is the reliance of Liu Zhendong to make a fortune, and it is also the guillotine that makes him die without a place to bury him.

Chen Rong shook her head, "I don't know, but I suspect that Liu Zhendong left the notebook with his ex-wife."

"Ex-wife?" Xu Dong asked puzzled.

"Yes, it's his ex-wife. Although Liu Zhendong divorced his ex-wife, they are not separated. Every New Year, he will spend with his ex-wife and son. If you want to find someone Liu Zhendong trusts the most, it must be him ex-wife."

Xu Dong nodded, and continued to ask: "Is the place where he manufactures drugs in Beichen Pharmaceutical Company?"

"I don't know, but someone must know. This person is Fan Bin, the chief engineer of Beichen Pharmaceutical." Chen Rong said.

(End of this chapter)

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