Chapter 230
After Chen Rong was settled, Xu Dong took Xu Tao and Wang Liding back to the county that afternoon.

After knowing all the details of the whole incident, Niu Guozhu pondered for a moment, and said: "Chen Rong and Liu Zhendong have a deep hatred, so her words are still very credible. However, it has been more than five years since she left Liu Zhendong, and many things may have changed a lot." Big changes. For example, does the notebook she mentioned really exist? If it exists, is it still with Liu Zhendong’s ex-wife? If we rush to find the notebook and startle Liu Zhendong, we will undoubtedly scare the snake away. It's even harder."

"So, we definitely can't give up this notebook, but we can't act rashly. More importantly, we must confirm whether Liu Zhendong is still making drugs, and it is best to get evidence of his drug making. In this way, Liu Zhendong will It's impossible to escape with wings!"

Xu Tao went on to say: "It may be difficult to directly obtain evidence of Liu Zhendong's drug production. Because Liu Zhendong does not rely on drug production to make money, he mainly uses these things to control a group of people, so the amount will not be too large. It will be quite hidden, and there may only be one or two people who deal with it. So even if we enter Beichen Pharmaceutical, we may get nothing."

Niu Guozhu shook his head, and said: "The drug production site should definitely be in Beichen Pharmaceutical. This is the most suitable place, and it is also the least likely to be discovered. With Liu Zhendong's cautious personality, he is unlikely to arrange the drug production site in other places. .Secondly, because the amount is very small and it needs to be kept out of sight, the drug should be prepared in a laboratory, which narrows down a lot for us.”

Xu Tao scratched his head and laughed dryly, "It's still Team Niu's thoughtful thinking, and it really should be like this. Then I will start preparations immediately and try to find Liu Zhendong's drug-making laboratory in the shortest possible time."

Niu Guozhu said: "Be careful, otherwise, once you fail, Liu Zhendong will definitely clear up all the evidence of the crime after you have stunned the snake. At that time, it will be even more difficult to catch him."

Xu Dong nodded, "Old Niu is right. This laboratory must have the most stringent protection. It is best to lock the location of the poison-making laboratory in advance. If you are not sure, you would rather give up than startle the enemy."

At this time, Wang Liding, who had been staring at the computer, suddenly said excitedly: "I just found out that Fan Bin's wife will return home tomorrow."

Xu Dong's eyes lit up, "Are you sure?"

"She bought an air ticket for tonight and will arrive in Haicheng tomorrow morning. I have found her air ticket information!" Wang Liding said excitedly.

This is indeed good news. If Fan Bin's wife returns to China, then Fan Bin will definitely leave Beichen Pharmaceutical, which provides them with an opportunity to get in touch with Fan Bin.

But this is also very strange. Fan Bin's wife is very ill, and she suddenly returns to China at this time. What is her purpose?
Niu Guodong suddenly asked: "Mr. Xu, can you cure his wife's illness? If you can cure his wife's illness, we might be able to obtain Liu Zhendong's criminal evidence through Fan Bin. In this way, all problems will be solved gone."

But this is easier said than done, Fan Bin's wife suffers from a rare blood disease, and after so many years, her body has reached the point of exhaustion, and it is almost impossible to cure her.


The next morning.

An ambulance drove into the family area of ​​Haicheng Medical University.

After stopping in front of a family building, the medical staff carefully lifted a middle-aged woman in her 50s out of the car.

She is Fan Bin's wife Ren Juan.

Ren Juan was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the old family building, her eyes filled with tears.

Every day in a foreign country, she dreams of coming back.

Now, she's finally back.

Fan Bin also got off the ambulance. He looked up at the family building, filled with emotion, pushed the wheelchair and said, "Let's go, let's go home!"

Tears flowed from the corners of Ren Juan's eyes. She was on the verge of death and there was no cure. According to her previous instructions, Fan Bin brought her back from abroad.

Leaves fall back to their roots.

Pushing the wheelchair into the corridor, Fan Bin refused the help of the medical staff and carried Ren Juan up to the sixth floor step by step.

After pushing open the familiar door, the couple finally returned home.

"Juanzi, we're home!"

Fan Bin carefully put Ren Juan on the sofa, squatted beside her and gently wiped the tears on her face, and said with a smile: "I stewed your favorite lotus root pork rib soup, as well as croquettes and steamed sea bass, It's all what you like to eat. Today is a happy day, you can eat more later, and we can drink a little wine."

Ren Juan couldn't speak, her tears couldn't stop falling, she looked at Fan Bin without blinking, the deep affection in her was so strong that she could hardly melt away.

"You've lost a lot of weight!" Fan Bin stroked Ren Juan's cheek lightly, "You used to always say that you were fat and insisted on losing weight, and that you were beautiful only when you were thin. I always laughed at you. Now I find that you are right, you It's really beautiful now!"

Ren Juan moved her fingers, Fan Bin immediately held her hand, and pressed her cold hand to his face.

"I know, you want to say that I have lost weight too. I learned this from you. You can only be healthy if you are thin, so I work out every day to lose weight. Look, I carried you upstairs in one breath just now, even No breath."

Fan Bin kissed Ren Juan's hand, and said with a smile: "You take a rest first, watch TV, I'll go cook, it will be ready soon!"

After finishing speaking, Fan Bin helped Ren Juan turn on the TV, and then walked into the kitchen.But as soon as he entered the kitchen, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't wipe them off.

Today is the day when Ren Juan goes home, but this may also be the last time she goes home.

She has very little time left, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, she may leave this world at any time.

Fan Bin is very aware of this, he tries hard to be stronger and more optimistic, but only he knows how painful it is in his heart.

Enduring the pain by force, Fan Bin started cooking.

This is very likely to be the last time his wife eats his cooking. Fan Bin cooks very carefully, much more seriously than ever before.

More than half an hour later, Fan Bin brought the last dish to the table.

Six dishes and one soup, a very hearty meal, and it is full of color, fragrance and taste, which makes people's index fingers move.

But Fan Bin had no appetite, he forced a smile, came to Ren Juan, and carried her to the dining table.

"Look, it's all your favorite food. Today I will let you take advantage of it first. You can look at which dish you want to eat, and I will feed you! Let's make an agreement, now I will take care of you first, When you recover, it will be your turn to take care of me, and then I will also enjoy the treatment you have today."

Fan Bin was joking, and fed a little perch meat into Ren Juan's mouth with a spoon, "How is it, does it taste very good? Let me tell you, my skills have improved a lot in the past few years. Of course, I'm sure There is no comparison, so you can't be lazy, get well soon, I want to try your cooking again."

However, Ren Juan can't eat anything at all now, she can't even chew.

She stared at Fan Bin beside her bewilderedly, tears streaming down her face.

Fan Bin kept wiping her tears away, and as he wiped, he couldn't help it anymore, turned his head to look aside, tears were also streaming down.

Boom boom boom!
Just then, there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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