rural little Shennong

Chapter 240 Famous

Chapter 240 Famous

"Ah, Xu Dong, you are famous!"

Early the next morning, Xu Dong was suddenly awakened by Ma Sisi's cry.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Sisi put the mobile phone in front of him, and said excitedly: "Look, someone took a photo of you saving lives in Beichen Pharmaceutical yesterday and posted it on the Internet, and it has become popular now. Many people are praising you, they say You are a hero!"

Xu Dong took the phone and browsed it. The person in the photos is really him. The first photo is the moment when he jumped up and grabbed the air conditioner, and the second photo is him sliding down the rope with the female experimenter. shot.

There are many photos, and someone even took a video of him climbing from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, and took a complete picture of the process of successfully rescuing him from the fifth floor.

Not only did many people comment, repost and like it, but it has also rushed to Weibo hot searches, currently ranking third.

"Ah, it's gone up again, it was No.4 just now! It's hot, you're really hot now!"

Ma Sisi was so excited that she couldn't stop screaming, she seemed to be overjoyed.

Xu Dong sat up from the bed, leaned against the head of the bed, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "What's the use of being on fire, and no one gave me a penny. Besides, my face is covered with black ashes. Others don't know that person is me. Hey, this photo is not bad!"

The photo that caught Xu Dong's attention was a group photo of him and Ma Sisi. It happened to be the moment when they were kissing passionately, and it was also photographed.

However, his and Ma Sisi's faces were covered in black smoke and dust, so they couldn't see their faces clearly at all.

Ma Sisi looked at this photo for a long time, then downloaded it and saved it, and said with a smile: "This photo is really good! By the way, there are still people on the Internet who are looking for heroes who save lives. Would you like to reveal your identity? There are many benefits Oh, at least you will become famous immediately, and maybe you will have good luck! I just saw that there are many beautiful little fairies who want to give birth to monkeys for you, a great hero, so don't miss this opportunity!"

"With a real fairy like you, what do I want them to do?" Xu Dong hugged Ma Sisi and smiled.

After receiving Xu Dong's compliment, Ma Sisi's heart felt like drinking honey water, it was sweet, and her complexion became brighter.

"Don't you men like freshness? Besides, I won't give birth to monkeys for you. If you don't seize this golden opportunity, this shop will disappear after passing this village." Just after finishing speaking, Ma Sisi couldn't help laughing Got up, leaned against Xu Dong's arms and laughed until the flower branches trembled.

After a while, the fiery atmosphere in the room instantly increased several degrees.

But at this moment, a cell phone rang suddenly from the bedside table, it was Xu Dong's cell phone.

Ma Sisi hugged Xu Dong's neck tightly, and shouted indistinctly: "Don't pick it up!"

Xu Dong reached out for the phone, took it over and looked at it, he was startled immediately, and said quickly, "Sisi, it's your father calling!"

Ma Sisi was also taken aback, "Did my dad know that you lived with me last night? He was looking for you to blame him?"

But just after she finished speaking, she laughed again.

Xu Dong also laughed, even if Ma Yongcheng knew that he was spending the night with Ma Sisi, he wouldn't have called Xingshi early in the morning to inquire about the crime.

Besides, although he spent the night with Ma Sisi, and the two of them did almost everything a couple could do, the last hurdle was never broken.

It wasn't that Xu Dong didn't dare, or that he didn't want to, but that Ma Sisi insisted on giving herself completely to Xu Dong on her birthday.

In her words, the first time is equivalent to their wedding night, and there must be a sense of ceremony, so that it will look particularly grand, and it will be particularly meaningful when recalled in the future.

He put his finger to his mouth and gave Ma Sisi a soft "shh", Xu Dong connected the phone, "Uncle Ma, I'm Xu Dong."

On the other side of the phone, Ma Yongcheng said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, I saw how you saved people yesterday, and you did a very good job. But it is too dangerous. You must be careful in the future. If you can take risks, it is best not to take risks. "

"I remembered that there was really nothing I could do yesterday. If I didn't go up, the people inside would definitely die. Since I have a chance to rescue her, I definitely can't just stand by."

Xu Dong was talking on the phone with Ma Yongcheng, when he suddenly saw Ma Sisi showing him a strange smile, then lowered his head and got under the quilt.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dong froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently twice.

What a fairy!

Ma Yongcheng didn't notice Xu Dong's strangeness, and said with a smile: "You're right, by the way, today many media are asking who the rescue hero is. Do you want to show your face and accept an interview? ?”

"Uh, forget it, I think it's better to keep a low profile!"

As soon as he thought of his photos appearing on the Internet and being watched by thousands of people, Xu Dong felt that something was wrong all over his body. It would be better to keep a low profile as king!
At this moment, a strange feeling came suddenly, and Xu Dong couldn't help but gasped.

Ma Yongcheng quickly asked: "What's the matter, did you get injured yesterday?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xu Dong couldn't help but smile bitterly. He couldn't tell Ma Yongcheng that your precious daughter was playing a prank in his quilt, and Ma Yongcheng would probably turn against him immediately.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Xu Dong asked, "Uncle Ma, hasn't Liu Zhendong been caught yet?"

"Yes, but now that the city's exits have been closed, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

Ma Yongcheng said with a smile, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood.This time Xu Dong gave him a big gift, and he also successfully seized this opportunity to overthrow Liu Zhendong and achieved a dazzling and brilliant success. As long as there are no major problems in the future, he will go to the next level. It's a sure thing, and it's not impossible to even upgrade two levels!
"By the way, Xiao Xu, after the overnight investigation by the police and a large number of reports from the masses, Liu Zhendong's son, Liu Wei, has a lot of problems. He is suspected of vicious cases such as intentional wounding and rape, but he is still in a coma. There is no way to interrogate him. Is there any way you can wake him up?"

Xu Dong couldn't help laughing. This was the wall that fell and everyone pushed it. Just after Liu Zhendong fell, the police received a large number of reports from the public. I don't know how many people the father and son have offended.

After hearing Xu Dong's affirmative answer, Ma Yong hung up the phone contentedly...

(End of this chapter)

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