Chapter 244
Xie Jun looked at Xu Dong with puzzlement and doubt in his eyes.

If no one was around, he would definitely ask Xu Dong, why did you help him when that guy committed suicide?
This is human nature, and other people may ask this question.

Han Zhihua's character is really bad, it's rare to see him unlucky, it's fine if he doesn't make trouble, but Xie Jun or someone else will definitely not help him out at this time.

So Xie Jun didn't understand Xu Dong's decision.

But Xu Dong said: "Human life is at stake. The most important thing now is to save the patient's life, not to be angry. I'll go in and have a look, hoping to help him."

That's right, the most important thing now is to save the patient's illness, not to put the patient's safety at risk here for the sake of emotional disputes.

Moreover, Han Zhihua looked down on Xie Jun and the others, and even looked down on Xu Dong, which had no effect on Xu Dong.

He's just a clown, it doesn't make any sense to fight with him like this.It's like a rogue scolded you, do you still want to scold him?He lowered his grade for no reason, just kicked him away, and if he dared to resist, he would be slapped to death.

Xie Jun nodded, with a look of shame on his face, "Yes, we were wrong."

Then he turned to the head nurse and said, "Dr. Xu's medical skills are good, let him go to the ICU, maybe a miracle will happen."

Although the head nurse didn't know Xu Dong, and felt that Xu Dong was too young, Xie Jun was not only good at medicine, but also a good person. He was also very prestigious and trustworthy in the hospital.

Therefore, seeing what he said, the head nurse had no objection, and immediately prepared to arrange for Xu Dong to enter the ICU.

Unexpectedly, Han Zhihua shouted at this time: "If he goes in, I will not be responsible for any problems with the patient."

Xu Dong glanced at him, didn't say a word, and directly followed the head nurse into the ICU, while the others all cast contemptuous glances at Han Zhihua.

Han Zhihua said with a guilty conscience: "Look at what I'm doing. He's only in his 20s and doesn't know any medical skills at all. You let him in to treat critically ill patients. It's just nonsense. Once the patient dies, I will never bear any responsibility. Even if the family members of the patients complain to me, I will say the same."

This guy is completely shameless in order to get rid of the pot, he is simply shameless.

Including Xie Jun, everyone didn't bother to pay attention to him, and all looked at Xu Dong who was busy in the ICU ward, with a hint of expectation in his nervousness.

Half an hour later, Xu Dong finished his acupuncture treatment and took back all the leading golden needles.

After a while, the head nurse walked out of the ICU with a happy smile, and said happily, "The patient's condition is stable and out of danger!"

All of a sudden, bright smiles appeared on everyone's faces, and Xie Jun sincerely praised: "Xiao Xu, you are the best. It is amazing that such a patient can be rescued. A hero is born as a boy!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Jun gave Xu Dong a thumbs up, and the other doctors and nurses who stared at the whole rescue process also gave warm applause.

However, in the warm and cheerful atmosphere, there are also discordant voices.

Han Zhihua said firmly: "Impossible, even if he stopped the patient's brainstem bleeding with acupuncture, it is absolutely impossible for the patient to get better so quickly! It is absolutely impossible!"

The head nurse gave him a sideways glance, and said coldly: "Doctor Xu not only successfully stopped the patient's brainstem hemorrhage, but also drained the bleeding from the patient's brainstem from the ears through drainage. Now the patient's condition is very stable. , if you don’t believe me, go in and see for yourself.”

For patients with intracranial hemorrhage, the congestion in the brain can indeed flow out through the ears, so clinically, for such patients, doctors generally ask them to sleep on their sides as much as possible.

However, this process also occurs within a few days after intracranial hemorrhage, which is a relatively slow process.

At least Han Zhihua had never heard of someone who could immediately use drainage to drain the congestion in the patient's brain.

Han Zhihua was startled and doubtful. For the first time, he had doubts about his own judgment, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't get off the horse, and it was too late to change his words at this time.

Eventually, he was re-entered into the ICU, where he was re-examined in front of the patient.

The results can be imagined, as the head nurse said just now, the patient's current condition has improved greatly, the intracranial bleeding has stopped, and most of the congestion has dissipated. It can be said that the patient is completely out of the critical period. In the later stage, as long as the routine treatment is given, he will definitely be able to recover and be discharged from the hospital.

Standing in front of the hospital bed, Han Zhihua was dumbfounded.He really didn't expect that Xu Dong's medical skills were so powerful. He was only in his 20s, how could he have such great medical skills?
Walking out of the ICU, Han Zhihua didn't dare to look up, he felt that everyone was waiting to see his joke.

If possible, he wished to leave here immediately, and he would never come here again in this life.

However, things backfired, and his plan to leave quietly was quickly shattered.

Xie Jun said, "Doctor Han, do you still doubt Dr. Xu's medical skills?"

Han Zhihua didn't say a word, but silence couldn't save him either.

Xie Jun continued to ask: "Doctor Han, since you also admit that Dr. Xu's medical skills are indeed very powerful, should you fulfill your previous promise? Or, you should worship Dr. Xu as your teacher now. Oh, I almost forgot Now, if you want to worship Dr. Xu as your teacher, you need Dr. Xu's consent first."

As soon as the voice fell, laughter rang out all around.

Han Zhihua's face also turned red, but he still couldn't speak a word.

There is no doubt that this moment is definitely the most aggrieved moment for him in so many years.

But even so, he still didn't seem to have any repentance, not even a word of apology.

Xu Dong glanced at Han Zhihua coldly, then turned to Xie Jun and said, "He is an expert from the capital, how can an unknown doctor from a small county like ours be able to climb so high, Director Xie, don't make things difficult for him."

Han Zhihua's face turned red, and he didn't dare to stay any longer, otherwise he didn't know what these people would say to embarrass him.

He bit the bullet and walked through the crowd towards the stairs, wanting to leave here as quickly as possible, not wanting to stay for a moment.

But as soon as he left, there was a burst of laughter behind him.

Contrary to Han Zhihua, Xie Jun and others are in an extremely comfortable and joyful mood now, which is really cool.

After the excitement, Xie Jun said with emotion: "Dr. Xu, thanks to you today, you not only helped us out, but also corrected a medical accident in time!"

Even the head nurse said happily: "Dr. Xu, you are amazing. I have been in the hospital for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen a young doctor as powerful as you. By the way, are you married? The most indispensable doctor in our hospital." They are young and beautiful female doctors and nurses, would you like us to introduce a few for you?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of all the nurses around them lit up, and they quietly took two steps forward.

Xie Jun laughed loudly and said, "Nurse Liu, you are late. Dr. Xu's girlfriend is in our hospital. Dr. Zhang Xinyue from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, you know, she is Dr. Xu's girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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