rural little Shennong

Chapter 246 It's Really Big

Chapter 246 It's Really Big
Xu Dong hurried to the closet and searched inside and out.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a small spider the size of a mung bean in the gap under the closet.

"Is this what you call a big spider?"

Xu Dong looked at Zhang Xinyue speechlessly.

Zhang Xinyue hid behind Xu Dong in fright, "Isn't this big?"

Xu Dong took out his phone, searched the big spider on Baidu, and a bunch of pictures of spiders popped up immediately. He put the phone in front of Zhang Xinyue, and said angrily, "Look carefully, this is the big spider!"

Zhang Xinyue glanced at the picture on the phone, and got goosebumps all over her body.

"Take it away, it's disgusting!"

Xu Dong put away his phone and looked up again. This woman was holding her arms, her already good figure was even more prominent.

Heavy and attractive!
To be honest, although I have watched it that night, I really can't get enough of it!

so perfect!

Zhang Xinyue rubbed the goosebumps on her arms for a while, and suddenly realized that Xu Dong had stopped talking. Looking up, Xu Dong was staring at her without blinking, his eyes were extremely hot, as if he wanted to eat her.

"You...what do you want?" Zhang Xinyue felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Think!" Xu Dong followed and took two steps forward.

Zhang Xinyue was stunned for a moment, a blush flashed across her face, and she hurriedly turned her back to Xu Dong.

Unexpectedly, Xu Dong snapped her over, pushed her on the closet rudely, and took advantage of the situation to put one hand on the closet to block her way.

The two are close at hand!

This should be regarded as a wall... no, it should be a cupboard!
Zhang Xinyue encountered this kind of battle for the first time. She panicked and said in a trembling voice, " said just now that you wouldn't do anything to me!"

It felt like she was about to cry, that pitiful look really made me feel sorry for her!
Xu Dong lifted her jaw, and said coldly, "I suspect you did it on purpose!"

"What am I doing on purpose?" Zhang Xinyue widened her eyes.

"Deliberately seduce me! Otherwise, how could such a small spider make you scream?"

"No, I'm really afraid of spiders!" Zhang Xinyue said aggrievedly with her mouth pursed.

"Then you're not afraid of what I'll do to you? Do you know how attractive you are to men? You're playing with fire!" Xu Dong's gaze became even hotter, and he stared aggressively at Zhang Xinyue Swiped, and looked as if he would bow down for a kiss at any moment.

Zhang Xinyue had already shrunk into a ball, and was so frightened that she was about to squat down, but she was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and suddenly felt secretly happy.

When Xu Dong said this, he was praising her for being beautiful in a disguised form, and admitting that he actually liked her!

She shyly said: "Is my figure very good? Do you like it very much?"


This time it was Xu Dong's turn to be speechless. He originally wanted to scare this crazy girl, but he didn't expect her focus to be on her figure.

If you do this, something will really happen, silly girl!

Facing this guy who didn't follow the rules, Xu Dong could only turn around and said speechlessly: "Hurry up and put on your clothes, otherwise I won't be responsible if something happens later!"

Looking at Xu Dong's back, Zhang Xinyue suddenly felt a little inexplicably lost in her heart. She couldn't help but pouted at Xu Dong, and hummed in a low voice, "If you don't take responsibility, don't take responsibility. It's like someone wants to rely on you!"

"What did you say?"

Zhang Xinyue didn't expect Xu Dong to hear her muttering, she was startled, and hurriedly said, "It's nothing!"

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Xinyue walked out of the dormitory building holding Xu Dong's arm.

Although the time was short, she still carefully selected a set of particularly youthful and fashionable clothes, which was also the most expensive green woolen coat in her closet. She added a white tight-fitting sweater inside, which perfectly outlined the She has a good figure.

In addition, she rarely put on light makeup on her face, she looked very beautiful, and she attracted the attention of many passers-by as soon as she walked out of the corridor.

After getting in the car, Zhang Xinyue turned her head to look at Xu Dong, and couldn't help but secretly laughed.

After a few minutes, when she watched it several times in a row, Xu Dong couldn't help asking, "Why are you laughing?"

"No, I'm not laughing at anything!"

This is obviously fake.

Because in her opinion, this was her first date with Xu Dong, and Xu Dong proposed it on his own initiative.

So she was happy.

In addition, Xu Dong's reaction just now made her secretly happy.

Xu Dong turned his head to look at Zhang Xinyue, and said angrily, "Is it itchy again? Tell me!"

Zhang Xinyue smiled and said, "Did you endure it very hard? I heard that you men will suffer if you endure it all the time. Is it true?"

A row of black lines appeared on Xu Dong's forehead, "Nonsense!"

In addition to the last time, this woman has challenged his endurance twice in a row. If it happens again, he can't guarantee that he can still restrain himself. After all, he is at the age of young blood and strong firepower.

Xu Dong glared at Zhang Xinyue, and said with a straight face: "Next time, let's see how I deal with you!"

As a result, not only was Zhang Xinyue not frightened by him, but she quietly covered her mouth and laughed.

She suddenly found that Xu Dong was also quite cute, with a typical sharp mouth and bean curd heart. Don't look at what he said was scary, but in fact he would never do what he said!
After quietly laughing for a while, Zhang Xinyue said, "Okay, don't be angry, I'll treat you to dinner at noon, isn't that an apology to you?"

"You already owe me three meals!" Xu Dong said with three fingers raised.

"No problem, I'll treat you to three meals!"


While Xu Dong and Zhang Xinyue were having a big meal at the restaurant, Liu Zhendong took a mouthful of dry and hard instant noodles in a valley outside Qinglong Mountain. His teeth hurt from chewing, and he was so angry that he threw the rest of the instant noodles. out.

"A bunch of waste, I asked you to get something to eat, and you got this kind of thing back! I spent so much money to raise you, even a dog is better than you!"

Turning his head to stare at his only three subordinates, Liu Zhendong was furious.

Because Ding Xun was intercepted by Xu Dong at Beichen Pharmaceutical, and now his life and death are unknown, so when Liu Zhendong escaped hastily, he only brought these three guys with him.

It turned out that these three guys' ability to handle affairs was worse than Ding Xun's by 01:30, and they couldn't even get something to eat. They were really a bunch of trash.

If Xu Dong was here, he would find that these three people were the three guys who stopped him and Zhang Xinyue that night.

Chen Kui, who has been wanted by the State Security Bureau, is included.

When Chen Kui saw the instant noodles thrown out by Liu Zhendong, his eyes lit up immediately, he quickly picked it up, and asked, "Boss, don't you want to eat?"

"Don't eat! You are so full of me!" Liu Zhendong said angrily.

Chen Kui immediately wiped off the dust on the instant noodles happily, put it in his mouth and started chewing.For him, having a full stomach is the most important thing, and nothing else is as important.

Seeing Chen Kui's appearance, Liu Zhendong became even more furious, picked up a stone and threw it at Chen Kui.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, what an idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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