Chapter 248

Xu Dongchao waved his hand to the waiter. The VIP card of Wanghailou can not only be discounted, but also can be recharged for consumption. Xu Dong has already saved [-] yuan in the card some time ago, which is enough.

After the waiter left, Zhang Xinyue asked curiously, "What card did you give her? Why did she get so frightened when she saw that card?"

"It's just a discount card, it's no big deal!" Xu Dong laughed.

"How much discount can I get?" Zhang Xinyue looked like a curious baby.

"Forty percent off."

"[-], [-]% off, let me calculate, how much is it..." Zhang Xinyue took out her mobile phone, found a calculator, and began to count.

Xu Dong smiled and said, "Don't forget it, I will treat you to this meal today, and you still owe me three meals."

Zhang Xinyue wanted to hold on at first, but after the calculations, she found that even with the 3000% discount, it would cost more than 3000 yuan. She didn't dare to speak for a while, and muttered: "This must be a black shop, and we didn't eat anything. It took more than [-]!"

Xu Dong smiled and said: "The price of Wanghailou is indeed expensive, but it's not that outrageous. The reason why we spent so much today is because of the bottle of red wine we ordered. This bottle of wine costs more than 4000 yuan, plus other There are more than 5000 dishes."

Zhang Xinyue also drank red wine just now, and she was surprised: "A bottle of wine costs more than 4000 yuan? I just drank two glasses, and it was almost a third. Didn't I just drink more than 1000 yuan?"

Seeing Zhang Xinyue's shocked look, Xu Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "How does it feel to drink more than 1000 casually? Do you want to try a more extravagant way of drinking, such as drinking more than 1 in one gulp?"

Zhang Xinyue shook her head like a rattle, "I wouldn't dare try it even if I was beaten to death. My monthly salary is only over 3000. This kind of life is not something I can enjoy."

"It's actually very easy. You have good conditions. You just need to find a rich man. At that time, you will wear a famous brand, live in a super-large single-family villa, eat and drink the world's top ingredients and drinks, and live every day. This kind of luxurious and luxurious life."

Zhang Xinyue curled her lips, "No, I don't want to. I don't want to live this kind of life if I spend it with a guilty conscience and not being practical!"

Xu Dong gave a thumbs up, "Yes, I hope you can keep this thinking."

Zhang Xinyue suddenly smiled slyly, "Of course, if someone is willing to treat you, I'm still very happy to experience this kind of luxury life."

"Okay, as long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I will bring you to Wanghailou for dinner every day. I'm talking about the real ones, not fake ones!" Xu Dong said.

"Don't you already have a girlfriend?"

"No one stipulates that there must be only one girlfriend!"

Seeing Xu Dong's plausible expression, Zhang Xinyue said in astonishment, "Can it still be like this?"

Seeing the fun, Xu Dong couldn't help pinching her face, and said with a smile: "Of course, this world is much more exciting than you imagined, and there are many things you don't even dare to think about. Let's go." Come on, silly girl!"

After receiving the VIP card from the waiter, under the enthusiastic guidance of the waiter, Xu Dong walked out of the gate of Wanghai Tower.

Zhang Xinyue followed quickly, rubbing her face and humming: "Don't think I don't know, you are just trying to defend yourself. You are not a good person!"

Xu Dong smiled, didn't say much, looked at his watch, and asked, "It's past two o'clock, are you going back to the hospital or where?"

"Are you going back now?" Zhang Xinyue's face was full of disappointment.

"Reluctance to part with me?" Xu Dong joked, "Just now you said that I was not a good person, but then turned around and you were reluctant to let me go. You are really contradictory!"

Zhang Xinyue blushed and said shyly, "Who doesn't want to miss you! I... I just come out once in a while, and I don't want to go back to the hospital so soon."

"Then where else do you want to go? Go shopping, buy clothes?" Xu Dong asked with a smile.

Zhang Xinyue shook her head, "I don't go shopping, I don't lack clothes, and this month's salary hasn't been paid yet, so I don't have money to buy them."

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she looked at Xu Dong eagerly, "Why don't we go to the movies! I haven't seen a movie in a long time! Don't worry, I'll treat you this time, and I'll treat you to a Coke!"

Xu Dong couldn't help laughing. This girl is a bit stupid, but she has a really good character. If she really marries her back home, she will definitely be a good wife to live a good life. She is also beautiful and has a good figure. I don't know which bastard will be cheaper in the future.

"Okay, today I'll play a full set, play the role of boyfriend thoroughly, and you don't have to worry about it anymore." Xu Dong joked.

Not long after, the two came to the cinema, and Zhang Xinyue took the initiative to buy tickets and snacks, and then happily walked into the screening hall holding Xu Dong's arm.

Because it was working hours, there were only a handful of people watching movies in the theater, and there were only four of them in the entire auditorium, and the other two were also a couple.

As a result, not long after the movie was shown, those two gnawed on it, and they ate it for a long time, making Zhang Xinyue who was sitting in the back blush.

At this moment, Xu Dong's bewitching voice came from her ear, "Dating is like this, do you want to try it? I'm still your boyfriend now, and you still have a chance. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." Already!"

Zhang Xinyue's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and she was really moved.And seeing the two over there chewing so hard, it must feel good to do this kind of thing!

She pursed her lips quietly, and said shyly, "No, people will see it!"

"Pfft!" Xu Dong said happily with a smile, "You really want me to kiss you?"

Only then did Zhang Xinyue realize that Xu Dong was teasing her again, she glared at Xu Dong angrily and said, "You are not a good person!"

She didn't talk to Xu Dong at the beginning, Zhang Xinyue wanted to snub Xu Dong for a while, let him learn a lesson, but when she looked back after a while, she found that the guy was laughing happily while watching the movie, and didn't feel the slightest bit of being neglected at all. .


Zhang Xinyue rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea. She took off her woolen coat first, and then deliberately raised her chest.

Sure enough, she immediately found that Xu Dong was looking at her, and it lasted a long time.

Hey, look, you should feel uncomfortable if you watch too much!This is called self-inflicted suffering, let you have a good taste of the pain!
Zhang Xinyue was secretly happy, it was a flattering feeling, she felt that Xu Dong would be as uncomfortable as before in her dormitory for a long time.

In the end, after only a few minutes, she didn't know if Xu Dong started to feel uncomfortable, but she herself sneezed suddenly, and the sound was not small, which scared the couple in front of them apart.

It was only then that she realized that the auditorium was really cold, and she might catch a cold if it continued like this.

Then she sneezed two more times. Zhang Xinyue hurriedly put on her clothes, but when she turned her head, she found that Xu Dong was still looking at her.

"Why are you peeking at me all the time?" Zhang Xinyue deliberately asked with a straight face, "Are you thinking bad thoughts again?"

Xu Dong touched Zhang Xinyue's forehead, "I don't have a fever, did you get your head caught by the door when you came in, or else the temperature here is so low, why are you still taking off your clothes?"

Zhang Xinyue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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