rural little Shennong

Chapter 251 I Can't Beat You

Chapter 251 I Can't Beat You
Although Chen Kui is really fierce, but Zhu Xinyu and the others are not what they used to be. With Chen Kui as the best partner, the seven of them can fully display the skills they have learned recently, completely let go of their hands and feet, and challenge Chen Kui one round after another. round of onslaught.

Five minutes later, the seven of them were knocked over by Chen Kun's fist again. This was the third time that they were completely annihilated.

Everyone had been punched at least three times, and they were all bruised and swollen, but their fighting spirit remained undiminished, and they didn't seem to have suffered too serious internal injuries.

Zhu Xinyu gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, and was about to continue to rush up, when her shoulder was suddenly held down by a hand.

Xu Dong's voice sounded next to his ear, "Okay, I'll come."

Zhu Xinyu turned her head and stared at Xu Dong unwillingly, "We can do it!"

Her stubborn character and unyielding fighting spirit made her really unwilling to give up like this.

Xu Dong shook his head, "You are not his opponent yet."

Although Zhu Xinyu didn't want to admit defeat, the facts were like this, Xu Dong was right, they were indeed no match for Chen Kui now.

Panting and staring at Xu Dong for a long while, she took a step back reluctantly.

Xu Dong walked up to Chen Kui, looked at this strong man over 1.9 meters tall, and asked, "Do you still recognize me?"

Chen Kui asked, "Are you going to fight with me too?"

It seems that this guy doesn't know him at all, Xu Dong nodded, "Yes, I want to fight with you too!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Dong stepped forward quickly and punched Chen Kui.Chen Kui also immediately raised his fist and threw it at Xu Dong.

The two fists collided quickly, making a muffled bang.

Ding Ding Deng!
Chen Kui took three steps back and looked at Xu Dong in surprise, but this guy seemed to be aroused wildly, shook his hand, and rushed towards Xu Dong soon.

However, the result this time was the same as before, he was quickly beaten back by Xu Dong.

When he rushed up for the third time, Xu Dong took advantage of the situation and grabbed his wrist, wrapped Chen Kui's ankle deftly with his toes, suddenly swung him high, and smashed him heavily on the ground.

The heavy impact not only made an astonishing muffled sound, but also made a hole in the ground, half of Chen Kui's body was even embedded in the hole.

Zhu Xinyu's eyes were startled, Shang Jun was too shocked to speak, Qiu Zifeng's eyes were full of admiration and admiration, and he shouted excitedly: "The instructor is amazing!"

Zhang Xinyue was so surprised that she covered her mouth tightly, her delicate face was filled with shock.

If it was an ordinary person who was smashed like this by Xu Dong, even if he didn't die, he would surely lose half his life.

As a result, less than half a minute later, Chen Kui turned over and got up from the hole on the ground.The guy just shook his head, as if he was just a little dizzy from being hit, and there was no sign of injury at all.

Seeing this scene, not only Zhu Xinyu and the others were shocked, even Xu Dong was also a little surprised. It seems that the evaluation of Chen Kui needs to be raised a notch.

However, the next scene surprised everyone.

Chen Kui shook his neck, and hummed dissatisfiedly: "There are many of you, but few bully me, and I'm hungry, that's why I can't beat you!"

Dare to feel that this guy really thought that Xu Dong and the others were just looking for him to fight!

Xu Dong felt that Chen Kui's intelligence seemed to be a bit problematic just now, but now he has finally confirmed it. I am afraid that this guy's brain is really different from normal people.

He turned around and asked, "Do you have anything to eat?"

Zhu Xinyu and the others all shook their heads, and finally Zhang Xinyue raised her hands timidly and said, "There are still leftovers in the car that I haven't eaten at noon."

At noon, Xu Dong ordered a large table of dishes, but she and Xu Dong couldn't finish the meal, so Zhang Xinyue packed all the rest. There were five packed boxes, which made Zhang Xinyue feel distressed.

Xu Dong nodded, "Go and get it."

After taking the car keys from Xu Dong, Zhang Xinyue quickly returned to the car and took all the leftovers.

Before Zhang Xinyue approached, Chen Kui had already smelled the fragrance, couldn't help but began to swallow his saliva, and there was a thunderous sound in his stomach, and his eyes were fixed on the packing boxes in Zhang Xinyue's hand.

Suddenly, Chen Kui rushed towards Zhang Xinyue in a big stride, extremely fast.Zhang Xinyue was so frightened that she screamed, threw away the packing box, turned around and ran, but was caught by a dead branch and fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, Xu Dong arrived in time and held her in his arms, otherwise she would have been thrown into a daze.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Xinyue was shocked, and hugged Xu Dong's arm tightly. She was really scared to death just now.

But when she looked back, she found that the big guy hadn't chased after him, and was eating happily with a few lunch boxes.

Only then did she realize that that guy was not coming for her, but for the lunch box in her hand.

Although the dishes in the lunch box had been cold for a long time, and some of them were stained with dirt just now, Chen Kui didn't care at all. He swept away all the leftovers as quickly as the wind and clouds, even the lunch box was licked clean by him.

Xu Dong patted Zhang Xinyue and walked up to Chen Kui, "Are you full?"

"No!" After Chen Kui finished speaking, he still sucked his fingers.

Xu Dong smiled and said, "Then do you have the strength to fight now?"


"Then keep fighting!"

"it is good!"

Chen Kui looked left and right, grabbed a branch of the tree next to him, broke it easily, and then removed the branch on it, as if the branch was made of plastic.

Zhang Xinyue looked terrified. You must know that the branch that Chen Kui broke was thicker than her arm. She couldn't help shouting: "Xu Dong, be careful!"

"Don't worry, it's fine!" Xu Dong smiled faintly, and hooked his fingers towards Chen Kui.

With a roar, Chen Kui raised a branch high and slammed it at Xu Dong fiercely, bringing with it the sound of whistling wind.

But no matter how hard he swung the branch, he still couldn't touch Xu Dong, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

In the end, Xu Dong suddenly dexterously got into the dense shadow of the stick, and easily hit Chen Kui's chest with a straight punch.

Chen Kui let out a scream, and his huge body flew backwards by Xu Dong's punch. Not only did it hit the tree just now, it even broke the tree.

From this, one can imagine how much force Xu Dong used for this punch.

Zhu Xinyu opened her small mouth, too shocked to speak, and the other members of the team were also dumbfounded.

However, even so, Chen Kui was still able to move, and not long after, this guy got up from the ground unsteadily.

Xu Dong secretly praised it.

"Do you still fight?" Xu Dong asked.

Chen Kui shook his head like a rattle, sat down on the ground and said, "Stop beating me, I can't beat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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