rural little Shennong

Chapter 253 Save Her Life

Chapter 253 Save Her Life

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Zhang Xinyue regretted it, and bit her lips and began to feel uncomfortable again.

But what made her secretly happy was that Xu Dong didn't seem to hear, he beckoned Chen Kui over and asked, "Do you know where Liu Zhendong is hiding?"

Chen Kui pointed with a big hand, "Over there!"

Xu Donghua looked along Chen Kui's hand, and sure enough, Liu Zhendong was hiding in the mountains.

Xu Dong asked Zhu Xinyu, "Are you going back now?"

"Aren't you still going to find that Liu Zhendong? We don't have a mission right now, so we can go into the mountains with you." Zhu Xinyu said.

"Thank you very much!" Xu Dong smiled and nodded. Although Zhu Xinyu looked cold, she was actually a typical cold outside and hot inside.

Next, after Zhang Xinyue was asked to return to the car first, Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu, led by Chen Kui, quickly came to the previous mountain depression and found Liu Zhendong's original hiding place.

After searching around in the col, the group continued to move towards the mountains.

After climbing up a mountain, Zhu Xinyu looked at the rolling mountain ahead, frowned slightly and said, "The mountain is so big, it's too difficult to find three people, we'd better ask for help!"

Qinglong Mountain not only covers a large area, but also has a very complicated terrain, steep mountains and lush forests. If the three people hide in it, it will be really difficult to find them, unless a large number of people are added and a carpet search is carried out. Find Liu Zhendong within time.

And even if this is the case, it will take at least ten hours to find someone. If you are unlucky, it may even take several days to find someone.

Xu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, let's look for it first."

Seeing Xu Dong's full confidence, Zhu Xinyu hesitated to speak.But not long after, Xu Dong suddenly stopped, squatted on the ground and looked carefully, picked up a broken dead branch and said: "Look, this branch has just been broken, which means that someone has just passed by here. Liu Zhendong and the others must I entered the mountain from here. The other two people should be very familiar with this place, and they are very adaptable to this mountain road, but Liu Zhendong can’t do it. His steps are heavy, and he left many traces along the way.”

Under Xu Dong's guidance, Shang Jun and the others quickly discovered many clues. On the whole, Xu Dong's judgment was correct. Liu Zhendong should have entered the mountain through this road.

Qiu Zifeng excitedly said: "Instructor, you are awesome, today we learned another trick from you!"

Xu Dong explained: "Through careful observation, discovering the whereabouts of wild animals and judging their hiding places are all necessary skills for mountain people. In fact, it is nothing special to put it bluntly."

At this time, Zhu Xinyu suddenly asked: "There are also broken branches here, why didn't they go this way?"

While speaking, Zhu Xinyu walked towards the middle of the two trees.

"do not move!"

Xu Dong suddenly shouted, and then rushed towards Zhu Xinyu.

At the same time, Zhu Xinyu's feet were suddenly empty, and his body fell directly.

Fortunately, Xu Dong was fast and grabbed Zhu Xinyu's hand the moment she fell, so she didn't fall completely.

Shang Jun and the others were taken aback, and rushed over with Xu Dong to pull Zhu Xinyu up.

Immediately afterwards, they pushed aside the haystack on the ground, and a deep pit suddenly appeared, with sharpened wooden sticks stuck in the bottom of the pit.One can imagine what would happen if Zhu Xinyu really fell.

Zhu Xinyu turned pale, looked into the pit with lingering fear, and said to Xu Dong, "Thank you!"

"There are many hunting traps in the mountains, you must be careful!" Xu Dong finished his instructions, and then explained: "The road you walked just now is a beast's path, so it can be seen that the two people who brought Liu Zhendong into the mountain , must also be from the mountains, they must be very familiar with Qinglong Mountain."

So far, no one doubted Xu Dong's judgment.

Under the leadership of Xu Dong, the group of people continued to move forward, and they walked fairly smoothly. Along the way, they found many traces left by Liu Zhendong and others.

But half an hour later, Xu Dong suddenly stopped, he frowned and said, "Something's not right!"

"What happened?" Zhu Xinyu asked.

"One of them is missing!"

Xu Dong searched the surroundings carefully again, and said, "Liu Zhendong is gone, only two other people are left!"

Zhu Xinyu and the others all frowned. They believed that Xu Dong would not be wrong in his judgment, but this was very strange.If there were only those two other people left, where did Liu Zhendong go?
After looking around, Zhu Xinyu immediately ordered: "Search separately, pay attention to safety, and if you find anything unusual, call the police immediately!"

The whole team dispersed immediately, and carried out a blanket search in all directions. Xu Dong also joined in the search and walked north.

After more than ten minutes, Xu Dong stopped suddenly, squatted on the ground and found a steel wire as thin as a hair from the messy dead branches.

Looking to the left along the steel wire, he saw three wooden arrows hidden in the bushes. As long as he touched the steel wire, the three wooden arrows would be fired immediately, turning him into a hedgehog.

Xu Dong broke the steel wire with one kick, and then immediately retreated a few steps. He only heard three chirp chirps, and the three wooden arrows shot out.

After looking around for a moment, Xu Dong continued to move forward.A few minutes later, when Xu Dong came to a cliff, a slender figure came to him from the left through the dense forest, it was Zhu Xinyu.

"Have you found anything?"

"I found a trap just now, it should be set by those two people." Xu Dong said.

"We've searched all over here, but we haven't found Liu Zhendong. Could it be that he has grown wings to fly?"

"Not flying, but hiding." Xu Dong carefully looked at the cliff in front of him, and suddenly winked at Zhu Xinyu.

Zhu Xinyu didn't know why, so she quietly followed Xu Dong to the bottom of the cliff.

I saw Xu Dong picked up a lot of dead branches, lit them and placed them in front of a bush, then took off his coat and used it as a fan to fan the smoke towards the bushes.

After a few minutes, there was some movement in the bushes. It didn't take long for two people to stumble out from the bushes. They were all so smoked that they were tearful and coughing continuously.

Chen Kui rushed forward and instantly knocked the two people down. Zhu Xinyu arrived afterward and tied them tightly with a rope.

Xu Dong recognized them, they were the two who attacked him with Chen Kui that night.

"Where is Liu Zhendong?" Xu Dong asked.

These two people still wanted to resist, but under Chen Kui's deadly iron fist, they only persisted for less than a minute before confessing honestly.

It turned out that Pang Wu and Pang Liu had no good intentions to find an excuse to ask Liu Zhendong to dismiss Chen Kui.After Chen Kui left, they took Liu Zhendong into the mountain, and then tied Liu Zhendong on the mountain. Not only did they rob Liu Zhendong of all his belongings, but they also threw Liu Zhendong into an abandoned trap.

In their words, they didn't believe that Liu Zhendong could make a comeback at all. Instead of hiding in the mountains with Liu Zhendong and suffering from cold and starvation, it would be better to snatch Liu Zhendong first and then go down to enjoy the blessing immediately.

However, what they didn't expect was that Xu Dong not only grew up in the mountains like them, but Xu Dong was more familiar with Qinglong Mountain than they were.

(End of this chapter)

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