rural little Shennong

Chapter 267 Shameless

Chapter 267 Shameless

Ma Sisi was going crazy.

She did buy more than 200 a catty of vegetables, but the vegetables grown by Xu Dong are of good quality. Not only do they taste very good, but they are also very beneficial to the human body.

Although compared with ordinary vegetables, the price is indeed expensive, but compared with the world-renowned luxury fruits and vegetables, the price is really not high.

What's more, the quality of their vegetables is no worse than those expensive fruits and vegetables.

And her target customers are all rich people. For these people, money is a trivial matter, as long as the ingredients are good, they can eat such good vegetables for more than 200 yuan, which is really a bargain.

Taking a step back, if she is really shameless, she can set the price higher, and she will definitely not worry about selling it, but she didn't do it, and never thought of doing it.

"Don't spit blood!" Ma Sisi was so angry that she had a pretty face and said angrily: "Our vegetables are expensive because our vegetables are of good quality. You stole our secret recipe, grew vegetables and then hit the market at a low price, robbing us. customers, and in turn slander us, you are simply too shameless!"

Jia Dongsheng sneered and said, "You keep saying that I stole your secret recipe, do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, you'd better not talk nonsense, otherwise I will sue you for defamation!"

"Just wait, we will definitely find evidence!" Ma Sisi said angrily.

"Forget it, there's no need to waste time with him, he won't admit it!" Xu Dong said.

Ma Sisi glared fiercely at the proud Jia Dongsheng, and asked in a low voice, "What should we do now?"'

"Get out of here first."

The two turned and left, ready to get in the car and talk.

However, at this moment, Jia Dongsheng suddenly winked behind him, and the Tibetan mastiff tied to the corner of the wall was quickly released. Jia Dongsheng quietly opened the big iron gate, pointed at Xu Dong, and the Tibetan mastiff immediately turned towards Xu Dong. Xu Dongfei rushed away.


Xu Dong immediately noticed the strangeness behind him, turned around and saw the Tibetan Mastiff coming out of the iron gate, his heart was filled with anger, and he quickly protected Ma Sisi behind him.

"Ah!" Ma Sisi couldn't help screaming when she saw the Tibetan mastiff like a calf rushing towards them.

This Tibetan Mastiff has thick black hair and is several times taller than an ordinary Shiba Inu. Its four legs are very thick and powerful, and it runs extremely fast.

In the big open mouth, sharp canine teeth were exposed, and there was still some meat residue between the teeth.

It is conceivable that this Tibetan mastiff eats raw meat!

After being bitten by it, a piece of meat is likely to be torn off!

Ma Sisi likes dogs and is very familiar with Tibetan mastiffs, knowing how dangerous Tibetan mastiffs are.

So when she saw that it was a Tibetan Mastiff rushing towards her, she immediately turned pale with fright, and her soul almost flew away. If she was the only one, she might faint from fright on the spot.

Fortunately, there was Xu Dong by her side, she subconsciously clung to Xu Dong's clothes, her heart was almost in her throat.

Xu Dong didn't move at all, looking very calm, while Jia Dongsheng in the yard had a ferocious sneer on his face, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, as if he was about to watch a good show.

But the scene that happened immediately after that not only made the cigarette in his hand fall to the ground, but also opened his mouth wide and forgot to close it.

I saw the Tibetan mastiff quickly running in front of Xu Dong, just jumped up, and when he was about to pounce on Xu Dong, Xu Dong suddenly kicked out and slammed the Tibetan mastiff on the head.

The Tibetan mastiff let out a scream in the air, then flew four or five meters away, rolled on the ground several times, and then became completely silent.

After a while, Jia Dongsheng woke up like a dream, and immediately rushed out of the yard, "My boy, you dare to kill my Tibetan mastiff, don't you want to live?"

At this time, Ma Sisi, who was almost frightened, suddenly burst into cheers, "Good kick, this kind of vicious dog deserves to be beaten to death!"

Excited, Ma Sisi jumped up and down, cheering endlessly.

Xu Dong looked at her with a smile, "Get in the car first!"

"No, what are you afraid of!"

Seeing that Jia Dongsheng had rushed out of the yard with seven or eight people, Ma Sisi was not afraid at all.

As she said, she really felt very safe with Xu Dong around.

Xu Dong didn't try to persuade him any more. After Jia Dongsheng rushed over, his expression turned cold, and he suddenly snapped, "You want to kill someone by letting your dog do it? Believe it or not, I'll call the police now and let the police arrest you!"

Xu Dong's voice was not too loud, but he poured his true essence into the voice, and the voice seemed to reach the depths of the soul after entering the ears, and it had a deafening effect, just like the sound of thunder suddenly exploded in the ear, knocking Jia Dongsheng away. He and a group of his subordinates were all frightened.

"You're talking nonsense, my dog ​​ran out by itself, it has nothing to do with me." Jia Dongsheng quibbled.

"Even if you didn't release it, this Tibetan mastiff was raised by you. If your dog bites someone, you have to bear full responsibility." Xu Dong said in a deep voice.

Jia Dongsheng continued to quibble: "You were not injured at all, so why did you kill my Tibetan mastiff? My Tibetan mastiff cost me more than 100 million yuan, and you must pay for it!"

"According to you, we have to let it take a bite before we can do it? Jia Dongsheng, you are really shameless!" Ma Sisi sneered.

"Don't worry about him, let's go!" Looking at Jia Dongsheng coldly, Xu Dong took Ma Sisi's little hand and walked towards the car.

A sharp light flashed in Jia Dongsheng's eyes, and he suddenly shouted: "Stop them!"

His subordinates immediately rushed towards Xu Dong and Ma Sisi, and one of them even raised a hoe high and smashed it hard at Xu Dong's head.

Xu Dong immediately pulled Ma Sisi back to avoid it, and then kicked the man backwards.

Picking up the hoe from the ground, Xu Dong looked around coldly, his hands suddenly exerted strength, and there was a click sound, and the handle of the hoe, which was as thick as an adult's arm, was suddenly broken by him.

"Whoever dares to stop me will bear the consequences!"

Including Jia Dongsheng, he and a group of his subordinates were all stunned, as if they had seen an alien, and no one dared to act rashly.

It wasn't until Xu Dong and Ma Sisi got into the car and left that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss, what should we do now?" A man ran to Jia Dongsheng and asked.

"Get lost!" Jia Dongsheng kicked the man fiercely and cursed angrily: "A bunch of idiots, so many people can't deal with him alone, I'm more useful than you raising a bunch of pigs!"

After scolding these subordinates, Jia Dongsheng finally vented his anger, and he said angrily: "Be careful, everyone, from now on, no one from outside is allowed to enter the garden. kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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