Chapter 270
An hour later, Xu Dong walked out of the villa in good spirits.

After asking around in the greenhouse, after learning that Tian Zhigang had gone to the county to deliver food, he came to Tian's house again.

The gate of Tian's house was closed, and it was unknown if there was anyone in the house. Xu Dong knocked on the door a few times and shouted, "Is there anyone in the house?"

He yelled several times, but there was still no movement in the room, Xu Dong was about to leave.

But just after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

"Why does it smell bloody?"

Xu Dong frowned slightly, walked back and forth in front of Tian's house, and finally located the source of the bloody smell, which was wafting from inside Tian's house.

Boom boom boom!
Xu Dong knocked on the door again, banging on the door panel, but there was still no movement in the room.

"Sister-in-law, are you at home, open the door quickly!"

After waiting for a while, Xu Dong couldn't feel relieved, so he let go of his consciousness to carefully check the situation in the room.

In the end, she didn't know if she didn't look at it. When she saw it, she was startled. Zhang Xiaohui was lying on the sofa in the living room. There was a deep wound on her left wrist. Blood was gurgling, and a small puddle had already accumulated on the floor.

Xu Dong immediately kicked open the door, rushed into the room, and without hesitation, condensed the Primal Chaos Water from his fingertips and wiped it on Zhang Xiaohui's wrist.

The wound healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Zhang Xiaohui had fallen into a coma due to excessive blood loss, Xu Dong took out another pill and stuffed it into Zhang Xiaohui's mouth.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhang Xiaohui's already pale face finally recovered a tinge of blood. Under Xu Dong's call, Zhang Xiaohui also slowly opened her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, why are you doing such a stupid thing again? If I came later, you would have died!" Seeing that Zhang Xiaohui was out of danger, Xu Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

After waking up, Zhang Xiaohui's eyes were empty, her expression blank, she just stared in front of her without saying a word.

Seeing Zhang Xiaohui's appearance, Xu Dong secretly sighed, and persuaded: "Sister-in-law, no matter what happens, you can't go this way! Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Yanzi! She is still so young, if she loses her mother, she will definitely suffer a lot in the future, do you have the heart to leave her behind?"

Yanzi is the daughter of Zhang Xiaohui and Tian Zhigang. She is only eight years old this year. She goes to elementary school in the town. She usually lives with her grandparents and only returns to the village on weekends. She looks a lot like Zhang Xiaohui, smart and beautiful. girl.

Hearing Xu Dong mention her daughter, Zhang Xiaohui's eyes finally fluctuated. Her eyelashes trembled a few times, and tears soon flickered in her eyes again.

"Sister-in-law, tell me what happened. Don't worry, even if it's a huge difficulty, we may find a solution. "

Zhang Xiaohui cried silently for a while, shaking her head and choking with sobs, said: "Xiaodong, let's go, don't worry, I won't seek death again."

"Did Tian Zhigang hit you again?"

Zhang Xiaohui showed a sad look on her face, but she shook her head in the end. Xu Dong suddenly grabbed her right hand and rolled up her sleeve, only to see a few very obvious bruises on Zhang Xiaohui's white arm. Touching it, Zhang Xiaohui trembled in pain, obviously seriously injured.

It was obviously not from a fall, it must have been beaten by Tian Zhigang again.

"Why did he hit you again?" Xu Dong asked with a livid face, "Is it because he wants a son?"

Zhang Xiaohui suddenly covered her face and burst into tears. After a while, when her crying subsided, Xu Dong handed over the tissue, "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I will support you in this matter. When Tian Zhigang comes back, I will Help you clean him up, if he dares to fight with you in the future, see if I don't break his leg!"

Zhang Xiaohui's eyes were red from crying, she shook her head, choked up and said, "No, he's going to divorce me!"

"Divorce?" Xu Dong was furious immediately, took out his phone and said, "I'll call him back right away, if he doesn't give you an explanation, I'll kill him!"

Zhang Xiaohui is a well-known good woman in Xiawan Village. She is not only very gentle and virtuous, but also has no appearance. People in the village say that Tian Zhigang married Zhang Xiaohui because she picked up a treasure.

But this bastard not only attacked Zhang Xiaohui again and again and beat her all over with bruises, but now he even wants to divorce her. This guy must have been fooled by lard, he must have lost his mind and went crazy!
But when Xu Dong dialed Tian Zhigang's phone number, the guy turned off his phone, Xu Dong was so angry that he cursed again.

"Sister-in-law, what happened?" Xu Dong had no choice but to put away his phone and asked Zhang Xiaohui again.

Xu Dong was also a little puzzled, because even if Tian Zhigang still wanted to have a son, he didn't need to divorce Zhang Xiaohui. They were both young and could have another one. Even if they had health problems, they could ask him to see him.Although Xu Dong couldn't guarantee that they would have a son, it was still no problem for them to conceive a child.

Zhang Xiaohui wiped away her tears and said calmly, "He has someone outside."

Xu Dong was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Tian Zhigang has a woman outside? Sister-in-law, are you sure?"

"He admitted it himself, that woman is pregnant with a child." Zhang Xiaohui smiled miserably, "He wants to divorce me and marry that vixen. Xiaodong, what do you think I should do? I really have no way out! "

This result was really beyond Xu Dong's expectation. He thought that Tian Zhigang and Zhang Xiaohui were arguing at most because of their children, but he didn't expect Tian Zhigang to have an affair and divorce Zhang Xiaohui.

Now he finally understood why Zhang Xiaohui wanted to seek death. She was just an ordinary rural woman who had never done farm work in these years, let alone any skill. After divorcing Tian Zhigang, she not only had to endure gossip from all directions, she even had no source of income.

What would she do if she got divorced?What's more, she still has a child with her, and the two of them may not even be able to eat at that time!

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, even if you and Tian Zhigang divorce, the village will not ignore you two, at least you can have something to eat!" Xu Dong said.

"Besides, I am also responsible for this matter. If it wasn't because I asked him to do things for me, he would not have done such a thing if he had money in his pocket in the past six months. By the way, do you know where that woman is from?" ?”

"It's from the county. He said he met when he went to the county to deliver food. He's only 20 years old this year." Zhang Xiaohui sighed, "Xiaodong, I don't blame you. Even if he doesn't have money, he will find another woman , this is life!"

"You are wrong, this is not fate!" Xu Dong said in a deep voice, "It's that bitch Tian Zhigang who has a heart and a heart! Don't worry, I will help you decide this matter. Even if Tian Zhigang is determined to divorce after eating the weight, I will help If you take back the part of the money that belongs to you, you will definitely not let you two be destitute!"

(End of this chapter)

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