rural little Shennong

Chapter 28 Going to Fang Qing's House

Chapter 28 Going to Fang Qing's House
After receiving Fang Qing's call, Xu Dong immediately rushed to the county seat, and as soon as he got out of the station, he saw Fang Qing.

Fang Qing wore a simple and elegant dress today, with long hair shawl, slender waist, fair skin and beautiful appearance, she looked about 23 or [-] years old, not like a mother of a four or five year old child at all.

"Sister Fang!" Xu Dong quickly walked up to meet her. Looking at Fang Qing, who had an outstanding temperament and a soft face, he couldn't help marveling at the Creator's miraculous good fortune again.

"Xiaodong, I'm sorry to trouble you again today." Fang Qing said apologetically.

"You're welcome, by the way, why didn't Guoguo come?"

"She went to kindergarten today, Xiaodong, what's in it?" Fang Qing noticed a big bag Xu Dong was carrying, and asked curiously.

"This is the vegetable I grew, and I stopped by today to sell it." Xu Dong only brought a small bag of vegetables because he had to help someone see a doctor.

After the two got in the car, they set off immediately to the hospital. On the way, Fang Qing explained the situation, and she said, "Xiaodong, don't be stressed. I know this disease is very difficult to treat. We have thought of every possible solution." Well, even if you can't cure it, it's nothing."

Xu Dong nodded to show that he understood. He said, "I will try my best. Cancer is really difficult to treat, and the patient is also very old. I can't guarantee that I can cure her."

After the two arrived at the county hospital all the way smoothly, Xu Dong soon saw a pretty little girl at the door of the ward again. The little girl's face was only the size of a palm, clean and fresh, and she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

But what made him a little puzzled was that he always felt as if he had seen this girl somewhere.

"Sisi, is grandma awake?" Fang Qing asked.

"Just woke up!" Ma Sisi looked at Xu Dong nervously and asked, "Can you cure my grandma?"

"You are Ma Sisi?" Xu Dong was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his eyes.

When I saw Ma Sisi the day before yesterday, she had dyed red hair, heavy makeup, and weird accessories on her body, she looked like a troubled girl.

But now Ma Sisi, with clear soup and noodles on her face, only a little light makeup, not only her hair has turned black, but there are no messy things on her body, she looks like a standard pure and beautiful girl.

It's like a different person!

Seeing Xu Dong's surprised look, Fang Qing couldn't help laughing, and said, "Sisi, in fact, you still look the best like this, and if you look like the day before yesterday, even I won't recognize you."

Ma Sisi pouted, "I think that's quite individual."

After finishing speaking, she asked Xu Dong again: "Hey, can you really cure my grandma?"

"First, I don't call you Hey. You can call me Xu Dong or Brother Dong. Second, cancer is a problem in the world. No one can guarantee that it will be cured, so I can't answer you now."

According to Xu Dong's understanding of Ma Sisi, when he said this, Ma Sisi would definitely fight him tit for tat, but after hearing what he said, not only did Ma Sisi not compete with him, but his eyes soon revealed a deep look of disappointment , and there are still tears flashing.

Although Ma Sisi quickly turned around and wiped away tears, Xu Dong still saw this scene in his eyes, and was suddenly surprised.

Fang Qing comforted Ma Sisi, and then explained to Xu Dong: "Sisi was brought up by her grandmother when she was a child. She has a deep affection for her grandmother, so she is very sad now."

Xu Dong suddenly realized, and his understanding of Ma Sisi deepened. He said, "Let's go see the patient first."

The three opened the door and entered the ward. Fang Qing introduced Xu Dong to the old man. When the old man heard that the oranges he ate today were grown by Xu Dong, he was very interested and asked several questions about agriculture.

Fang Qing explained next to her, "Grandma used to be the leader in charge of agriculture, so she has always been very concerned about the situation of agricultural planting."

It was only then that Xu Dong realized that it was no wonder that Ma Sisi was able to create such a large company at such a young age. It turned out that she was a standard third-generation government official.

"Old man, please rest for a while, and I will check your body. When you recover, I will pick you up and live in our village for a few days. We have beautiful mountains and rivers and special care for people. You will definitely like it."

The old man was amused by Xu Dong's words, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will entrust you with a good word. If I get better in the future, I will definitely visit your place."

Afterwards, Xu Dong began to feel the old man's pulse.

After a while, after Xu Dong got his pulse, Fang Qing asked, "How is it?"

Xu Dong shook his head, his face a little heavy.The condition of the old man is indeed very bad. Many organs in his body are damaged, and his body functions are seriously degraded. He can clearly feel that the old man's life is passing by quickly.In another two days, when the old man fell into a coma, even if Da Luo Jinxian came, there might be nothing he could do.

Faced with such a serious illness, Xu Dong was really not sure. Even if he used the Chaos Source Water, he couldn't guarantee that the old man could be cured.Moreover, in the ward, it was not convenient for him to feed the old man with Chaos Source Water.

After coming out of the ward, Xu Dong said: "Sister Qing, I can't guarantee that I can cure the elderly yet, but I can try it. I'm going to the pharmacy to buy some traditional Chinese medicine. Please help me find a place where I can make medicine. "

"Give me the prescription, and I'll find someone to get it, and I'll bring the medicine over soon!" Ma Sisi said hastily.

Xu Dong shook his head, "No, I have to cook this medicine myself, otherwise it won't work."

Ma Sisi still wanted to talk, but Fang Qing stopped her and said, "Then I'll take you there, as it happens that I can also make medicine there, and it's not far from the hospital."

Without further ado, Xu Dong and Fang Qing left the hospital immediately, found a pharmacy and bought all the medicinal materials, and then came to a high-end residential area near the hospital.

"Come in!" Fang Qing took Xu Dong upstairs, opened a door, and introduced: "I usually live in the city, and occasionally stay here for two days, as a temporary resting place. You See if there is anything else you need, I'll go down and buy it right away."

The house is not big, there are only two rooms, and the furniture is very simple. After all, it is only a place for Fang Qing to rest temporarily.However, the room is very warmly decorated, and there are many toys, it seems that Guoguo will come to live occasionally.

Xu Dong went straight into the kitchen, started to cook medicine, and then hurried into the bathroom.

After drinking a lot of water at noon, Xu Dong held back after coming out of the house, and now he finally felt relieved.

But after finishing the toilet, while washing his hands, Xu Dong suddenly saw the clothes in the basket next to him, it turned out to be a black silk underwear!

This is what Fang Qing wore yesterday?
Xu Dongxin suddenly thumped, turned his head to look at the closed door, he picked up the two underwear with his fingers in a mysterious way, and a trace of familiar body fragrance immediately rushed to his face.

Thinking of Fang Qing wearing them, Xu Dong's heart beat violently, as if he accidentally peeped into Fang Qing's privacy.

Looking at the size of the underwear, it turned out to be an amazing 34D.

It's so big!
Xu Dong swallowed hard.

After a while, Xu Dong opened the door and was about to go out when he suddenly found Fang Qing standing at the door with a flushed face.Seeing that the door opened, Fang Qing hurried into the bathroom without saying a word, and then hurried out to the next bedroom.

Xu Dong froze for a moment, then looked back, the underwear set in the bathroom had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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