rural little Shennong

Chapter 284 Finally got his wish

Chapter 284 Finally got his wish
Seeing Xu Dong come in, Chen Kui immediately stood up and handed the huge soup bowl forward, "Boss, have porridge!"

"You drink it, I just drank it!" Xu Dong smiled.

Chen Kui snorted, raised the soup bowl and continued to drink, huh-hu-la-la, drinking it so heartily.

Xu Dong sat down next to He Xiuzhen, "Mom, did you really ask someone to help Chen Kui introduce someone?"


"What's the result? Is anyone willing to marry him?" Xu Dong was very curious, is there really someone willing to marry Chen Kui.

He Xiuzhen said helplessly: "Of course there are, and there are quite a few. I like the eldest daughter of Xia Yibing in the next village the most. That girl is about the same age as Xiao Chen. He still has a child with him, but he is really nice, and he also took a fancy to Xiao Chen, but unfortunately it still didn't work out."


"This silly boy doesn't say a word to anyone, and he doesn't even look at them." He Xiuzhen smiled wryly, "I asked him if he wanted to marry a wife, guess what he said, what is a wife, can I eat it? "

Xu Laiwang just took a sip of water, and couldn't help but spit it all out with a puff.

He Xiuzhen glared at him, and Xu Laiwang immediately wiped the table embarrassingly.

Xu Dong was also happy.

"Forget it then, let's talk about it after he wakes up."

He Xiuzhen glanced at Xu Dong, "Don't talk about Xiao Chen, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with me?" Xu Dong was taken aback.

"Still pretending to be stupid with me. Are you getting on good terms with that Sisi girl? There is also Teacher Chen in front of you, plus Qiuxiang, who do you want to marry?"

Xu Dong also scratched his head embarrassingly, "Mom, I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry to get married!"

"Then don't delay the girl! If you continue to mess around like this, when will you end?" He Xiuzhen said angrily.

"Why are you worrying so much? Xiaodong is not a child. He knows a lot more than you, so he still needs you to teach him?" Xu Laiwang interjected.

"No matter how much he knows, he is also my son. Can I not worry about it?" He Xiuzhen rolled Xu Laiwang's eyes, "Do you want to find more women like Xiaodong?"

"Nonsense, I'm already very old, how could I still do such a thing! He Xiuzhen, don't slander people!" Xu Laiwang said angrily with his eyes widened.

"I slandered you? Then why have you been running to the east of the village recently?"

"I...can't I just wander around the village?"

He Xiuzhen snorted, "Let me tell you, although Guiping's mother is at home alone, she has a husband, and she is a round younger than you, if you do something scandalous, Xiaodong will lose face! "

"'re talking nonsense!" Xu Laiwang blushed, but his voice was obviously quieter.

Xu Dong quickly persuaded: "Mom, don't say a few words, Dad won't do that kind of thing."

"Our family has finally changed for the better. I'm worried that your father will be confused and ruin this family again!"

He Xiuzhen squinted at Xu Laiwang and said, "I can bear everything else, but I can't bear this one. If you really think I'm in the way, then divorce, and Xiaodong and Yingzi will start a separate household. It's up to you." If you live alone, will others be willing to follow you!"

Xu Dong didn't expect that his old lady, known for her soft temper, would have such a tough time, it was really an eye-opener.

But Xu Laiwang was obviously taken aback, and hurriedly argued: "Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides, what are you doing saying this in front of the children, is it shameful? What about divorce or not? I laughed out loud when I heard that."

Xu Dong also helped out and said: "Mom, Dad will definitely not do stupid things, so you should not say a few words."

After training Xu Laiwang, He Xiuzhen's mood became clearer, and she said to Xu Donglu: "I know you are very capable now, and there are many girls who like you, so it's hard for you to choose one. Those who are rich now There are quite a few people looking for a few wives, I don't care about these things in the future, I only ask for one thing, don't let them down."

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely not let them down!"

He Xiuzhen nodded, "One more thing, no matter when you get married or who you marry, I want to have a grandson! Our family has such a big family business, we can't lose the inheritance!"

"Sister Qiuxiang, too?"

He Xiuzhen gave Xu Dong a blank look, "Is it useful for me to object? You two live together, who in the village doesn't know?"

Xu Dong scratched his head a little. Although He Xiuzhen was relieved and no longer objected to him being with Qiuxiang, it was a bit difficult for him to have a baby now.

However, he immediately agreed verbally, "Well, I will do it as soon as possible!"

He Xiuzhen did what she said, and at noon, she asked Xu Dong to bring both Qiuxiang and Ma Sisi home.This was the first time that Qiu Xiang had dinner at Xu Dong's banquet after dating Xu Dong.

After eating, Qiuxiang helped He Xiuzhen clean up the dishes and went into the kitchen together.

When she came out again, her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.

Xu Dong was taken aback, and quickly came over and asked in a low voice, "Did my mother tell you?"

Qiuxiang shook her head, with a shy smile on her face, "Aunt asked me to come to my house for dinner often, and said... that we will be a family in the future!"

"Great!" Xu Dong was so excited that he wished he could hug Qiuxiang for a few laps.

He had waited for this day for too long, but he didn't expect that today he finally got his wish and let his old mother accept Qiuxiang.

And Qiuxiang was equally excited. As a woman and a widow, she was under more pressure than Xu Dong.

But now it's all right, even if she can't marry Xu Dong in the future, she doesn't have any regrets!

"Sister Qiuxiang, congratulations!"

Ma Sisi knew everything about Qiuxiang and Xu Dong very well. She talked about it when she and Qiuxiang were chatting in the villa just now. She knew that Qiuxiang was very bitter, so she was also happy for Qiuxiang from the bottom of her heart.

Of course, she is also very envious of Qiuxiang, but she and Xu Dong can only be together secretly.If her father Ma Yongcheng knew the truth, he would either break her leg in a fit of rage, or be so angry that he rolled his eyes and went to the hospital.

Qiuxiang has a gentle personality and is extremely understanding. Seeing the lonely look on Ma Sisi's face, she immediately understood what she was thinking.

She held Ma Sisi's hand and said, "Don't worry, the easiest solution is to let Xu Dong marry you. In this case, Uncle Ma will not blame you, but he will be very happy."

Ma Sisi gave Xu Dong a shy look, "I don't want to marry him, I have already decided to be single for the rest of my life. When I get old and have no place to go, I will move in and live with you, Sister Qiuxiang. companion!"

Qiuxiang smiled, "Of course!"

Xu Dong rolled his eyes, "Hey, have you considered my idea?"

The two women looked at each other and laughed together: "No need!"

(End of this chapter)

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