rural little Shennong

Chapter 293 He Can't Do It

Chapter 293 He Can't Do It
Everyone was stunned.

Just now, Master Chen, who was still a master of the gods, was emitting a stench of feces and urine in front of so many people in the blink of an eye.

It was so surprising.

And the contrast between before and after is so strong that it is almost unbearable to look directly at.

Even Master Chen himself was stunned. I am afraid that what he wants to do most now is not to give advice here, but to flee immediately.

Unfortunately, there is no seam on the ground, and there is no car next to him, so he has no way to go.

He could only watch helplessly as more and more feces and urine piled up under his feet, and the other people got farther and farther away from him, and they all looked at him with extremely weird eyes.

It's like watching a monster!
The next second, Master Chen suddenly "fainted" and fell limply on the ground, avoiding the dirt on the ground just in time.

"Master Chen, Master Chen?"

Shen Yan covered his nose and yelled twice, but Master Chen didn't respond at all.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, turned to Xu Dong and said, "Mr. Xu, I heard that you are still a doctor, can you help me? What's going on with Master Chen?"

"Nine times out of ten, he has dysentery. You'd better send him to the hospital right away. If he dies here, we can't bear the responsibility. At that time, not only will we be asked to move, but we may even have to pay for our lives!" Xu Dong shook his head and said.

Shen Yan glanced at Xu Dong, his eyes shrank suddenly, flashing with anger.

Not only because Xu Dong refused to see a doctor for Master Chen, but also because Xu Dong and Fang Qing stood side by side, and both of them used Fang Qing's scarf to cover their noses, and they seemed very intimate.

In Shen Yan's dream, he wanted to stand with Fang Qing so intimately, but Xu Dong easily got what he couldn't ask for.

How can this not make him angry!
Suppressing the anger in his heart, Shen Yan said in a deep voice: "Come here, take Master Chen to the hospital."

Shen Yan's bodyguards looked at me and at you, but none of them moved.

It's not that they don't listen to Shen Yan's order, but that Master Chen's current state is really disgusting, the smell makes people want to vomit, and they have to send Master Chen to the hospital, just thinking about it makes people feel sick. The scalp is numb.

Xu Dong couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that Mr. Shen has to do it himself!"

Shen Yan was already simmering with anger in his heart, but when he heard Xu Dong's teasing, his blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and he roared angrily, "Are you all deaf, didn't you hear me?"

At this time, his face was ashen and furious, which was completely different from the proud and confident look before.

Seeing that he was angry, Shen Yan's bodyguards obediently carried the "unconscious" Master Chen down the mountain even though they were full of reluctance, and rushed towards the hospital.

After this incident happened, Shen Yan didn't want to stay here any longer, he gave Xu Dong a cold look, and walked down the mountain with big strides.

Wu Tianming hurriedly chased after him and asked, "Mr. Shen, what about the scenic spot..."

"Mayor Wu, what I meant just now is very clear. If you want us to put the entrance of the scenic spot on Nanshan Town, then we must move all the village below, otherwise we can only choose other places."

Wu Tianming opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Although he really wanted Shen Yan to place the entrance of the scenic spot in Nanshan Town, but it was obviously unrealistic to persuade Xiawan Village to leave and destroy Xu Dong's vegetable base.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Xu Dong suddenly shouted.

Shen Yan stopped and stared at Xu Dong coldly, "What advice does Mr. Xu have?"

Xu Dong said with a faint smile: "It's not about teaching, but what Master Chen left behind, are you taking it with you?"

Following Xu Dong's fingers, Shen Yan saw the big puddle of excrement and urine on the ground, and the veins on his forehead immediately twitched a few times.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Go and clean it up, hurry up!"

The rest of the bodyguards saw that Shen Yan was on the verge of rage, so they didn't dare to be negligent. They hurriedly asked Xu Dong to borrow a shovel, resisted the stench, and scooped up all the dirty things, including a large piece of soil, and packed them in a snakeskin bag. Up and down the mountain.

As for Shen Yan, he hurried down the mountain after giving his orders, and disappeared without a trace long ago.

Xu Dong let go of the scarf and took a deep breath, "Finally I can breathe fresh air again, I almost suffocated me just now!"

Xu Dajun asked Wu Tianming worriedly, "Mayor Wu, do you really want to relocate the whole village? This is impossible! Xiaodong's vegetable base has just been built, and the big guy's life has just started. If we move now, It's the same again!"

Wu Tianming sighed, "This matter depends on how the county decides. If the county decides to move out, I can't help it. Xiaodong, you know the county magistrate, why don't you tell the magistrate about the situation. If County Magistrate Ma supports you, so you should not have to move."

Xu Dong smiled and said, "If we don't move away, then the entrance to the scenic spot will probably not be placed here. Mayor Wu, your wish will come true!"

Wu Tianming shook his head and said with a dumb smile: "I can tell which is more important. Although the scenic spot is also very important, your vegetable base is more important. There are scenic spots everywhere, but there are no bases that can grow special-grade vegetables. A few, maybe our town will be able to get rid of the poverty hat in the future, and it will fall on your vegetable base!"

After sending Wu Tianming and Xu Dajun away, Xu Dong found that Fang Qing was still worried when he came back. He smiled and said, "Sister, are you still worried?"

Fang Qing sighed softly, "Xiaodong, you don't know how powerful the Shen family is. If Shen Yan really wants to put the entrance of the scenic spot here, it's useless even if you have Uncle Ma's support. Your village will definitely have to be relocated. You The vegetable base can't be kept."

"Your Shen family is so powerful?" Xu Dong looked at the silent Shen Xi beside him.

Shen Xi folded her arms and shrugged, "Don't ask me, I don't know either!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Xi turned around and entered the villa.

Xu Dong raised his eyebrows, and Fang Qing said, "Her brother is going to demolish our village, why is she so embarrassed to live here?"

"Xiaodong, don't blame Xiaoxi, what she just said is true, she never cares about family affairs." Fang Qing sighed, "Maybe I really shouldn't come!"

"You also think Shen Yan did it on purpose?"

Fang Qing shook her head slightly, "I'm not sure, but it's really a coincidence, we just arrived here, and Shen Yan came here... I hope it's the best, I hope he's just acting on a whim, otherwise you really can't stop him .”

Fang Qing's face was gloomy. Ever since she knew about Xu Dong's ambition, she wanted to help Xu Dong as much as she could, but before she could help him, she caused Xu Dong a big trouble.

"Sister, you don't have to think this way. It's not you who are wrong, but Shen Yan. Even if the Shen family is really as powerful as you say, he can't tear down our village, no one else!"

Looking at the road out of the village at the foot of the mountain, Shen Yan's motorcade was leaving quickly, Xu Dong said very firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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