rural little Shennong

Chapter 295: A Bad Start

Chapter 295: A Bad Start
Xu Dongzhen wasn't pretending to be aggressive, even if he was, he wouldn't pretend to be in front of Fang Qing.

He really felt that it was too little, after all Shen Yan claimed that he would spend one billion to complete the development project of Qinglong Mountain.

Of course, it is not known how much water is in these billion miles.But if the people above believed Shen Yan's words, then he would have to prepare at least one billion to compete with Shen Yan for this project.

Fang Qing thought for a while, "If you want to compete for this project, [-] million is indeed less, but you still have a vegetable base and a pharmaceutical group. If it goes well, you should be able to get a loan from the bank. Sisi and I will help you Putting it all together, there should be almost one billion."

Xu Dong's eyes lit up. He really didn't expect that he could use the vegetable base and Dongjiang Pharmaceutical Group as collateral to find a bank loan.After all, both the vegetable base and the pharmaceutical group are booming at present, and they can be said to be making money every day. As long as the people in the bank are not blind, they will definitely give him a loan.

"Sister, it's because you are well-informed and thought of a way all at once. Let me think about it myself. Maybe I can't think of it for half a month." Xu Dong laughed.

Fang Qing smiled, "Stop praising me, compared to you, my ability is nothing!"

At this moment, Guoguo's figure appeared on the way up the mountain. She was holding a rope in her hand, and the other end of the rope was tied around Xiaobai's neck, while the other hand was holding Qiuxiang's hand. Looking at Guoguo fondly.

"Qiuxiang loves Guoguo too much. When I go back to Haicheng, this little guy will definitely have trouble with me again!" Fang Qing laughed.

"She really wants a child!" Xu Dong said.

"Then why not have one?"

"I can't give birth!" Xu Dong said bitterly.

"..." Fang Qing looked at Xu Dong in surprise, "Your problem, or her problem?"

"Neither of them..." Xu Dong noticed that Fang Qing's eyes were not quite right, and said angrily, "Sister, what do you mean by that? Do you think I have that ability?"

Fang Qing covered her mouth and laughed tremblingly, "Anyway, all I know is that Qiuxiang is not pregnant."

The two chatted and laughed, and Qiuxiang had already brought Guoguo over.

"Dad, Xiaobai is so cute, I like him so much!" Guoguo was held in Xu Dong's arms, holding the dog leash tightly.

Xu Dong looked at Xiaobai who looked loveless, and said with a broken smile, "Since we like Xiaobai, why don't we tie it with a rope? Look at how uncomfortable it is!"

"it is good!"

Guoguo hesitated for two seconds before answering very simply.

After Xu Dong untied Xiaobai's rope, the little thing immediately shook its fur, then wagged its tail happily, and licked Xu Dong's hand.

Guoguo cheered and rushed over, and hugged Xiaobai forcefully in her arms, so that Xiaobai's face was deformed, and there was a wailing moan from his mouth.

Fang Qing immediately became nervous, worried that Xiaobai would hurt Guoguo.

"It's okay, Xiaobai is very obedient and won't hurt Guoguo." Xu Dong comforted.

After a while, seeing that Xiaobai really wouldn't hurt Guoguo, Fang Qing was completely relieved.

While Xu Dong was playing with Guoguo and Xiaobai, Fang Qing and Qiuxiang chatted for a while.

After Fang Qing took Guoguo and Xiaobai away, Xu Dong asked Qiuxiang curiously, "What did Miss Qing talk to you just now?"

Qiuxiang blushed and said, "She told me not to worry too much. Relaxing will help you conceive a child. She also told me some other precautions."

"Sister Qing is someone who has been here before, so what she said is definitely right, you should learn more from her in the future!" Xu Dong laughed.

"Xiaodong, I heard that our village is moving out? Is it true?" Qiuxiang asked worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry!" Xu Dong told Qiuxiang what happened just now, and then said: "Sister Qing and I have already thought about a countermeasure just now. Qinglong Mountain really needs to be developed, but we can develop it ourselves, so we don't need to worry about it." Let the one surnamed Shen get in the way."

"Do you need me to help you with anything?" Qiu Xiang asked.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the county with Sister Qing, and may also go to Haicheng. Just help her take care of Guoguo."

Qiuxiang nodded, looked at Guoguo who was having a great time with Xiaobai, and smiled, "Guoguo is very smart and cute!"

Xu Dong hugged Qiuxiang into his arms, "Our future children will definitely be as cute as Guoguo!"

Qiuxiang gave a soft "hmm", with longing in her eyes.


Early the next morning, Xu Dong and Fang Qing drove to the county.

Xu Dong first sent Fang Qing to the bank to meet her friend, and then he picked up Ma Sisi, and then came to Ma Yongcheng's office with Ma Sisi.

Before coming, Xu Dong had already contacted Ma Yongcheng, but Ma Yongcheng didn't expect Sisi to come with him, and a bright smile appeared on his face immediately.

But Ma Sisi still didn't give Ma Yongcheng any good looks as always, but Ma Yongcheng didn't care either.

The three sat down on the sofa, Ma Yongcheng's secretary quickly brought them tea, and then left the office.

Ma Yongcheng said: "I already know the matter. Shen Yan really plans to develop Qinglong Mountain. Now that the report has been handed over to the county, he clearly stated in the report that you will relocate Xiawan Village as a whole."

"Uncle Ma, what do you think of this matter?" Xu Dong asked.

"What's so interesting, he said he would move out if he told me to? How can there be such a thing!" Ma Sisi snorted coldly.

Xu Dong cried in his heart

I can't laugh, this is Ma Sisi, who else dares to talk to Ma Yongcheng in this tone here?

But Ma Yongcheng didn't care at all, he nodded and said: "Sisi is right, Shen Yan's request is indeed a bit too much. It doesn't make sense to let the whole village move out just because of the judgment of a Feng Shui master! There is your vegetable base Xiao Xu! However, many people in the county are more optimistic about his project and are happy to see its success, so it may not work if you want to hard cap it. The best way is for Xiao Xu and you to propose a development plan, and Shen Yan competes!"

Xu Dong nodded secretly. It is true that Jiang is still hot. Ma Yongcheng saw the key to solving this matter at a glance.

"Uncle Ma, to tell you the truth, I do have this plan, and I want to compete fairly with Shen Yan for this project. But the Shen family is powerful, and I'm worried that they will use outside tactics."

"Don't worry about this, I will pay attention to this matter!" Ma Yongcheng said.

After receiving Ma Yongcheng's affirmative reply, Xu Dong rushed to the bank with Sisi and picked up Fang Qing.

However, after Fang Qing got into the car, her expression was not very good. It seemed that the conversation just now did not go well.

"Sister, is the Agricultural Bank unwilling to lend money?"

Fang Qing nodded, "I suspect that Shen Yan asked someone to say hello to the bank. Shen Yan has always done things like this, very careful and rarely makes mistakes."

(End of this chapter)

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