Chapter 297
Fang Qing rubbed her forehead with her hands, and said with a headache: "Shen Yan, what exactly do you want? I've already told you that Xiaodong and I have nothing to do with each other. Don't involve him in the matter between you and me. You Do you think about my feelings?"

Shen Yan suddenly took out a jewelry box from his pocket, and when he opened it, there was a diamond ring inside.

"Xiaoqing, I have bought this ring for a long time, but I know that you have been dissatisfied with me, so I have not taken it out for a long time. You asked me what I want to do, so I will tell you now, I hope I can get it Greater achievements, until you are satisfied. On that day, I will personally put this ring on your finger."

Fang Qing looked at the ring, shook her head and said, "Shen Yan, don't you understand, we are impossible! We have completely different personalities, and we have completely different understandings of life, life, and love. It's impossible to be together! So, you don't have to do anything for me, really!"

"Xiaoqing, I know, I understand what you said. Don't worry, as long as you are not satisfied, I can change everything. Don't you want me to target Xu Dong? I'll go back today and persuade my family to cancel the plan. I'm serious I like you very much, as long as you promise me, I will do anything for you!"

Shen Yan suddenly pushed the chair away, knelt on the ground on one knee, held the ring in his hand and said, "Xiaoqing, I know it might be sudden for me to do this, but I am absolutely sincere to you. Marry me, I am willing to give everything to you." for you."

Fang Qing froze for a moment, then stood up, "Shen Yan, if you do this again, I will leave immediately, and I don't need to meet again in the future! I have already told you very clearly that I will not marry you, you don't have to Do not force yourself any more!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Qing turned her head away, and Shen Yan stared at Fang Qing for a while, then slowly stood up.

The fake smile on his face was wiped away, and there was a deep hatred in his cold eyes.

"Xiaoqing, are you really unwilling to promise me?"

Fang Qing shook her head, "I'll say it one last time, it's impossible for us to be together. That's it for today, I'll go first!"

After speaking, Fang Qing picked it up and walked quickly towards the door of the private room.

However, at this moment, Shen Yan behind him said coldly: "If you walk out of this door today, Xu Dong's vegetable base will be demolished!"

Fang Qing suddenly turned her head, stared at Shen Yan and said, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you treat him as your younger brother? Didn't you make him Guoguo's father? Are you willing to watch his vegetable base be destroyed?" Shen Yan sneered, "Xiaoqing, don't blame me for not To be sympathetic, you forced me to do this. I have been chasing you for so many years, and you have always been honest with me, but after that Xu Dong appeared, you not only made him Guoguo's father immediately, but even Let him spend the night at your house. Do you know how hard it hurts me, have you considered how I feel?"

"Why?!" Shen Yan's fist suddenly hit the table hard, the jewelry box was smashed to pieces, and the diamond ring inside also jumped out, and Shen Yan's face was flushed, the veins on his neck were exposed, and he looked extremely ferocious.

Fang Qing was taken aback, and quickly took two steps back: "Shen Yan, are you crazy?"

"It's you who forced me to be like this!" Shen Yan roared angrily, "That Xu guy is just a farmer, what do you like about him? How can I not be better than him?"

"Shen Yan, calm down!" Fang Qing frowned.

"I used to think that I was not good enough or good enough, so I was rejected by you. But now I know that I have been wrong all along. You are not as noble and self-loving as I imagined. You and those There is no difference between a stupid woman who likes to listen to sweet talk. She was coaxed into elation by a few words by that Xu, and then she shamelessly did something with him. Fang Qing, you really let me down!"

A loud slap suddenly sounded.

There was a clear palm print on Shen Yan's fair face.

Fang Qing was trembling with anger, "Shen Yan, you are too much, I have explained to you many times, the matter is not what you imagined, Xiaodong and I are also innocent!"

Shen Yan covered his face and suddenly burst into laughter, the laughter became louder and louder, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"I really didn't expect that you beat me because of that surname Xu! Well, you're fine, I've liked you for so many years, I didn't expect this kind of result in exchange! Well, today completely gave up my heart, never From now on, don't blame me for being rude!"

Fang Qing gave Shen Yan a cold look, then turned and left.

However, before she could reach the door, Shen Yan suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Fang Qing was taken aback, "Shen Yan, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Shen Yan pushed Fang Qing against the wall, grabbed her wrists tightly, and said with a grinning smile, "I've been chasing you for so many years and put so much thought into it. Just leave like this? Isn't it too naive!"

Fang Qing looked at Shen Yan in horror, she never dreamed that Shen Yan would do such a thing.

However, she was not a young girl who was inexperienced. Although she was frightened, she did not panic. She immediately said: "Shen Yan, calm down, you will definitely regret doing this."

"Regret?" Shen Yan shook his head and said with a sinister smile: "No, no one will know what I did to you. If this matter gets out, your image will be completely ruined, and you will become the laughing stock of others in the future. So you will definitely not tell others, let alone call the police. Of course, even if the police are useless, do you think I will be afraid?"

"You decided to do this a long time ago?" Fang Qing felt a bitter coldness in her heart.

"That's right!" Shen Yan said with a sneer, "My patience has a limit. You refused me again and again, and instead hung out with that ghost surnamed Xu, and now live directly in his house, if I If I don't do anything, I will become the laughing stock of others. You forced me to do this, so don't blame me!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yan suddenly lowered his head and kissed Fang Qing's red lips.

But at this moment, a shout came from outside the door: "Stop!"

But immediately after that, there were two muffled groans, and then the door of the private room was knocked open, and two of Shen Yan's bodyguards rolled in.

A person rushed into the private room quickly, and before Shen Yan could see who it was, he was kicked backwards by the other party.

The person who came in was Xu Dong. He kicked Shen Yan away and still couldn't let go of his hatred. He was about to continue to rush over, but Fang Qing quickly grabbed him, "Xiaodong, don't be impulsive!"

"Sister, let me go, this beast with a human face and heart, I have to give him a taste of strength today!" Xu Dong said angrily.

"Yes, this kind of scum should be severely beaten!" Ma Sisi also followed into the private room, came to support Fang Qing, and stared angrily at Shen Yan who was on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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