rural little Shennong

Chapter 34 Mr. Chen's Blind Date

Chapter 34 Mr. Chen's Blind Date
The restaurant was not big, and the woman yelled so loudly, and the content was so explosive, everyone turned around curiously for a while.

Xu Dong also looked back, never expecting to see an acquaintance at a glance.

Sitting at that table was a man and a woman. The man did not know each other, but the woman turned out to be Chen Dan, Yingzi's class teacher.

Xu Dong wondered, now that such a beautiful girl can't find a partner, does she need a blind date?

However, this teacher Chen seems to be unlucky. He met a scumbag who was about to step on two boats. Xu Dong saw that this was the case, so he was in no hurry to leave. He was going to see how the situation developed. If he needed to take action , he doesn't mind helping that teacher Chen.

But he didn't go there rashly, he and Chen Dan had met each other even though they were not familiar with each other. I'm afraid no one would want others to know about such an embarrassing incident.

At this time, the scumbag who was on a blind date with Chen Dan stood up and looked at the girl who just came in with a serious face, "Xiaofeng, don't talk nonsense, we have already broken up, don't bother me again in the future!"

"That's not what you said last night. Last night you kept saying that you would love me forever. Did you forget it so quickly?" The girl cried pear blossoms with rain, her voice was sad, further confirming the true face of the scumbag.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is. I was resting at home last night, and I wasn't with you at all!" The scumbag retorted righteously, and then explained to Chen Dan embarrassingly: "Ms. Chen, she is my ex-girlfriend. But we broke up a long time ago, you must believe me!"

Chen Dan smiled awkwardly. In fact, she was forced to come out to meet the person in front of her today. She didn't expect such a thing to happen to her for the first time on a blind date, and she was quite devastated.

The girl shouted at Chen Dan: "Why are you smiling? Do you think that you are beautiful and you can seduce anyone you want? Pooh, who knows how many times you have been stabbed in the face?"

The people in the restaurant all looked at Chen Dan, and Chen Dan's face flushed red.Ever since she started working in No. [-] Middle School, anyone who saw her had to respectfully call Teacher Chen, and no one had ever scolded her like this before.

Although she is a teacher, she is usually quite eloquent, but she has never encountered such a shrew swearing at the street, so even though she was angry, she still couldn't say those ugly words, and finally just said: "I haven't had plastic surgery!"

"Who knows if it's been done or not, but I don't think you are a fuel-efficient lamp. You are like a coquettish fox. You have hooked up with eight hundred men if not a thousand."

"You're talking nonsense, I'm not that kind of person!" Chen Dan was really pissed off, and stood up angrily.

The scumbag also said angrily: "Xiaofeng, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Chen is a teacher in No. [-] Middle School, he is not the kind of person you said at all!"

"Teacher?" The woman snorted coldly, "Teacher can seduce other people's boyfriends at will? Some people look sanctimonious, maybe they are full of men who steal women and whores!"

These words are definitely the most vicious words Chen Dan has ever heard, not only insulting her, but also insulting her career.Trembling with anger, she angrily picked up the bag on the chair and walked quickly towards the door of the restaurant.

"Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen!" Seeing that Chen Dan wanted to leave, the scumbag wanted to keep him, but the woman actually grabbed Chen Dan and pulled her hard.

"If you want to leave, it won't take so long! If you don't speak clearly today, you won't want to leave!"

Chen Dan was caught off guard, and was dragged staggeringly, hitting the corner of the table with his lower back. The pain was excruciating, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

But the man and woman were still entangled and chattering, no one noticed Chen Dan's situation.

Xu Dong didn't expect to make such a fuss, so he hurried over to support Chen Dan, "Mr. Chen, are you alright?"

Chen Dan turned around to see Xu Dong, he was also very surprised, and asked in surprise, "Brother Xu Ying?"

"Just call me Xu Dong!" Xu Dong smiled at Chen Dan, "Sit down first, and I'll help you with this matter."

Chen Dan immediately knew that Xu Dong must have seen the whole process just now, and she felt extremely embarrassed.

But when she saw Xu Dong walking forward, she remembered Xu Dong's past experience, she was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Forget it, she didn't do it on purpose, I'll be fine if I take a rest."

This master went to jail because he helped others get ahead. Chen Dan didn't dare to ask Xu Dong to help her get ahead.

Of course Xu Dong wouldn't just let it go. Chen Dan was not only Yingzi's class teacher, but also took good care of Yingzi. If he didn't help Teacher Chen to vent his anger when encountering such a situation, how could he be kind to him.

He casually picked up the cold water jug ​​on the table, unscrewed the lid, walked up to the couple, and suddenly poured most of the water on the woman's face.

The woman immediately screamed in fright, and the makeup on her face was washed out, and a thick layer of foundation flowed down the water, dyeing her clothes in colorful colors, which was shockingly ugly.

The scumbag grabbed Xu Dong's shoulder and glared at him angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Her mouth is too dirty, I'll wash her!"

Xu Dong picked up a kettle from the table next to him, and the guests at this table turned pale with shock, and hurriedly shouted: "This is hot water!"

"The hot water is just right, and the washing is even cleaner!" Xu Dong stared at the woman coldly.

The woman trembled in fright, she didn't dare to scream anymore, and quickly hid behind the scumbag.

"If you keep scolding, I don't believe I can't help you clean your mouth today!" Xu Dong snorted.

"Who are you? Does this matter have anything to do with you? Is there something wrong with you?" The scumbag said dissatisfied.

Xu Dong glanced at the hand on his shoulder, and said coldly: "Get your dirty hands off of me, I don't want to suffer from that kind of dirty disease like you!"

"You are the only one who is sick!" The scumbag was so angry that he pointed at Xu Dong and warned, "You better not talk nonsense, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

"What, are you in a hurry? I advise you to go to a large hospital in the city and find a venereal disease specialist to take a good look. Your disease can't be cured by an old soldier on a telegraph pole." Xu Dong glanced at the scumbag man The woman behind you said, "You too, since you slept with him last night, there is a high probability that you were also infected by him, you'd better go get checked immediately."

"Fuck you!" The man was so impatient, he swung his fist and hit Xu Dong, but Xu Dong grabbed him and squeezed it a little bit, and the man screamed in pain.

At this time, the woman was already stunned, and it took a while to wake up suddenly, grabbed the man by the collar and shouted loudly: "Chen Haisheng, are you looking for the lady again? Tell me, are you Didn't you go to see Miss again?"

"Are you crazy?" The man was furious and pushed her away.

"Slap!" As a result, the woman suddenly slapped him hard on the face, and cried loudly: "No wonder my bottom has been itching for the past few days, so it's all because of you. Chen Chusheng, you are a bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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