rural little Shennong

Chapter 38 Losing money and losing house

Chapter 38 Losing money and losing house

Chen Dan was distracted, but suddenly heard Liu Wei calling her sister-in-law, she didn't realize it for a while, and when she figured it out, Liu Wei had already finished the glass of wine, and it was too late for her to explain.

For a moment, Chen Dan's face turned red, as if bleeding could ooze.

Xu Ying looked curiously at Chen Dan, then at Xu Dong, her big eyes were flickering, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Teacher Chen, my sister's class teacher." Xu Dong quickly corrected him.

"I understand, I understand!" Liu Wei chuckled, thinking that even if he is not sister-in-law now, he will definitely be in the future. He did not change his words, and said with a smile: "Brother Dong, sister-in-law, I will go to the next door to see, what do you have?" Call me anytime you need!"

After speaking, Liu Wei left the private room.

Xu Ying asked curiously: "Brother, is this person your friend?"

Chen Dan raised her ears, she also wanted to know the answer.

"His name is Liu Wei, and he was my inmate when I was in prison. I treated him in prison, and he has always been very grateful to me. When I got out of prison, he asked me to come to him later, but I don't want to talk to them. There are too many people coming and going, so I haven't looked for him since I was released from prison. If you hadn't had an accident this time, I wouldn't have met him either."

"Hee hee, brother, you are the best, and you can make friends even in prison!" Yingzi believed in Xu Dong's words, but Chen Dan felt that it was not that simple. If Liu Wei just thanked Xu Dong for helping him cure his illness, he should Not with such a low profile, she could tell that Liu Wei not only respected Xu Dong very much, but was also quite afraid of him!
But Chen Dan was very smart, since Xu Dong didn't want to talk about it, she didn't ask too much.

At this time, Yingzi asked curiously again: "Brother, can you still cure diseases?"

Xu Dong once again told about how he studied medicine with old man Liu in prison. When he said that he had cured his father Xu Laiwang's leg and that he was still a doctor in the village clinic, Xu Ying couldn't help but exclaimed repeatedly. , even Chen Dan looked at Xu Dong in surprise.

"Brother, you are amazing! Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, you will become a doctor!" Xu Ying looked at Xu Dong proudly, with an extremely proud expression.

"Silly girl, what kind of doctor is brother, at most he is a barefoot doctor. By the way, didn't I leave money for you last time, why didn't you buy some new clothes?" Xu Dong looked at Yingzi, she was not only thin Great, the clothes on his body are obviously old, and the corners have been worn out badly.

"What are you afraid of wearing old clothes, brother, you work so hard to earn money, I don't want to waste money!" Xu Ying didn't care about these things, and said with a smile.

"Our family's conditions are much better now. It's not bad for this little money. You can spend it as you please. What are you afraid of when you have brother?" Xu Dong pampered Yingzi's head.

The three chatted and laughed happily, and there were free drinks and snacks. The time passed quickly, and after about an hour, Liu Wei ran in again and asked, "Brother Dong, Chen Hu is here, do you want to eat?" meet him?"

Xu Dong asked Xu Ying and Chen Dan to stay here, and he and Chen Hu went back to the private room just now. Besides He Liang and others, there were a few more people in the room, and the one standing in the middle was a man in his thirties. The man should be Chen Hu.

This person was Chen Hu who had just arrived. After receiving He Liang's call, he was also stunned, and then immediately set off for the county seat, reaching Haoledi almost as quickly as possible.

"Brother Dong, I used to be the one who didn't know Taishan. Please forgive me!" Chen Hu said with a smile on his face. Showing a bag full of money, "This money is my apology to you!"

Before Xu Dong could speak, Liu Wei sneered and said, "You dare to spend [-] yuan to shame people. Do you think Brother Dong has never seen the world? Chen Hu, I think you've gone back as you live. Do you want me to teach you how to deal with it?" teach you how to behave?"

The corner of Chen Hu's mouth trembled. He thought that Xu Dong and Liu Wei were just ordinary friends, and he expected Liu Wei to make peace from it. But looking at it now, the relationship between Liu Wei and Xu Dong is not that simple. Not only does Liu Wei respect Xu Dong very much , It seems that Xu Dong is also recognized as the eldest brother.

Ma De, where did this kid come from? Why is there such a big dragon hidden in the corner of the mountain in Xiawan Village?
Chen Hu was slandering in his heart, but his arms couldn't twist his thighs. The smile on his face became more flattering, "No, no, besides this little money, I still have a building in the county, although it's not worth a lot, but The location is very good, and it has just been renovated. If Dong Ge likes it, he can move there at any time. In addition, I also want to give Dong Ge [-]% of the shares of Donghong Hotel. I just hope that Dong Ge will not forget the villain , forgive me this time!"

Although Wangchuan County is not as good as Shanghai City, the housing prices are seven to eight thousand. A small building can be worth at least one or two million, let alone a newly renovated house.

Coupled with the [-]% stake in Donghong Hotel, this guy's hand is indeed not small, even Liu Meng was a little surprised, he leaned next to Xu Dong and asked in a low voice: "Brother Dong, what do you think?"

Whether it's money or not, Xu Dong really doesn't care. He can earn 200 million by selling a cart of oranges now. He really doesn't care whether it's the house or the shares that Chen Hu promised.

What he cares most about is the safety of his family members, and he also understands that Chen Hu is able to give away so many things in one go, not only because he wants to ask for his forgiveness, but because he feels that he has a deep background and wants to take the opportunity to hug him. thigh.

It has to be said that Chen Hu is able to make such a mess, he still has some skills, at least he understands current affairs, knows how to advance and retreat, and has good eyesight.

"What do you think?" Xu Dong asked back.

"This grandson has made a lot of money in the past few years, why not take the opportunity to take him away!" Liu Wei said with a wicked smile.

Xu Dong rolled his eyes, he really deserves to be a gangster, his heart is so fucking dark.

He thought about it, it is still good to have a dog at the door of the house.Although Chen Hu is quite honest now, but in Nanshan Town, he is definitely a tyrant, and almost no one dares to provoke him, so it is still good to subdue Chen Hu, at least he will not have to worry too much about the safety of the old couple in the family.

But Xu Dong didn't want to get involved in Chen Hu's business either, the ghost knew that this guy had done some black-hearted business secretly, if he got embarrassed for a little profit, it would not be worth the loss.

"Since you have this sincerity, I can give you a chance. The shares are fine. I'm not interested in your restaurant. Remember, if you dare to mess with me next time, no one can save you!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Dong looked around. There were several steel pipes on the ground, which should have been brought by He Liang's gang.He picked up one from the ground, held it with both hands and broke it hard, and the thick and hard steel pipe was broken into twists by him.

Not only did Chen Hu stare straight at this moment, even Liu Meng was stunned.

After a while, he found that Xu Dong was looking at him coldly. Chen Hu woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, thank you for your generosity. Please rest assured that I will never dare to offend you again. If anyone in Nanshan Town dares to seek I will be the first to let him go for your troubles!"

Afterwards, under Liu Wei's scolding, Chen Hu took He Liang and others away in embarrassment.The one hundred thousand cash was naturally kept, and Chen Hu promised to transfer the small building to Xu Dong's name as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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