Chapter 43
"Sister-in-law, are you still injured?" Xu Dong was amazed, how ruthless the beating was, what is that wife slave Tian Zhigang doing?
"No, no!"

"Don't lie to me, you are in such pain, are you still not hurt?" Xu Dong frowned, "No, I have to let Qiuxiang's sister-in-law come over to help you take a look, you must be hurt!"

Xu Dong turned his head and left, Zhang Xiaohui was taken aback, and quickly grabbed him, "Xiaodong, don't tell others, I beg you, sister-in-law!"

"Then tell me, what's going on? Did brother Zhigang beat you?"

Zhang Xiaohui had no choice but to nod her head, but she couldn't say the reason, and she couldn't say it, so she could only say: "Xiaodong, he went crazy from drinking too much, and he will be fine when he sobers up. Don't tell me the reason." Others, otherwise the whole village will know about it, and you Zhigang brother has a good face..."

Since it's a drunken madness, it really can't be controlled, Xu Dong thought for a while, "Then what about the injury on your back, can brother Zhigang apply the medicine for you?"

Zhang Xiaohui glanced at Xu Dong, gritted her teeth suddenly, and said, "Xiaodong, how about you paint it for me. Don't worry, my sister-in-law doesn't blame you!"

"This, this is not good?"

Xu Dong was a little dumbfounded. Although Zhang Xiaohui was already in her early thirties, her skin was well maintained. She looked like a girl in her 20s. She still had the charm of a mature woman, like a ripe fruit. , exudes a tempting smell all the time.

Asking him to apply medicine to Zhang Xiaohui, wouldn't that kill him?

But before he could refuse, Zhang Xiaohui had already started to take off her clothes. Xu Dong's heart jumped a few times, and he hurried to the door and closed it. Finally, he was worried and added the door bolt.

When he turned around again, Zhang Xiaohui had already taken off her shirt and was sitting on a chair with her back facing him.

But what Xu Dong saw at a glance were the countless bruises and scars on Zhang Xiaohui's body, which was really shocking.

"Sister-in-law, brother Zhigang, how much wine did you drink, why did you beat you like this?" Xu Dong was almost shocked. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that Tian Zhigang would beat his wife like this.This is simply beating to death, it's too ruthless!

Zhang Xiaohui hugged the clothes to her chest, not knowing whether it was cold or nervous, her body was trembling slightly, she tremblingly said: "Xiaodong, apply the medicine for me, someone should be here soon!"

This was true, and Xu Dong didn't dare to waste time, so he quickly poured out the potion and wiped it on Zhang Xiaohui's back.

The potion was carefully prepared by him, and it also added Chaos Source Water. It is very effective in treating this kind of bruises. If the injury is not particularly serious, it will take effect almost on the spot, and it will be cured immediately.

As Xu Dong continued to smear the potion on Zhang Xiaohui's back, Zhang Xiaohui's injuries quickly improved, and it didn't take long for her entire back to be completely white, with no bruises to be seen anymore.

"Sister-in-law, the back is fine, do you want me to paint it for you?"

"No need!" Zhang Xiaohui quickly put on her clothes, blushed like a monkey's butt, took the medicine bottle and ran out of the bathroom as if fleeing.

Standing at the door of the clinic, watching Zhang Xiaohui's mature and graceful figure gradually go away, Xu Dong sniffed his fingers. In addition to the smell of medicine, there was also a feminine fragrance in it, and the smooth and gentle feeling seemed to remain on his fingers.

"Ma De, Tian Zhigang is such a beast, such a good wife can do it!"

Shaking his head, Xu Dong closed the door and walked towards the house.

The Huang Boss that Chen Hu was looking for moved quickly, and he led the construction team into Xiawan Village the next day. There were a lot of machinery and equipment and a lot of people who entered the village together. This was to help Xu Dong in the shortest possible time. Fix the house up.

Xu Dong asked Chen Hu to send a cook over, and at the same time recruited more than a dozen people in the village, responsible for picking bricks from the mud, 100 yuan for men and [-] yuan for women a day, and three meals were included. All the people who came were smiling. , I regret not coming.

Xu Laiwang saw that he couldn't get involved in building the house, so he simply recruited some people to go up the mountain to open up wasteland.

As the commotion in Xu's house became more and more troublesome, Tian Zhigang's anger grew more and more, and he felt someone pointing at him from behind whenever he walked in the village.

After resting for two days, Zhang Xiaohui's injuries were all healed. When Tian Zhigang entered the room, she had just brought the last fried dish to the table and was about to go out to ask Tian Zhigang to go home for dinner.

But seeing Tian Zhigang's ashen face, her heart skipped a beat, and she hung up again.

"Zhigang, did something happen again?"

Tian Zhigang ignored Zhang Xiaohui with a gloomy face, took out a bottle of wine and drank several glasses, and then said: "If you go to Xu Dong tomorrow, you must get his secret recipe!"

Zhang Xiaohui looked embarrassed, "Zhigang, forget it, I really can't afford to lose this person!"


Tian Zhigang slammed his chopsticks on the table, glared at Zhang Xiaohui and roared: "Then I can afford to lose this person? Do you know what Xu Laiwang said about me behind my back, saying that I am not as good as him in farming. Pooh, he counts What the hell! If it wasn't for Xu Dong's shit luck, their Xu family would be so poor that they would be begging for food!"

"Zhigang, why bother with them, let's live a better life." Zhang Xiaohui took another pair of chopsticks for Tian Zhigang, and persuaded him earnestly: "Besides, our family's life is not bad. The village is better than ours. There are not many good ones, isn't this just your ability?"

"No, I can't breathe, I feel uncomfortable!" Tian Zhigang drank two more glasses of wine, looked up at Zhang Xiaohui, and asked with a gloomy face, "I'll ask you again, are you going or not?"

"Zhigang, I really don't want to go! I feel ashamed when I see Xu Dong now, and I'm ashamed to see him!"

"Then you take off your clothes and ask him to apply the medicine for you, don't you feel ashamed?"

Zhang Xiaohui stared at Tian Zhigang dumbfounded, "You...what did you say?"

Tian Zhigang sneered and said: "I asked someone to find out that Qiuxiang didn't go to the clinic at all the day before yesterday afternoon. There was only Xu Dong in there. You still lied to me that Qiuxiang applied the medicine for you! Zhang Xiaohui, Zhang Xiaohui, I treat you so well, you How dare you lie to me, are you worthy of me?"

"Zhigang, I really have nothing to do with him. He just smeared medicine on my back. I was worried that you might misunderstand, so I didn't tell you!" Zhang Xiaohui said hastily.

"I don't care, anyway, you have to go to that kid again, let him apply the medicine for you, or sleep with him, I just want the secret recipe. If we can't get the secret recipe, we'll leave it alone, you get out!" Tian Zhigang gave Zhang Xiaohui a hard look, picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat.

Zhang Xiaohui stood there blankly, looking at Tian Zhigang for a long time, as if meeting him for the first time.

She seemed to have fallen into an ice hole, her body getting colder and colder.

(End of this chapter)

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