rural little Shennong

Chapter 49 Misunderstanding

Chapter 49 Misunderstanding
Half an hour later, Xu Dong felt a headache when he looked at Fang Qing lying on the table.

He thought that Fang Qing should have a good drinking capacity, but after two bottles of red wine, Fang Qing lay down on the table.

Now how to do?
He didn't even know where Fang Qing's home was. Did he take her to the hotel?If not to the hotel, where else to go?

After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Dong made a decision.

After calling the waiter in to pay the bill, Xu Dong took Fang Qing's bag, carried Fang Qing out of the restaurant, and asked the restaurant waiter to call a taxi for him.

After getting in the car, Xu Dong said to the driver, "Go to the nearest five-star hotel."

The driver saw Fang Qing lying in Xu Dong's arms like a drunk fish through the rearview mirror, and immediately showed a wretched smile on his face.

Undoubtedly, the driver had misunderstood his relationship with Fang Qing, but Xu Dong didn't explain anything.

Ten minutes later, under the envious eyes of the taxi driver, Xu Dong carried Fang Qing into the Shangri-La Hotel. After opening the room, he carried Fang Qing into the elevator under the contemptuous eyes of the front desk attendant.

After entering the room and finally putting Fang Qing on the bed, Xu Dong was finally relieved.

It's not because Fang Qing is too heavy, in fact Fang Qing is very light, and it's effortless to hold her.

The main reason is that Fang Qing is too beautiful and eye-catching, along the way, I don't know how many people stared at them.

It is estimated that those people regarded him as the kind of person who picked up corpses.

Yali Mountain is big!

Straighten Fang Qing, help her take off her shoes and put on the quilt, and put another bottle of mineral water on the bedside table.

Xu Dong stood by the bed and waited for a while. Seeing that Fang Qing was sleeping soundly and showed no signs of vomiting, he turned and walked out of the room.

When passing by just now, he saw a bookstore next to it, and Xu Dong's current destination was there.


After an unknown amount of time, Fang Qing's eyelashes fluttered a few times, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

The sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains in the corner of the room, and she saw Xu Dong who was sitting on the sofa reading a book at a glance.

Xu Dong marked the book with a pen while reading the book, his brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, with a very focused expression.

Fang Qing looked at Xu Dong, and she seemed to have returned to that spring in a daze. She suddenly saw a plainly dressed but very serious boy in the corner of the library.

The boy was not handsome, his skin was even a little dark, his short hair looked like it hadn't been done for a long time, and he looked a little sloppy.

But his appearance of concentrating on studying is different, his dark and shining eyes are as bright as stars.

At that moment, it seemed as if a small stone was quietly thrown into Fang Qing's heart lake.

From that day on, Fang Qing saw that boy in the library every day, and that boy was always sitting there.

Not long after, she knew the boy's name, Shi Qianqian.

As this name appeared in her mind, Fang Qing's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a hand, the pain was so painful that she could hardly breathe, and there was a piercing pain in her head.

The aftermath of drunkenness arrived as expected.

Fang Qing closed her eyes and grunted in pain.

There was a sound of footsteps, and then a pair of warm hands rested on top of her head, rubbing and pressing gently.

Strange to say, when these hands touched her, the almost desperate tingling disappeared immediately, replaced by warmth and comfort like soaking in hot spring water.

Fang Qing opened her eyes, just in time to see Xu Dong who was smiling.

"feelling better?"

"It's much better, thank you!" Fang Qing breathed out lightly, her whole body relaxed indescribably.

Xu Dong sat by the bed, continued to massage Fang Qing, smiled and said: "Sister Fang, don't drink so much alcohol in the future. The past is over, you have to think about the future. No matter what, you still have Guoguo, even for her sake, you should cheer up."

"Well, I will!" The two of them were so close that Fang Qing could even feel Xu Dong's breath, which had a nice fragrance of grass and trees.

A touch of pink appeared on her face unknowingly. Although she knew it was wrong, but Xu Dong's hands seemed to have magical powers, making her whole body warm and numb, and she didn't even want to move. Move, really want to lie down like this forever.

Her eyes moved slightly, and her and Xu Dong's eyes suddenly intertwined. Xu Dong's eyes were so clear that Fang Qing couldn't help but tremble slightly, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

The blush on his face quickly spread, and even his neck turned red.

At this time, Xu Dong's apologetic voice came from his ear: "Sister Fang, I'm sorry, I really don't know where to send you after you're drunk, so I took you to the hotel."

Fang Qing froze for a moment, then hurriedly opened her eyes and looked around, only to find that she and Xu Dong were in the hotel room.

I actually opened a room with Xu Dong!

Fang Qing's face immediately became hot.

"Thank you!" Fang Qing sat up quickly, and then hurried into the bathroom.

Leaning behind the door, Fang Qing tightly covered her hot face, and let out a shameful whine in her heart.

If people found out that she spent an afternoon in a hotel with a boy who was several years younger than her, she didn't know what she would think.

Fang Qing suddenly remembered something, and quickly lowered her head to look at herself, only to find that her clothes were intact and there was nothing inappropriate.

Startled, the uneasiness in Fang Qing's heart disappeared instantly, and her impression of Xu Dong became slightly better again.

After washing up, Fang Qing walked out of the bathroom and found that Xu Dong was reading again.

"What book are you reading?" She walked over curiously and asked.

Xu Dong showed the book to Fang Qing, ""Modern Agricultural Planting Technology", there is a bookstore next to the hotel, and there are quite a few books on agriculture, I bought them all."

Only then did Fang Qing notice that there was a stack of books on the coffee table next to her.

"I'm sorry, because I delayed your business!" Fang Qing said apologetically.

Xu Dong shook his head and said with a smile: "After reading these books, I know that all the answers I want are found in the books, and there is no need to find any experts."

"Have you read all these books?" Fang Qing asked in surprise.

"No, I just read it roughly."

Fang Qing picked up a few books and looked through them, and found that almost every book was marked.Obviously, Xu Dong watched very carefully and made very detailed marks.

"Now I probably know why you can grow such good fruits and vegetables. As long as a person knows how to read and study, he is destined to be extraordinary. Xiaodong, you are amazing!" Fang Qing admired sincerely, her eyes full of appreciation color.


Xu Dong scratched his head.

Fang Qing obviously misunderstood him.

And this misunderstanding can just explain why he can grow such good special fruits and vegetables.

pretty good!
(End of this chapter)

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