rural little Shennong

Chapter 702 Please eat sugar

Chapter 702 Please eat sugar

Xu Dong had already talked about this, and the children still didn't seem to respond at all. When Xu Dong saw this, he knew that there was really nothing wrong with them.

In Xu Dong's eyes looking at Chen Dan, there was a kind of relaxation after experiencing a big event.

Chen Dan also looked at Xu Dong very gratefully: "It's lucky to have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do by myself."

Xu Dong smiled at Chen Dan, but did not speak.

What does it matter?

I am her boyfriend, and boyfriends should stand in front of girlfriends.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong felt a little more certain in his heart: "What's the matter, let's talk about it when we get home tonight. Now I will discuss the children's matters with you."

Chen Dan nodded to Xu Dong, and then discussed about re-examination and medication in front of the children.

Even if the children are about to grow up, they are still children.

As soon as Xu Dong said that he wanted to take medicine, all of them frowned tightly again: "Doctor, do you really need to take medicine? The middle school we used to let us take some kind of medicine, it was so unbearable. .”

"Yeah, so after that, I secretly hid the medicine every time, saying that I had already taken the medicine." The child who said this, Xu Dong remembered, was the child with the mildest symptoms.

At the beginning, Xu Dong thought that she was in good health, but only now did he realize that it was because she didn't want to take medicine, so he came up with such a method.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong felt a little more determined in his heart. With a thought, he asked directly: "Classmate, is the medicine you hid on your body now? If possible, can you study it for me?" what?"

She also seemed to realize that the changes in her body should be due to this medicine, so she quickly nodded and agreed: "Okay, there is no problem, but in the schoolbag in the classroom, it may take a while."

Xu Dong waved his hand quite indifferently: "It's good if you can give it to me, and I will thank you for the others."

Shouldn't I be grateful?

Besides them, there are other children who are being abused. Thinking of this, Xu Dong just feels heartbroken.

How on earth did they do it, they were able to attack these children!
But Xu Dong definitely couldn't figure it out. If he could figure it out, he would become the same person as Sheng Yu.

Xu Dong contacted Fang Qing's friend, and after explaining the problem, the other party readily agreed.

After a while, the hospital called directly, saying that there might be a work error on their side, so these children were asked to re-examine.

Hearing the good news, Chen Dan was of course happy, but soon he couldn't be happy anymore, and his face fell down: "But, the children are just recovering, and they need to take medicine later, what if this time What should I do if there is no difference between the test results and the previous ones?"

After Xu Dong heard about Chen Dan, he just leaned over and whispered in Chen Dan's ear, and Chen Dan's eyes suddenly burst into surprise: "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true, don't you believe in my medical skills?" Xu Dong looked like a fart, Chen Dan wanted to kiss him on tiptoe, but thinking that the children were still here, he could only give up.However, she whispered in Xu Dong's ear, "I believe you, of course I believe you!"

When Xu Dong heard what Chen Dan said, he was even more happy, so he almost sang to celebrate.

Sure enough, the happiest thing is to get the approval of my girlfriend.

Xu Dong deliberately followed their team back to the hospital, but this time, the doctor with triangular eyes had a different face.

He looked at Xu Dong full of flattery, nodding and bowing, he almost lay flat on the ground and used it as a carpet for Xu Dong.

"Doctor Xu, I'm really sorry. I almost delayed your major event because I was blind to Taishan before, but fortunately, it's not too late now, so I should be able to solve some small problems for you. ?” The man smiled, but Xu Dong felt even colder in his heart.

As a doctor, once he starts to step on the high and step on the low, his career is destined to not last long.

But Xu Dong didn't say it directly, the King of Hades can't stop ghosts who want to die, so why would he stop such people from ruining their future?
Seeing Xu Dong didn't intend to talk to her at all, the doctor's eyes changed instantly, and he hated Xu Dong even more in his heart.

What are you so proud of?Isn't it just knowing people?He has seen this kind of person a lot!I was admitted based on my own ability, unlike this kind of person, who knows how to rely on relationships all day long.

If you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, you should be talking about this kind of person.

Xu Dong looked at this person, feeling helpless in his heart.

Even if this person is not convinced, can he cover his eyes a little bit?
For a person like this, in TV dramas, to die is a villain who can't survive an episode.

Xu Dong took the children to the physical examination, and Chen Dan was not relieved until the last child's physical examination was over.

Perhaps it was because Xu Dong had found someone to clear it up, this time even the test results were extremely quick.

Seeing that the test results of the children were all normal, Chen Dan didn't care whether he was in front of the children, and hugged Xu Dong directly: "That's great, it's really great, they're all fine." Son, otherwise, I really don't know what to do!"

Seeing Chen Dan, Xu Dong was on the verge of crying excitedly. He quickly hugged Chen Dan, patted Chen Dan on the back, and comforted him in a low voice: "Okay, isn't there nothing to do now? Wait for these children to eat After taking the medicine, I guarantee that they will be the same as before, okay?"

When the children saw their teacher hugging a man, of course they started booing: "Oh, teacher, no wonder this doctor is working so hard!"

"That's right, teacher, why do you keep this kind of thing from us! Can't you let us be happy for you?"

"Teacher, are we almost ready to eat wedding candy?"

Chen Dan's face turned red with embarrassment when he heard the children's booing.Xu Dong held Chen Dan in his arms, and waved his hands at the children: "Go, go, don't make a fuss, this is in the hospital, besides, your teacher is thin-skinned, she should be embarrassed if you make such a fuss gone."

Hearing what Xu Dong said, everyone couldn't help booing even more.

"Doctor, why are you so shy? Treat us to sweets!"

(End of this chapter)

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