Chapter 704
Just when Xu Dong wanted to joke with Gu Wendong, he heard Wei Dongfang's voice: "Xu Dong, here we come!"

"Teacher Wei, here we are. I've been busy recently, so I can't come to see you properly. I'm really sorry." Xu Dong respected Wei Dongfang very much, and he was very polite when he met Wei Dongfang now.

When Wei Dongfang saw Xu Dong being so polite, he quickly said, "Okay, don't be so polite, I just said hello to you when I heard that you are here. By the way, what have you been up to lately? Is there anything we can do to help?"

Xu Dong thought about it carefully, and there was nothing they could do to help, so he declined their kindness: "No more, you can rest assured, but you, don't be too tired because of my work, then I just want to feel guilty .”

Having said that, Xu Dong and Wei Dongfang chatted for a while before going down the mountain.

After going down the mountain, Xu Dong was in the villa, quietly waiting for Shi Zhongming's result.

Shi Zhongming obviously had someone carry out a simultaneous test, but within two hours, he had already come over and delivered a result in person.

"Isn't everything already said, there's no need to deliver it in person." Xu Dong said, taking the things.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Shi Zhongming smiled a little embarrassedly: "Didn't I just research the medicine too? Take a look."

Xu Dong frowned, and was a little surprised that Shi Zhongming had also researched the medicine: "So fast?"

"I can't talk about how fast it is, but our equipment is good enough, and the extraction process is even better." Shi Zhong was praising Xu Dong both openly and secretly, and Xu Dong nodded very helpfully when he saw this.

There was no one who didn't like to hear compliments, besides, Xu Dong was not the kind of person who would get carried away after hearing compliments.

Xu Dong first opened the medicine and smelled it, then took the medicine himself.After feeling the effect of the medicine, Shi Zhongming immediately understood: "Hurry up and let them give birth. This three pills a day will take ten days in total. A total of nearly a hundred people will eat this way. Make sure to make it before dawn tomorrow.”

"Okay Mr. Xu, do you want sugar-coated tablets or capsules?" Xu Dong glanced at the specific ingredients. Some medicines may cause irritation to their stomachs, so he made a quick decision. : "Use capsules, as soon as possible."

Before Shi Zhongming came and reported the test results to Xu Dong, he was instructed to make a phone call.

Taking advantage of Shi Zhongming's phone call, Xu Dong carefully read the inspection report.

There are not many things written on the inspection report, but it has a specific analysis of the specific ingredients.Sure enough, as Xu Dong guessed, these medicines all had the same ingredients, but the concentration of each medicine was different.

Can't tell, this Sheng Yu actually wants to do a trick of boiling frogs at this time, it's really amazing!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I have seen through his scheme now.

It's a pity that I still have no way to announce the entire conspiracy of Lixian Middle School to the public, otherwise it should be more convenient.

When thinking of this, Xu Dong felt a little headache, and didn't know what to do. Anyway, that's all he can do for the time being.

But there should be many more things he can do in the future.

When Shi Zhongming came back from the phone call, he saw that Xu Dong had read all the inspection reports.

Shi Zhongming didn't know how to explain it, so he could only report about the production of the medicine first: "President Xu, everything has been arranged, and he said that he will not be off work today, and the production will be made overnight, and it will be produced in the early morning. I'll send it to you."

"No need, I'll go directly to the warehouse to get the medicine in the early hours of tomorrow, so don't worry about that." Hearing what Xu Dong said, Shi Zhongming was completely relieved.

That's good, at least I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Afterwards, he saw the inspection report on the table again, and asked hesitantly, "Have you seen the report?"

"Well, I see, it's not too different from what I imagined, so I'm not very surprised. But, did the people in the laboratory say anything?" Xu Dongru asked, and got an affirmative answer: " Of course, they all said, who is so hurt."

It is indeed enough damage, otherwise, they would not attack these children at this time.

But this matter must not be spread out.Thinking of this, Xu Dong directly stopped him: "Listen, no one should know about this matter, otherwise we will all be in trouble. Dongjiang Pharmaceutical is our painstaking effort. When I say this, you should understand Bar?"

"Understood, Mr. Xu, don't worry, I'll go back and give them the death order, and nothing will happen." Shi Zhongming became more serious. He knew that if something happened to this matter, everyone would be finished.

After Shi Zhongming left, Xu Dong looked at the inspection report in front of him with an indescribably heavy heart.

He had seen similar recipes before, but what he didn't expect was that they would use the combination of poison and good medicine to make people's appearance prosperous and make people's internal problems slowly.

The greed of these people, betting on other people's lives, Xu Dong's hand suddenly tightened, and the inspection report in his hand slowly wrinkled, and finally turned into paper ashes.

Xu Dong swept up these things himself and emptied them into the toilet.

The flush button was pressed, and the rumbling sound of the toilet bowl calmed Xu Dong's agitated heart.

It's as if his bad moods were also washed away by water. What kind of things should have a certain destination, and these invisible things should rot and stink in the sewer.

When Xu Dong came out of the bathroom, he saw Qiuxiang looking at him suspiciously: "What's the matter, why does it take so long to flush? Is the toilet broken?"

"No, it's just that I was in a daze just now and I just pressed it for a while." Hearing what Xu Dong said, Qiuxiang nodded quite comprehensibly, and didn't say anything more, just assuming that what Xu Dong said was right.

Qiuxiang can see that he has something on his mind, and if he doesn't want to say it, Qiuxiang will naturally not make things difficult for him.

That night, Xu Dong hardly slept, and did not let Qiuxiang and the others accompany him.

Looking at the ceiling, he always felt that this whirlpool just made him sink deeper and deeper, unable to extricate himself.

Well, maybe this is the mission he should shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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