rural little Shennong

Chapter 707 Not Sheng Yu

Chapter 707 Not Sheng Yu
Isn't this man a doctor?Why do you act like a reckless man?
Yu Zhou really couldn't figure it out, but now he didn't have the extra thought to think about it.

Xu Dong drove directly to a nearby hotel, saying that his friend was drunk, and used Yu Zhou's ID card to open two rooms.

One is where I live with Yu Zhou, and the other is specially used to lock this person up.

Yu Zhou looked at Chen Xiang in front of him, and then glanced at the information Xu Dong gave him, and became suspicious for a moment: "Are you sure this is a person?" It seems that he is a little fatter?

Xu Dong directly opened the black bag, looking at the contents of the bag, Xu Dong directly took out all the things.

"I don't see it, there are three stacks in total, but when he went in before, there were at least five stacks, that is to say, he kept some, now you know why he became fat?" Xu Dong was also thinking, This person still looks the same, and there is not much difference from a distance. Why is it so difficult when it comes to resisting others?

Seeing these things, Xu Dong felt a little more clear in his heart.

A person who has always been poor, suddenly has so much money, he will definitely eat a lot. If he doesn't get fat, who else will get fat?

Xu Dong shook his head helplessly, quietly waiting for this person to wake up.

Just when Xu Dongdu was about to fall asleep, a rough voice suddenly said, "Who are you! Why did you bring me to this place? I didn't offend you!"

Chen Xiang really didn't know Xu Dong, he just said that he wanted to persuade two people to see if they could destroy Qinglong Mountain, but he didn't expect it to happen.

No, today I came to give myself money.

In Chen Xiang's cognition, no one has such ability to find out himself so quickly.

Xu Dong didn't speak directly, but just threw him a photo: "Do you know these two people?" The two people in the photo were none other than the ones who were instigated by him to destroy Qinglong Mountain .

This person still doesn't want to admit it, so he just turned his head away, refusing to look at this thing.

When Xu Dong saw that this person had a lot of backbone, he said directly: "It's okay, it's not impossible if you don't want to admit it, it's very simple. However, I advise you to be smarter. Since I can find To get you, of course, is to be able to find more people and things related to you."

"If I remember correctly, there should be an 80-year-old mother of yours in your family, right?" After Xu Dong said this, he felt a little regretful. He didn't expect that one day, he would do what Liu Wei would do. deeds.

Although he wouldn't really do anything to his family, when Xu Dong thought of this, he still felt a little bit sorry.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Chen Xiang became even more anxious: "Fuck me! Are you a fucking human being! My 80-year-old mother has raised me all my life, and I just want her to be able to Am I overdoing it by living some good days?"

This is true, this man used to be an idler, and he has always lived on his mother's little pension.

Although the village can be self-sufficient in food and other things, but when it is cold in winter, all they use for heating is firewood.

It seems that because of this matter, I have been criticized and educated many times, and I don't know if there is any result in the end.

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Xu Dong went down the donkey and gave him a step: "Don't worry, I am very principled, as long as you tell me now, I can guarantee that your mother will be fine. "

Hearing what Xu Dong said, he nodded his head as if he had found some life-saving straw: "Okay, I'll say it, I'll say it, but you have to promise me that my mother will be fine!"

He has already lived half his life, and he knows what it means to make money but not to spend money. Besides, the person in front of him seems to be a bad person, and it is a real fool to fight with such a person now.

Xu Dong nodded at him very satisfied, and then said flatly: "It's actually very simple, I just want you to tell me who told you to say in front of those people that you can destroy Qinglong Mountain if you have the ability of."

Thinking about it now, Xu Dong is really lucky that Sheng Yu found someone who is not very useful. If he was a useful person, Qinglong Mountain would have been completely destroyed by now.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Chen Xiang shook his head dully, but soon as if he remembered something, he quickly added: "He didn't say anything, but I remember what he looks like, if you give me Looking at the picture, I can definitely recognize it!"

When Xu Dong heard what he said, his eyes lit up instantly, and he directly gave him a photo of Sheng Yu: "Look, is it this person?"

Chen Xiang is getting old, coupled with the fact that he is always drinking too much, his eyes are a little blurry now.He looked at it for a long time, then shook his head regretfully: "It's not him, that person, he's not as good-looking as him."

Not Sheng Yu?

Xu Dong was surprised in his heart, Sheng Yu didn't do it in this situation, so who else could do it.

But soon, Xu Dong thought of another person, and he quickly put his mobile phone in front of Chen Xiang again, but this time, the photo on the mobile phone has changed to another person: "Is it this one?"

"Yes, it's him!" This time, Chen Xiang was finally sure.

Looking at Zhao Leige on the phone screen, Xu Dong fell into deep thought.

I can't tell, this person really knows how to protect the Lord sincerely...

Xu Dong waved his hand at Chen Xiang, and Yu Zhou immediately untied the rope that bound Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang, who had untied the rope, didn't want to run away at all, he could only stand there obediently, waiting for Xu Dong's orders.

Xu Dong glanced at Chen Xiang, and just explained a little: "Pretend you haven't met me, don't forget, if I have the ability to find you here, naturally I have the ability to find you."

"Okay, okay, sure, can I... can I go?" Chen Xiang's eyes were full of temptation, after Xu Dong nodded, he immediately rushed out.

However, after only two steps, Xu Dong stopped him again: "Wait a minute, there is one more thing I want to tell you, and I will treat it as a free gift from me."

Chen Xiang just wanted to leave here quickly, but because he was afraid of Xu Dong, he could only turn around slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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