rural little Shennong

Chapter 709 Capture Sato

Chapter 709 Capture Sato
Xu Dong was even thinking, what kind of mood did Zhu Xinyu use at that time to excuse Yu Zhou?
Xu Dong slowly closed his eyes, Zhu Xinyu's phone call came in again at this time, Xu Dong didn't answer the phone, but just started the car directly.

And here, Zhu Xinyu parked the car at the entrance of the villa, but because the previous incident was too embarrassing, she now felt that she could not even go to see Xu Dong.

If it wasn't because I had to discuss something with Xu Dong now, I'm afraid that now, I would have become an empty person in Xu Dong's heart.

Zhu Xinyu, who couldn't get through on the phone, could only pace back and forth at the door. After seeing Qiuxiang came back, Zhu Xinyu bravely stepped forward and asked, "Sister Qiuxiang, is Xu Dong at home?"

Don't deliberately not answer your phone!

Qiuxiang shook her head quickly and said, "No, he's not at home. He went to Jiangcheng for some business, and he might be back today. If you have something urgent and don't want to wait, you can send him a WeChat message and I'll remind him when I come back." He." Qiuxiang thought that Zhu Xinyu had some important mission, and before waiting for Xu Dong, she kindly offered a suggestion.

However, Zhu Xinyu directly refused: "No need for Sister Qiuxiang, I still have some time, just wait here." After Zhu Xinyu finished speaking, she fell into a long wait again.

Xu Dong looked at the blacked-out phone screen, took a few glances, and found that no one had dialed in, and instead felt empty in his heart.

Yu Zhou is now even desperate to say sarcastic remarks next to Xu Dong's ear: "Oh, I've already said it, be brave, anyway, you already have so many girlfriends, why miss this one?"

Men don't dislike too many tickets, don't dislike too many cars and houses, and naturally don't dislike too many women.

What's more, Xu Dong's first three items are already impeccable, and it's normal for the last item to be slightly more.This is a blessing that many people can't envy, why is it such a difficult thing to come to Xu Dong's place?
As soon as Yu Zhou's sarcastic remarks fell, Xu Dong directly cursed back: "You know what a fart!"

Yu Zhou obviously didn't expect that he would scold him like that, so he froze immediately.

What happened to this man?
It doesn't matter if Yu Zhou doesn't understand, as long as Xu Dong understands.

There was only one reason why he couldn't agree, and even the fact that he already had enough girlfriends was not the main condition.

The main condition is that I don't want Zhu Xinyu to get caught off guard.

She is different from others, she is the captain of the Guoan team, it has nothing to do with such a person falling in love with him.

But I already have a lot of girlfriends, which is very relevant.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong could only let out a long sigh.

Some people are destined to have no fate.

"Ah!" Zhu Xinyu sneezed, looked up at the sun above her head, feeling a little puzzled.

It's really strange, I don't have a cold, and the weather is not cold, why did I suddenly sneezed?
Zhu Xinyu couldn't figure it out, and now she really couldn't figure it out.

However, soon, Zhu Xinyu connected Xu Dong with her sneezing.

Maybe it was because he had to trouble him again, so he felt dissatisfied and scolded himself.

Thinking about it, Zhu Xinyu felt that the possibility was very high.

Well, yes, it must be like this.While thinking about it, Zhu Xinyu touched her chin, pretending to have guessed the truth.

But soon, her guess ended in the sound of Xu Dong's horn.

I saw Xu Dong nodded at Zhu Xinyu, and asked with some doubts: "You were talking to yourself just now, Miss? If you feel that you have hallucinations, I can help you."

As soon as Zhu Xinyu heard what Xu Dong said, she shook her hand at Xu Dong: "Go, go, nonsense."

Xu Dong chuckled, then got out of the car, and Yu Zhou followed behind the two of them.

Seeing Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu go in while chatting, Yu Zhou scratched his head: "However, it seems that this is a concubine's love, but why is there no movement in the end?"

Yu Zhou couldn't figure it out, and he thought about something that wasn't his own, what would he do if he thought about it?
Thinking of this, he followed directly into the villa.

After Xu Dong sat down, he made himself a cup of tea, and made another cup for Zhu Xinyu.

After all this was done, Xu Dong asked, "What's the matter? You are so anxious to find me, don't tell me, you just came to greet me." Xu Dong was just a joke, Zhu Xinyu But it was true.

"Come on, do I look like such a disrespectful person?" Zhu Xinyu pretended to be angry, but at the same time, she grasped the transactions between Yunzhou City and Haicheng, Sato, and his cunning dog. How many holes does a rabbit have?

Xu Dong took the information and read it carefully: "After our field investigation, we decided to arrest Sato. But there is a very important issue that has not been resolved yet."

Xu Dong looked at Zhu Xinyu, and he already had an idea in his mind, and without thinking about it, he told Zhu Xinyu his conjecture: "I know, there is only one person who can act as a bridge in the middle, right? I am that one, right? "

Zhu Xinyu didn't need to explain herself when she saw Xu Dong, she smiled all over her face: "It's not wrong, of course we still respect your opinion, if you don't want it, we don't have any opinion."

Xu Dong really wanted to refuse at first, but thinking of what Yu Zhou said, Xu Dong still agreed.

Now, not only agreed, but also directly told the specific time: "Next, I will spare time for you, but if your time is suitable, please remember to tell me. There is another more The important thing is that he is really cunning, so you have to be more careful, or you might not even know how he died."

Take the present as an example, he has fought against Sato in secret so many times, but he has never seen his true face in Lushan. This person is quite cautious.

Hearing Xu Dong's words, Zhu Xinyu nodded in agreement, but she changed the subject again: "But this time we have a new discovery."

As soon as Zhu Xinyu's voice fell, there was an extra photo in front of Xu Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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